Veronica Mars - Previews and Opening Scene

Nov 21, 2005 13:35

So, I did it. The previews for this next episode had me so agog, I finally broke down and watched the opening scene.

This is something I have not done since ATttD. (Yes, I even waited for LitB.)

Here Be Spoilers )

spec, vmars

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Comments 8

upanashad November 21 2005, 20:28:29 UTC
Ack. My head is spinning. I'm so bad at figuring out mysteries, and my mind kind of shut down when I saw Veronica crying about Logan "getting himself killed" and I haven't been able to think about anything since. I can't wait for Wednesday.

How do you think the anonymous phone call from the Echoll's fits into all this?


r_a_l_i_g_h November 21 2005, 20:32:39 UTC


(There is TOO much going on this season! I have no idea what's going on, this is my finally, FINALLY, attempting to grasp at straws to try to make sense of SOMETHING.)


ladydisdain225 November 21 2005, 20:28:52 UTC
a) WifeBeater Fitzpatrick was almost definitely in a bar fight though - thus the bloodstains on the pooltable.
b) The bar Curly was last seen at was "The Road Hog"
c) Different knife fight. Griffith is linked to the Fitzpatricks, but that knife fight was not the one on the bridge.
d) The rat is a pretty darn obscure message considering it's unlikely Cervando would have ever found it - I mean put it in his locker or something, yeah, under a seat in the bus? Unlikely. Also, Cervando cheated the Fitzpatricks out of money - which doesn't follow the usual description of "ratting someone out"


r_a_l_i_g_h November 21 2005, 20:38:14 UTC
a) I thought the "surgery" was done there - doesn't mean he was neccesarily stabbed there.
b) Ah! Okay. I thought we knew that already. There's too much going on. My brain is on overload.
c) But, all we really know is Wifebeater Guy SAID it was a bar fight, right? (And, as we all know, you can't pay attention to ANYTHING that ANYBODY says.)
d) Phoo. I couldn't remember exactly what Cervando had done to get the Fitzpatricks after him. Ah well. I don't know WHAT the rat means then. It's rather grusome to just be a "cause an annoying stench" thing. And it's not the genesis of the explosion (as I've heard spec'd) because, well, then there would have only been bits of rat left.

I'm confuzled.


ladydisdain225 November 21 2005, 20:53:05 UTC
The Coronodo bridge is in San Diego. I seriously doubt they'd bother to drive him back to Neptune. Too far.

Plus wifebeaterguy wasn't exactly big with the subterfuge. Not to mention that three months is not really the appropriate length of time. If the show's timeline is anything like ours then it's November - Three months back would put it in August, not May.


r_a_l_i_g_h November 22 2005, 02:12:31 UTC
That's true.


Just when I thought I was starting to make sense of things...

- I don't really mean it, of course.

Gosh, I love this show.


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r_a_l_i_g_h November 21 2005, 21:59:40 UTC
Ah, so now we share the Brain Tap of Pain and Befuddlement.

See, I'm really not even TRYING to spec anything, not really. I'm mostly simply trying to figure out what we know. Just the facts, ma'am. List 'em out. That's all. And I can't even do that properly! I had COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN ABOUT THE PHONE CALL - for, like, weeks now!

And, where does Amelia's death/alleged blackmail fit into all of this? And the sports gambling? And Boatloads of Fun? And whoever won homecoming king anyway? (And WHEN WILL MY WALLACE COME HOME WHERE HE BELONGS???)


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r_a_l_i_g_h November 22 2005, 04:28:24 UTC
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm going to go back to "just sit back and enjoy the ride" mode. At least into the hiatus.

What was the episode we went into hiatus with last time? I know we had several really good, big reveal ones, bang-bang-bang, (the seasonal plot-arc was JUST starting to pick up at this point last year, isn't that amazing to think about?)

I'll say it again. I LOVE this show!


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