Another Day. Another Countdown!

Nov 05, 2005 22:11

So, the day is really over already, so instead of a "To Do" I'm going to post ( 27 things I thought about at some point today )

india, to-do list, india trip, preperation, countdown, gse

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Comments 43

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r_a_l_i_g_h November 6 2005, 05:33:49 UTC
Where ARE you? We almost ALWAYS have one of the nation's lowest, and it's been more than $2 for ages.


violet4120 November 6 2005, 05:45:39 UTC
$1.95 and $1.30. WTF? It's been going down, yeah, but it's still around $2.25 here. Bitches.


beeker121 November 6 2005, 06:34:51 UTC
Heh. And I did a happy dance today when I only paid $2.65.


bostonben November 6 2005, 04:53:51 UTC
Make RANSOM post!!


carpedi7 November 6 2005, 05:17:35 UTC
Yes, I've added ransom, and I've also decided that if KylePenis and Sadievagina and Ransom and other non people can have their own journals than princess_carpe can have hers also. Watch her though, she is a bit sneaky.


r_a_l_i_g_h November 6 2005, 05:36:27 UTC
Evil kitties on lj! My life is complete!


carpedi7 November 6 2005, 05:37:07 UTC
Hee, she is so evil also, I knew she was trying to kill me, and now she goes and admits it. Silly kitty.


carpedi7 November 6 2005, 04:55:32 UTC
don't you dare take me off of your lists. Even if I don't comment every time I am reading. :)


r_a_l_i_g_h November 6 2005, 05:37:31 UTC
Hee. I won't. As you may have noticed, I have NO problem talking. But I always want to leave me an "out" if they tire of it.


carpedi7 November 6 2005, 05:40:07 UTC
Totally understand. I think I must go to bed now, I think I'm going nuts when I start talking for the kitty. I'm sure we will post to each other some time tomorrow.


r_a_l_i_g_h November 6 2005, 22:31:15 UTC
And we are!

Yes, impersonating one's pet animal on a dedicated internet blog site DOES cause one to call into question one's sanity.

But it's fun!


schnappycat November 6 2005, 05:23:58 UTC
Shit, our gas is down to $2.35 and I was extremely excited. I think I need to move.

Sounds like a fab trip. Can't wait to hear more!


r_a_l_i_g_h November 6 2005, 05:34:40 UTC
Well, I'm planning on posting a random collage of bits and pieces like this everyday, so more will come.


twop_tjl November 6 2005, 05:54:03 UTC
Hats and me don't mix either. I have a rather large head and it is difficult to find hats that fit. I also discovered that I look really stupid in baseball caps.

As for the temperature range, I've asked my friend what India in December is like. I know that when it gets hot it can get over 40 degrees Celsius. I'll let you know when (if) I get an answer.


r_a_l_i_g_h November 6 2005, 22:28:28 UTC
Oh, I'd appreciate that. The most common info I've had is between a low of 30 Ferrenheit and a high of about 50/55. But I've also heard between 20 and 80, between 40 and 70, or no warmer than 45. All of these make a HUGE difference.


twop_tjl November 7 2005, 04:37:57 UTC
It turns out that it really depends upon where you are going to be. My friend says that lows in Delhi can be 2-5 degrees Celsius whereas in Chennai (Madras) lows are 20-22 degrees Celsius.


r_a_l_i_g_h November 8 2005, 16:38:34 UTC
Other than a few days in Delhi at the begining and end of the trip, we're going to be in Bihar, which is a northern state, just below the Nepal border. (It's east of Uttar Pradesh, in what was once Bengal.)


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