I have been remiss

Apr 05, 2010 22:54

I haven't been posting because I've been feeling down lately, and it all seems like too much effort. I miss Sam. I miss Cuervo. I've been thinking about getting another dog. I miss having a dog more than I thought I would. There are all kinds of good reasons why I should not do this, and yet I find myself browsing adoption sites and going out ( Read more... )

my boring life, doctor who, movies

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Comments 39

jamalov29 April 6 2010, 06:07:39 UTC
Sorry you've been feeling down lately - I know the feeling.:(
Posting then looks less appealing.
Happy belated birthday to you, Barb!

- I'm tired of the Doctor as the beau homme sans merci. It would be the " bel homme sans merci". ;)


rahirah April 7 2010, 03:42:08 UTC
I actually typed that first, but it didn't look right!


willowgreen April 6 2010, 06:49:43 UTC
A belated happy birthday to you.

The thing I've found about having a dog is that, no matter how much of a pain it is, having a dog in the house just feels good. I say this as a longtime cat person who only came around to the dog side a few years ago. I think it's partly that they're such optimists and partly that every little thing you do for them makes them so happy. There's something naturally mood-elevating about having a big slobbery dog grinning up at you.


rahirah April 7 2010, 03:44:10 UTC
I've always been bipetual. *g*


dawnofme April 6 2010, 07:09:44 UTC
Sorry to hear that you have been feeling down. We all get that way from time to time. Sometimes, it's best to just let yourself have a good wallow in it and then climb out of it when you are good and ready. *hugs* It's tough to lose a family member and I can understand your desire to have another dog around. Animals are so good for the soul. Trusting, loving unconditionally.

Doctor Who. I think the David Tennant impression was very deliberate. He wasn't through "cooking" and Ten was still lingering on.

I'm with you on the whole companion falling for the Doctor thing. I had so been hoping that the next companion would be an older woman (once I knew the new Doctor was going to be so young). Or even to have Wilfred Mott be the new companion. I don't "ship" anyone with the Doctor. Though I do like Amy Pond, now that I've seen her. It's just my one show where it isn't about that type of thing.


rahirah April 7 2010, 03:48:10 UTC
I like Amy well enough, I'm just finding the whole abandoning her fiance thing worryingly Rose-like. (And I liked Rose well enough, I just think one of her was enough.)


kerry_220 April 6 2010, 07:51:15 UTC
Welcome back, Barb. I missed you....

Oh, and last time we did the "just to look", we came home with two kittens ;)


rahirah April 7 2010, 03:49:20 UTC
I have an appointment to see a dog tomorrow, so we'll see what happens...


petzipellepingo April 6 2010, 07:56:07 UTC
Sends along happy vibes. :: hugs ::

And yeah, you really do miss those pets once they're gone.


rahirah April 7 2010, 03:50:03 UTC
Yeah, I love Silly and Cairo, but they're more Kathy's cats than mine...


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