I have been remiss

Apr 05, 2010 22:54

I haven't been posting because I've been feeling down lately, and it all seems like too much effort. I miss Sam. I miss Cuervo. I've been thinking about getting another dog. I miss having a dog more than I thought I would. There are all kinds of good reasons why I should not do this, and yet I find myself browsing adoption sites and going out to shelters "just to look." I'm stressed out at work (I should be clear, my boss says I'm doing a good job, I just constantly feel like It Could All Go Terribly Wrong At Any Moment.) I haven't been able to write anything for awhile - which is probably at least partially due to being stressed out, but as it adds to the stress, it's a catch-22 thing. And I've been having a recurrence of the chronic hives that I get every now and then, which is also both a consequence of and a contributor to stress.

I don't feel like I have any right to be down when so many people I know deal with Real Problems with far more grace and fortitude. So I've been reading and commenting here and there, but not posting, because I don't have anything useful or interesting to say. I just want to thank everyone who sent birthday wishes and the like, because you are a wonderful flist.

It was a good birthday - we went to see which I really loved - I had a couple of minor creebs (it's another example of the Missing Mother syndrome in YA stories - can we have ONE coming of age story that isn't about a boy with daddy issues?!) But I am a total sucker for stories about a plucky protagonist winning the trust of a dangerous animal, and it has a twist on the patented He's Dead, Oh Wait Not Really ending which I thought was excellent. Also DRAGONS!!!

It was OK - not great, but OK. Matt Wossface seems to be doing a bit of a poor man's David Tennant impression at the moment (early, pre-emo Tennant), but I'm willing to give him time to make the role his own. Don't like the new arrangement of the theme at all, thought the story was more than a little derivative, but there were a lot of good bits. I hope to ghod they're not going to go for another companion falling for the Doctor. I'm tired of the Doctor as the beau homme sans merci.

my boring life, doctor who, movies

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