Thor, "The Unwilling" Loki/Darcy, part 10 of "Mischief and Tasers"

Jul 20, 2011 15:56

Fandom: Thor (movie-verse)
Title: The Unwilling
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Darcy, Jane, Loki, Loki/Darcy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,920
Genre: Drama/Suspense
Notes: Takes place at the end of the movie. Written for prompt "#51 - Fools frightened" for 100_fairytales. Part 10 of my Mischief and Tasers Loki/Darcy serialization. The previous part is here. ( Read more... )

loki, loki/darcy, mischief and tasers, darcy, 100_fairytales, thor

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Comments 11

eviinsanemonkey July 20 2011, 21:22:28 UTC
OMG you have no idea how much I needed this right now *tacklehugs*
Oh, Loki, you are such a creep!

I love the dynamic here, you have written it so well and omg I love it! :D

(sry, forgot a word)


quirkysmuse July 20 2011, 21:25:00 UTC
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it. :)


mrstater July 20 2011, 21:33:45 UTC
I love how even though he's being totally diabolical, the sexual tension is still there. And I have a feeling Darcy's going to find some way to...well, maybe not outwit Loki, but turn things to her advantage...


quirkysmuse July 20 2011, 21:38:23 UTC
Thank you! xD


cold_queen_5 July 20 2011, 21:54:38 UTC
I'm betting if this had played out in real life, the sexual tension would have been CRACKLING IN THE AIR. I could practically feel it just from READING.


quirkysmuse July 21 2011, 00:07:15 UTC
Haha, I'm glad it had that effect, just what I was going for, and it's only the beginning! :P


bellonablack July 20 2011, 22:46:20 UTC
Intense. :)

I liked it, and his dark interest here.


quirkysmuse July 21 2011, 00:07:25 UTC
Thank you!


(The comment has been removed)

quirkysmuse July 21 2011, 12:06:54 UTC

I love that picture SFM. *HUG*


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