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Jan 18, 2024 17:14

26 марта 2023 г., Париж, музей Пабло Пикассо (Musée Picasso, Paris).
Выставка « Mentir vrai » («Правдивая ложь»), художник Пьер Муаньяр (Pierre Moignard, b. 1961).

[Между прочим, « Le mentir-vrai » - «Ложь-правда» (фр.) - рассказ Луи Арагона (1964).]

Первым впечатлением было: нечто среднее между Пикассо и Твомбли - но есть и другие взгляды.

Прямая ссылка на альбом 2023_03_26_RS_Paris_Picasso_museum_Pierre_Moignard - НАЖАТЬ !!!

В альбоме представлены:

Pierre Moignard (b. 1961)
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
Mathieu Vercruysse
Ambre Billaud
Laura Sánchez Massaneda
Yujin Choi
Alizée Petit
Elena Gandolfi
Zdeněk Holeček
Emilia Miranda Idiens

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"Pierre Moignard was born in 1961 in Tébessa, Algeria.
In collages painted without scissors, going beyond homage and quotation, he borrows from the paintings of great names in the history of art, such as Manet, Goya, De Kooning or Picasso. He says he benefits from the work of others, and his paintings reinvent the intertwining between the thing made (painted) and the thing borrowed (already painted).
He pushes this practice even further with his films "Who Chooseth Me, Notes for the Merchant of Vegas" (2009) and "Holyland Experience" (2013), made in the United States. There, the borrowing is for his own films, which give rise to new series of paintings. Pierre Moignard was recently exhibited at the galerie anne barrault (Paris, 2018), at the Centre culturel Cesson-Sévigné and at MAMCO (Geneva, 2010). He also participated in the New Presentation of the permanent collections of the Musée national d'art moderne of Paris in 2017.
His works can be found in the collections of the Musée national d'art moderne of Paris, the Fonds national d'art contemporain of Paris, the MAMCO in Geneva, and the FRAC Ile de France, Rhône- Alpes and Auvergne. His series (Self-portrait) was presented in the exhibition "Lignes de vies" at MAC VAL (Vitry sur Seine) in 2019. His first monograph was published by Dilecta in March 2021.

Pierre Moignard’s pictorial work developed during the 1980s against the current of dominant artistic practices, in a context where figurative painting was of little interest to artists and critics. Regularly incorporating into his iconography figures borrowed from the history of Western art, from Francisco de Goya to Edward Hopper, via Édouard Manet, the artist has been working since 2013 on the work of Pablo Picasso. Transposing into paintings late erotic drawings by the Spanish artist discovered during the exhibition “The Last Picasso” at the Centre Pompidou in 1988, Pierre Moignard places the inventiveness and formal power of these works in our present."

(с) https://www.museepicassoparis.fr/en/pierre-moignard-mentir-vrai


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