Inuyasha Fanfiction Masterlist

Feb 28, 2010 09:35


Works in Progress

Next Generation: Kohaku Chronicles [Kohaku x Rin] Canon. Rated T.

Summary: These are 10 themes that chronicle Kohaku's return home, his blossoming feelings for Rin, and the new alliances and challenges that lie ahead for him. Kohaku x Rin. Post-Manga.

Some Dreams Fade Anew - [Kagome x Sesshoumaru, Kagome x Inuyasha] AU. Serialization. PG-13.

Summary: After they meet again for the anniversary of her husband's death, Kagome can no longer deny Sesshoumaru's offer to take care of her.

Next Generation: Shiori Chronicles - [Shiori, Kohaku] Post-manga, prequel to "Kohaku Chronicles". Rated PG. In-Progress.

Summary: A teenage Shiori wants to do something more with her life, and everything changes when she meets a traveling pack of pacifist bat youkai, as well as a handsome demon slayer.

The Unquiet Winds - [OC, Sesshoumaru/Kagura] Canon divergence. Serialization. Rated PG-13/T.

Summary: Natsumi dreams of another woman's past, a woman who desperately wants to reunite with the man she loves, even if Natsumi has to suffer in the end.

Absurd Distractions - [Kagome, Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha] Post-canon. Serialization. Friendship fic. Rated PG.

Summary: Out of boredom, Kagome rudely begins to meddle in Sesshoumaru's personal life.


Drabble & Ficlet Collections

Ink Stains of the Warring States - [Various Pairings] Canon/AU. Various Ratings. Ongoing.

Summary: If you know my work well, then you know I write long stories. Well, here I just put my collection of drabbles and shorter oneshots for Inu Yasha. Please enjoy!

Strands of Fate: KagSess Drabbles [Sesshoumaru x Kagome] Canon/AU. Rated M.

Summary: These are pieces of the moments where Kagome and Sesshoumaru interact, meet, and are drawn closer together in time. All ficlets are complete. AN: These can be found in "Ink Stains" as well.

Becoming His: InuKag Drabbles [Inuyasha x Kagome] Canon/AU. Rated M. You must be a member of Eternal Destiny to view

Summary: A collection of my drabbles focusing on Inuyasha and Kagome. Various ratings applied.AN: These can be found in "Ink Stains" as well.

Enlightened Hearts: Miroku and Sango Ficlets [Miroku x Sango] Rated M.
Summary: A collection of drabbles and ficlets focusing on Miroku and Sango. Various ratings and themes.

The Unicorn and the Spider: Naraku/Kikyou Ficlets - [Naraku x Kikyou] Canon/AR. Rated M. Ficlet Collection. COMPLETE.

Summary: She was once a pure and holy miko, now tainted in an undead life searching for revenge. He was the one who soiled her life with hate, the reason she lost her true love. Together they would hate, desire, and long for one another.


Completed Fics


Asymmetry - [Inuyasha x Kagome] Rated NC-17. Drabble.

Summary: Smut drabble under 300 words on Inuyasha and Kagome.

Smells like "Something" and Candy - [Inuyasha x Kagome] Rated NC-17. Canon Universe. My very first ever IY fic. One-shot.

Summary: Kagome is in her time reading an erotic manga when Inu Yasha walks in on her and takes advantage of her "strange" smell. One-shot lemon. Warning: Mature Content

I'm Your Private Dancer - [Inuyasha x Kagome] Canon Universe. Rated R. One-shot.

Summary: Kagome and Inu Yasha are squabbling again which ends up in an interesting challenge between them.

Dawn on a Funeral Day - [Inuyasha x Kagome] Songfic. Alternate Reality. Rated PG-13. Songfic, One-shot.

Summary: "If he wasn’t supposed to be with me, then where DID he belong?" Character Death. Inu/Kag. Lyrics from Tsunami Bomb's "Dawn on a Funeral Day

Slipping - [Inuyasha x Kagome] Rated NC-17. Canon Uninverse. Winner of Best Canon 2006 at the IYFG. One-shot.

Summary: Kagome thought her relationship with Inuyasha was slipping, especially with Kikyou's frequent visits. And when she reveals that they could be breaking apart, Inuyasha takes initiative. Lemon.

Honeybee - [Inuyasha x Kagome] Canon Universe. Rated NC-17. One-shot.

Summary: Inuyasha watches Kagome get ready for her Halloween party, and he's not happy, or is he? YAY for innuendos and lemons! Ah, pointless porn...

Until That Day - [Kagome x Inuyasha] rated PG, Canon, Post-Manga series. One-shot.

Summary: In her last days of high school, Kagome has one steady rule: she doesn't date because she is still waiting.

Hanyou of the Future - [Inuyasha x Kagome] Canon Universe, Post Series. Rated M. Multi-chapter. COMPLETE.

Summary: After the final battle, Inuyasha follows Kagome back to her time, only to be stuck there indefinitely. Inuyasha encounters a whole string of oddball jobs, rival suitors, modern society mishaps, and he has to deal with their awkward relationship.

Story of a Blanket - [Inuyasha/Kagome, Mrs. Higurashi] Canon Universe. Rated G. ONESHOT.

Summary: Kagome's mother gives Inuyasha her late husband's old blanket.



Touch of Petals - [Miroku x Sango] Rated NC-17. Drabble. PWP.

Summary: Sango gives Miroku motivation to fight Naraku all over again - if they could.

For Twentry Seasons More - [Miroku x Sango] Rated R. Canon Universe. One-shot.

Summary: Post-Series Canon. Twenty years later their son gets married, and Miroku and Sango realize that their love for one another hasn't changed.

Cold Spring - [Miroku x Sango, Inuyasha x Kagome implied] Rated R. Canon Universe. One-shot.

Summary: Miroku's been too tense lately, and the cold spring isn't helping him get any alone time with his wife.

A Star of Their Own - [Miroku x Sango] Rated PG. Canon Universe. Vignette.

Summary: Sango wakes up from a bad dream, and Miroku comforts her under the stars.

Dirty Love - [Miroku x Sango] Rated PG-13. Canon Universe. One-shot.

Summary: After Sango fights a demon, Miroku confronts her about her recent the only way Miroku can.

All Too Quiet - [Miroku x Sango] Rated PG. Canon, mid-series. One-shot.

Summary: Miroku realizes that Sango doesn't like the silence.

Winded [Miroku x Sango] Rated PG. Canon universe. Vignette.

Summary: Sango recovers from a blow in battle.



By the River of Shadowed Moments - [Kagome x Sesshoumaru] Alternate Reality Universe. Rated NC-17. Mulit-chapter. COMPLETE.

Summary: Sesshoumaru and Kagome have a contract that benefits them both. However, this is not a romantic interlude, and after awhile, the impersonal nature of it all causes them both some distress. It takes one moment of intimacy to change forever how they look to one another. Soon, it becomes more than sex.

Temporal Fray - [Sesshoumaru x Kagome] Alternate Reality. Rated R. One-Shot.

Summary: For Kagome, wishes had to mean what the wisher intended, but in her case this was not so. Hundreds of years pass by and she meets Sesshoumaru throughout the course of time, their unsettling immortality bringing them together.

Oh, Lollipop, Lollipop - [Kagome x Sesshoumaru] Rated PG-13. Canon Universe. One-shot.

Summary: Naraku got away again, Inuyasha's busy wooing his sword, and Kagome is BORED. She occupies herself with a sweet bit of candy, only to be surprised when someone takes interest in her indulgence.

Why Dogs Shouldn't Have Chocolate - [Kagome x Sesshoumaru implied] Canon Universe. Rated G. One-shot.

Summary: Everyone knows chocolate isn't good for dogs, even dog demons which Sesshoumaru finds out the hard way. Slight Kagome/Sesshoumaru banter.

Herb to Heal - [Sesshoumaru + Kagome] Rated G. Canon Universe. One-shot.

Summary: They all have their roles in the fight. Spoilers to some of the later 500 chapters.

Gratitude - [Kagome + Sesshoumaru] Rated G. Canon Universe. One-shot.

Summary: A simple thank you was expecting too much. SesshoumaruKagome banter. Genfic.

Grace of the Raven - [Kagome + Sesshoumaru] Canon Universe, Post-Series. Rated PG. One-shot.

Summary: Sesshoumaru was stubborn but so was she, and after one small tiff, Kagome gains some respect for him.

And So She Pretends - [Sesshoumaru x Kagome] Post-Naraku. Canon, Rated NC-17. One-shot.

Summary: With him, she can pretend that there's something more than the monotony.

Dr. Kagome for Hire - [Kagome x Sesshoumaru] rated NC-17. AU. One-shot.

Summary: After an innocent request from Rin's foster father, Kagome's plans end quite unexpectedly.

Midnight Meddler - [Kagome x Sesshoumaru implied] Rated PG-13. Canon Universe. One-shot.

Summary: During the night, Kagome is transported somewhere where she meets an interesting yet familiar youkai.

Sesshoumaru's Ghost - [Sesshoumaru x Kagome] Rated PG. One-shot. Canon Universe.

Summary: Sesshoumaru's being haunted, and he requests Kagome's help.



Because She Held Him the Longest - [Inuyasha x Kikyou] Canon Universe. Rated PG. One-shot.

Summary: Torn between two women, Inuyasha could not deny the one woman who would come for him beyond the grave.

Ghosts of Finality [Inuyasha x Kikyou] Rated PG. Alternate Reality. One-shot.

Summary: Dreams of a strange woman and a pink jewel plagued him. He was supposed to remember something...someone, a girl who looked very much like his wife.

Seasons of a Bellflower - [Kikyou-centric, Inuyasha x Kikyou] Canon Universe. Rated G. Poem. COMPLETE.

Summary: This is a freeverse poem that evokes the life of Kikyou and her relationship with Inuyasha throughout the course of the manga. InuyashaKikyou centric.

Nothing More - [Kikyou x Inuyasha] Rated PG. Canon Universe. Crossover with Rinne. Vigentte.

Summary: Kikyou's life moves along in front of her and she has to let go.

Five Times Kikyou Thought About Love (and One Time She Didn't) - [Kikyou x Inuyasha] Rated PG. Canon, pre-Series, early Series. One-shot.

Summary: Love is not hers to have, but Kikyou thinks about it anyway.


Yuri & Yaoi

Absolute - [Kikyou x Kagome] Canon. Rated NC-17. Drabble.

Summary: She belonged to her through all ages. Absolutely.

Two Within One - [Kikyou x Kagome] Rated PG-13. Canon Universe. mplied yuri and Soulcest. One-shot.

Summary: Kagome had to let go. Her time was up, and Kikyou would be going with her. If only
she could just accept her fate and return to where she came from to start over.

Intertwined - [Kikyou x Kagome] Rated PG, divergent canon. One-shot.

Summary: An infuriating link forms between them; Kikyou dreams what Kagome dreams

Exorcist - [Miroku x Inuyasha, Kagome x Inuyasha, Miroku x Sango] Canon Universe. Rated R. Yaoi.One-shot.

Summary: Angst-ridden. A beautiful priest is a dog's best friend, especially in times of mourning. Yaoi. MirInu.

Playing Pretend - [Kikyou x Mrs. Higurashi] Canon/AR. Rated NC-17. One-shot.

Summary: She needed her, this strange woman who looked so much like her daughter. She needed her to fill the holes while her baby was away. Winner of the Media Miner's Maximum Fanfiction Contest for the Lily Yuri category.

Conduit - [Sango x Kikyou] Rated NC-17. Canon Universe. One-shot.

Summary: Sango searches out Kikyou, the woman who she believes has stolen her brother away. She wants Kikyou to give her brother a message, physically. Both Kikyou and Sango can benefit from this encounter.

Discipline - [Sesshoumaru x Inupapa] - rated NC-17, incest, yaoi, dom/sub, anal, darkfic. Canon. Backstory. Vignette.

Summary: This is what happens when you defy a Daiyoukai.


Other Het Pairings

A Reason to Return - [Sesshoumaru x Kikyou] Rated PG-13. Alternate Reality. One-shot.

Summary: She almost was distracted by the unusual markings on his skin, but then she became focused on the golden eyes that glared at her

Omen - [Tsukiyomi x Hoshiyomi] Canon Universe. Rated R. One-shot.

Summary: She hoped that a broken sword was really nothing, and not some ominous omen between them. Minor character pairing from Eps. 137-140.

Idolater - [Kagome x Souta] Rated M. Canon Universe. WARNING: INCEST AND ANGST. One-shot.

Summary: Ten years go by after Kagome stumbles out of the well to her own time alone and victorious, and Souta comes to believe that he is the one that will protect her now, for reasons fueled by obsession and idolatry.

Matchmakers - [Sesshoumaru x Yura] Canon Universe. Rated PG-13. One-shot.

Summary: Sesshoumaru's parents were meddling in his sex life again. Did this stupid wench really think she could dominate him? And she was ugly to boot. Satire.

Rough and Tumble - [Kouga x Kikyou] Rated NC-17. Canon Universe. One-shot.

Summary: There’s nothing sexier than some woman trying to kill you - at least, Kouga thinks so anyway. Warning: Recent Manga Chapter Spoilers.

Like Rain in Paris - [Naraku x Mrs. Higurashi] Canon Universe. Rated NC-17. One-shot.

Summary: First she had been an artist, but then she had become a mother. Now, after it seems like she's hardly needed, she'd like to be an artist again, and a man named Naru can help her -- but his true intentions may be more harm than good.

The Element of Surprise - [older Rin x older Shippou] - rated PG, Canon. One-shot.

Summary: Shippou thinks he can teach Rin a lesson during her sword training, but things don't turn out the way he planned.

Step Dad - [Sesshoumaru, Byakuya x Sessmom] Rated PG. Canon-ish Universe. One-shot.

Summary: Sesshoumaru gets word to come home and doesn't appreciate his mother's good news.

A Modest Peace - [Naraku x Kikyou] Rated R, Ficlet. Post-series manga canon.

Summary: Naraku receives a generous gift in limbo.

Silent Tears of a Sky Goddess - [Inupapa x Sessmom] Pre-series, rated PG. One-shot.

Summary: Sesshoumaru's father gives it all up for his mortal woman and says goodbye.

Kouga's Flowers - [Kouga x Kagome] Rated G. Early series canon. Vignette.

Summary: Kouga brings her flowers, and Kagome starts to like it.



Welcome to the Harem - [Kagome x Sesshoumaru x Inuyasha] Rated PG-13. Ficlet. CRACK.

Summary: Sesshoumaru informs Kagome of a challenge by his Fourth wife.

The Origin of Mating Marks - [Kagome x Everyone] CRACK. Rated R. Canon Universe. One-shot.

Summary: Kagome has an odd obsession with fairytales that involve mating marks. Beware of Hard M adult situations, cliche snark, and rampant disregard for all things sane and normal.

Dungeons are SO 1387 - [Kagome x Naraku, Kagura x Inuyasha, other crazy pairs] CRACK. Rated NC-17. Weird Canon Universe. One-shot.

Summary: Dungeons and kidnapping were so overrated. And poor Kagura only wants Inuyasha “to love her long time” but that doesn’t happen. And Naraku ... he’s actually a refined and insatiable lover, yet no one would ever suspect Kanna as the wild one.

.our beautiful other world. - [Kagome x Kouga, Inuyasha x Kagome, Kouga x OFC] Rated PG. Canon-ish. Manga Series. One-shot.

Summary: With Kouga and Inuyasha, Kagome knows she has to make a choice, even if all end results exist.

Anomaly - [Inuyasha x Kagome x Kikyou] Rated R. Canon, post-series. One-shot.

Summary: Kikyou visits Kagome in her dreams.

Adjacent Soul - [Kikyou-centric, Kikyou/Inuyasha, Kikyou/Kagome, Inuyasha/Kagome] Rated PG. Canon to Episode 151. One-shot.

Summary: Kikyou confesses an important weakness to Kagome.

However He Proceeds: Sesshoumaru Vignettes - [Sesshoumaru-centric] Canon Universe. Rated NC-17. Multi-chapter. COMPLETE.

Summary: He grew up refined and a warrior, yet Sesshoumaru still is a mystery to many who encounter him. These vignettes are a biographical look into Sesshoumaru's life and the people he interacts with.



Death of a Firefly - [Kikyou + Kagome] Canon Universe. Rated G. One-shot.

Summary: Kagome and Kikyo were two different people with one soul. Kagome, whose open heart and kindness brought joy to others, represented life. Kikyo, whose hateful and betrayed heart brought misunderstanding from others, represented death.

Swords and Pearls - [Inu-no-taisho + Myoga] Rated G. Backstory. One-shot.

Summary: All who had ever pulled swords from stones were considered to be heroes.

The Friendship Necklace - [Kikyou + Kagome] Canon Universe. Rated G. One-shot.

Summary: After many fruitless attempts to worry about Inuyasha in Kikyo’s company, she had
finally come to a decision. She would seek Kikyo out alone and learn more about her. No bashing. KikyoKagome Friendship fic.

A Home for Kirara - [Kirara + Miroku] Rated G. Canon Universe. One-shot.

Summary: After they defeat Naraku, someone close to them becomes a casuality of the war. Now homeless, Kirara muses about where her home will be now and if the last person she truly cares about even wants her. Tld from Kirara's point of view.

Turning Back the Pages - [Shippou + Kagome] Canon Universe. Rated PG-13. One-shot.

Summary: If you turn back the pages of a book where the hero dies, they’re still alive in those backward pages. Shippo ponders this in regards to finding the future Kagome. Anachronisms and character death.

Birds and Bees - [Rin + Jaken] Rated G. Canon Unverse. One-shot.

Summary: Jaken was NO babysitter! Yet, when Rin asks a difficult question of him, he doesn't know how to react. Where was THAT in the job description?

Glass Daughter - [Kanna + Naraku] Alternate Reality. Rated PG-13. Character Death. One-shot.

Summary: In Naraku's final moments, Kanna has some deep introspection of why she was made and the core definition of her own self, that she was the very last one loyal to her father.

Socializing a Dog Diety - [Inu-no-Taisho-centric] Rated R. Canon Universe.Backstory/Satire. One-shot.

Summary: OKuniNushi was quite a proud father with his new son, the future Inutaisho, and what better way to brag about his new heir than incite some fear in the local humans and create a little destruction? And you thought Inutaisho had NORMAL parents...

Tea Time - [Sesshoumaru + Kagome] Canon Universe. Post Series. Rated PG. One-shot.

Summary: It was very much like Sesshoumaru to seek out the sword once Inuyasha no longer had it. Eighty and five hundred some odd years later he had found her, an old woman and alone. Sword Cliche and Unromantic.

Subjugation - [Inuyasha + Izayoi] Canon Universe/Backstory. Rated PG-13. One-shot.

Summary: They persecuted them, drove them out of their home, and killed the one woman who unconditionally accepted and loved him. Now their fear unleashes young Inuyasha's demon side for the first time, with fatal consequences. Dark fic. Introspective. Oneshot.

Paper Cranes - [Byakuya-centric] Canon Universe. Rated PG. Vignette.

Summary: Byakuya is Naraku's minion, and his looking glass into the human world. Byakuya has no freedom. He knows what he is, a demon, even if being human could be possibly better. Written for Numisma. Byakuya is a manga only character.

Desperately Seeking Sessmom - [Inuyasha x Kagome, Sessmom-centric, Original Character] Alternate Reality. Rated PG-13. One-shot.

Summary: Ryouji, the son of Ryoukotssei, is searching desperately for his mother, and he thinks that the Lady of the West, Sesshoumaru's mother, is that person. It just goes to show that even the nastiest, most powerful demons can have the stupidest sons.

Rainbow Tongue - [Rin + Sesshoumaru] Canon Universe, Rated G. One-shot.

Summary: Rin wants more of her fun candy and Sesshoumaru takes her back to the source.

Writer of the Feudal Era - [Souta] rated G. Canon, Post-manga series. One-shot.

Summary: Souta's editor keeps rejecting his story, but when he confronts her, he learns her
interest in the story is much like his own.


Completed Epic Works at GoogleDocs ONLY

Title Passion Needs a Straitjacket
Author: Quirkyslayer (a.k.a. Paynesgrey)
Rating: Mature
Genre: Romance/Comedy
Universe: Canon Divergent
Characters/Pairings: Inuyasha/Kikyou, Kouga/Kagome, Miroku/Sango, Naraku, Shippou, others minor characters
Status: Completed
Dates Active: 7-24-04 - 10-4-05

Summary: Let's just say, Kagome is tired of InuYasha's shit. Not only does he tell her cares about her one day and then she catches him kissing Kikyo on the next! She still forgives him anyway, but when a certain wolf demon needs help and ends up joining up with them, Kagome has a plan. Kagome's schemes are beginning to fuel, and she believes she's about to finally grab a truly devoted and ashamed puppy until something terribly wrong happens, she is starting to like playing around with Koga and begins to be unsure about going back to InuYasha! Oy! And what's with Naraku and Sesshoumaru trying to kidnap her because of some weird prophecy? What's up with that?

Download Link: @ GoogleDocs


Title:Love Bites
Author: Quirkyslayer (a.k.a. Paynesgrey)
Rating: Mature
Genre: Romance/Comedy
Universe: Canon Divergent
Characters/Pairings: Inuyasha/Kagome, Miroku/Sango, Kikyou/Naraku, Kagura/Sesshoumaru, Shippou, others minor characters
Status: Completed
Dates Active:
Warnings: a dominatrix Kagome, Magical Girl Shippo, Kikyo and Kagome mudwrestling, masturbation, sexual torture, and of course rough doggie sex between Kagura and Sesshoumaru.
Summary: After the Inu-tachi encounter a strange lady-bug youkai affected by a shard of the jewel, their inhibitions are stripped away and everyone runs wildly amuck!

Download Link: @ GoogleDocs


Title:Lust Bites (A Love Bites Sequel)
Author: Quirkyslayer (a.k.a. Paynesgrey)
Rating: Mature
Genre: Romance/Comedy
Universe: Canon Divergent
Characters/Pairings: Inuyasha/Kagome, Miroku/Sango, Kikyou/Naraku, Ayame/Kouga, Rin/Sesshoumaru, others minor characters
Status: Completed
Dates Active: 4/15/2004 - 8/14/2005
Warnings: Lemon, Shonen-Ai, Shojo Ai, WAFF, Anal, Minor, Slash.
Summary: Sequel to Love Bites: Naraku tries to test their love. Kikyo just won't let go. And Rin is turned into a sexually active teen!
Download Link: @ GoogleDocs


Title: Poor Pitiful Kikyou
Author: Quirkyslayer (a.k.a. Paynesgrey)
Rating: Mature
Genre: Romance/Comedy
Universe: Canon Divergent
Characters/Pairings: Kikyou/Naraku, Inuyahsa/Kagome, Miroku/Sango, Sesshoumaru/Evil others
Warnings: OOCness, Kikyo-bashing, evil!Sesshoumaru, and bad fangirling. Un-beta'd.
Status: Completed
Dates Active: March 15, 2004 - January 18, 2005
Summary: OOCness, Kikyo-bashing, evil!Sesshoumaru, and bad fangirling. 15 chapters.

Summary: This is an alternate universe parody of the Inuyasha characters. The Inuyasha characters are actors on the show Inuyasha, and Kikyou is wasting away, resurrected only so she could play the undead miko of the show. Ironic, eh? Kikyo tries to fight for her spot in Inuyasha's heart, and Kagome just wants to have fun with her barrage of suitors. Trouble is afoot, and Kikyo and misunderstood joker of the set, Naraku, attempt to stop Sesshoumaru's evil ways.

Download Link: @ GoogleDocs


Discontinued Fics:

Title The Heiress of Heaven
Author: Quirkyslayer (a.k.a. Paynesgrey)
Rating: Mature
Genre: Romance/Drama
Universe: Canon Divergent
Characters/Pairings: Inuyasha/Kagome, Sesshoumaru/Kagome, Miroku/Sango, various Original Characters
Status: Incomplete, Abandoned, 2004 -2007
Summary: After defeating Naraku, Kagome ascends to a higher power and Inuyasha is cursed, and when he becomes the happiest in his life he will die. Finding happiness with Kagome, Inuyasha feels the curse looming to take him when he gains the one thing he desires the most: acceptance from his brother. After his death, Sesshoumaru fulfills an ancient law of the Inu royalty and takes Kagome as his mate. Political forces conspire to take advantage of Kagome's power as another danger threatens the youkai race.

Download Link: @ Google Docs

fanfiction master list, hanyou of the future, inuyasha

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