Facebook question

Jul 31, 2012 07:08

Way back when, I had my Facebook account set up to feed all my LJ posts. Then Facebook did something irritating with their settings, and that stopped working. So I changed my LJ settings to crosspost to Facebook. However, I've noticed that this means that posts I make to su_herald now show up on my Facebook account, as well as those I make here ( Read more... )

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liliaeth July 31 2012, 14:45:47 UTC
uhm actually, I think that the bigger problem might be that some people might not want a link to their posts, as tend to be in an su_herald post, connected to facebook.


rahirah July 31 2012, 14:59:43 UTC
I hadn't thought of that, but you're probably right. Do you have any suggestions as to how to fix it?


liliaeth July 31 2012, 15:02:01 UTC
Isn't there a way that you can choose whether to crosspost to facebook per individual post, instead of having all your posts crossposted automatically? Not sure of that though.


rahirah July 31 2012, 15:05:23 UTC
There may be. I'll have to do some test posts.

ETA: Yeah, it looks like you can - the option's just buried at the bottom of the posting form so I hadn't noticed it before.


liliaeth July 31 2012, 15:11:46 UTC
Awesome. Just figured I'd mention something.


lynnenne July 31 2012, 16:22:54 UTC
I kind of feel this way. I mean, I doubt any of my FB friends read Barb's Facebook, but since I'm more or less obligated to use FB for work, I'd prefer not to have any of my fandom activities linked there. Thanks.


rahirah July 31 2012, 19:05:52 UTC
It looks like there's a way to switch it off, so we should be OK. (If it's any comfort, to the best of my knowledge, the tiny number of people who have me friended on FB and may have seen any Herald posts are all in fandom anyway - except my brother and my sister, whom I guarantee do not care.)


lynnenne July 31 2012, 23:15:23 UTC
Thank you. :)


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