I have been remiss

Apr 05, 2010 22:54

I haven't been posting because I've been feeling down lately, and it all seems like too much effort. I miss Sam. I miss Cuervo. I've been thinking about getting another dog. I miss having a dog more than I thought I would. There are all kinds of good reasons why I should not do this, and yet I find myself browsing adoption sites and going out ( Read more... )

my boring life, doctor who, movies

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Comments 39

quinara April 6 2010, 09:31:05 UTC

:D Maybe I would like this film...

Glad you had a good birthday! Sorry that you're feeling down. :(


rahirah April 7 2010, 03:50:30 UTC
I think you would. :)


quinara April 10 2010, 17:55:39 UTC
It/the ending sounds a little bit like the first Pokemon film, which I'm embarrassed to say (even if it was over ten years ago) I adored. (Ash-Pikachu4evah! Or really Ash-PokemonGang4evah!)


elisi April 6 2010, 09:32:50 UTC
Happy Belated Birthday!!!

And I know what you mean about feeling down, but knowing that others are facing far worse things. I tend to hide too. Hope you feel better soon! *sends many hugs*

Also I keep hearing good things about How To Train Your Dragon, so since it's holidays and we've got to keep the kids entertained.

Loved the new Doctor, esp the end where he seemed to 'become himself' as it were. (Also he won the girls over, and considering they were hardcore Tennant fans, it bodes well! *g*)


rahirah April 7 2010, 03:51:38 UTC
The only Doctor I've not liked much was... well, none of them; some took me longer to warm up to than others, though!


empresspatti April 6 2010, 09:48:06 UTC
I think losing beloved, treasured members of the family is a very legit reason to be down. My Condolences on your loss.

I, too, love to get hives when I am stressed. The upside is that I have to take benadryl for my skin to calm down - and then the Lutheran Sleep Response kicks in.


rahirah April 7 2010, 03:53:10 UTC
Heh. My bouts last for months, occasionally years, so I get to the point where I scarf benadryl like candy. :P


ljs April 6 2010, 10:45:59 UTC
I'm sorry you're sad, Barb. [sends hugs and good thoughts]


rahirah April 7 2010, 03:53:47 UTC
Much appreciated!


spiralleds April 6 2010, 13:09:41 UTC
Happy Belated Birthday. Here's to you feeling more like yourself soon.


rahirah April 7 2010, 03:54:40 UTC


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