I know I'm probably going to get bitched at for victim blaming, but who leaves the house without an inhaler when they've been having asthma attacks for the past 3 or 4 days? I mean, denying someone in an asthma attack an inhaler is an asshole thing to do, don't get me wrong....but as someone with asthma, if I were having an asthma attack a day for DAYS prior, I'd sure as hell have my inhaler, no matter how close to home I was.
Also, are you saying that the lady SHOULD have forgotten her inhaler? Because if you say that she SHOULD NOT HAVE, well, you might be in the same boat as me.
And OHMYGODRIGHT? I just talked to a friend about this situation and he said, wft is up with people who have all these rights and no responsibilities? Like, sure, we've all forgotten stuff in a different purse, sure, it happens, but that's our own fault and our own lack of this thing called responsibility. It'd be another thing if her house burned down and she lost her inhaler that way.
Lack of responsibility ticks me off. And what ticks me off even more is people blaming others for their own stupid. (Although I do also agree with you that once the stupid is done, there's no need making her die over it).
Thank god someone sees my point. Everyone is all up in arms at me about saying the woman did something foolish when maybe they should be concentrating on the fact that the CVS is the one who denied her care.
Yeah. Makes sense right? I say the lady makes a foolish mistake forgetting an essential part of keeping her life when she's been needing it daily for the better part of a week and suddenly I think girls shouldn't walk in dark alleys at night!
Not stupid, okay, but definitely irresponsible. If someone forgets their kid in the back of the car, people don't go, aw, well, that's human! So, when you forget something vital to your being, you are being irresponsible.
And OHMYGODRIGHT? I just talked to a friend about this situation and he said, wft is up with people who have all these rights and no responsibilities? Like, sure, we've all forgotten stuff in a different purse, sure, it happens, but that's our own fault and our own lack of this thing called responsibility. It'd be another thing if her house burned down and she lost her inhaler that way.
Lack of responsibility ticks me off. And what ticks me off even more is people blaming others for their own stupid. (Although I do also agree with you that once the stupid is done, there's no need making her die over it).
They go hand in hand, apparently.
If someone forgets their kid in the back of the car, people don't go, aw, well, that's human!
So, when you forget something vital to your being, you are being irresponsible.
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