Thor, "The Unwilling" Loki/Darcy, part 10 of "Mischief and Tasers"

Jul 20, 2011 15:56

Fandom: Thor (movie-verse)
Title: The Unwilling
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Darcy, Jane, Loki, Loki/Darcy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,920
Genre: Drama/Suspense
Notes: Takes place at the end of the movie. Written for prompt "#51 - Fools frightened" for 100_fairytales. Part 10 of my Mischief and Tasers Loki/Darcy serialization. The previous part is here.

Other URLS: AO3 | FFnet

Summary: Loki finally reveals himself and some of his plans to Darcy.

Mischief and Tasers

Part Ten: The Unwilling

First, there was darkness. He was floating in a void, disconnected from his body and feeling as weak as a mortal, if that was possible. Almost as weak as when he fell from the crumbling Rainbow Bridge and into the depths of space.

Thankfully, then, Loki knew a secret way to arrive at Midgard, and even though his powers were not what they were in Asgard (and splitting himself into duplicates drained him as well), they were still superior to humans, and soon, when he found out more about the Cosmic Cube through Erik Selvig, he will be more powerful than ever.

Until then, he waited out his time on earth - observing and plotting, and having a little fun here and there, mind you.

Then, he thought of Darcy Lewis, a foolish, intriguing little mortal whom no one suspected, helping him from the shadows through his spells when she did not know it herself. Still, he did not intend for her to be this clever, nor this soon.

He groaned awake, feeling constrained. Apparently, she bound him to a chair. Well, that wasn’t hospitable. He turned his head, meeting her eyes darkly. Truthfully, he was more annoyed than angry.

“You know these bindings cannot contain me,” he droned with irritation. He watched Darcy shudder, her grip on her weapon tight, the same one that no doubt injured him moments ago, and she stared at him, speechless and wide-eyed.

“Well,” she said, her voice trembling. She cocked her head nervously. “It was worth a shot.”

As soon as the spell escaped his lips, Loki was free, dusting off the bindings and standing up regally to face her. He frowned, keeping himself calm as anger and chaos simmered beneath his skin. He really did feel slighted that she attacked him like that, even though he really couldn’t blame her. He didn’t expect her to figure him out so quickly, and well, it threw him off more than anything.

Still, it was rude, and he supposed the girl had to be punished.

As he crept toward her, Darcy froze, backing flush against the door of her room as much as she could. His eyes swept over her as she shivered, and he felt her fear. Perhaps she didn’t believe she’d come out of this alive? She had good instincts, and though it was probably deserved, Loki still didn’t want to kill her.

Tormenting her and making her believe that he would was definitely more fun.

He leaned over her, his face coming inches from hers. She looked away, and he pulled her chin back, gripping it hard in his gloved hand as he forced her eyes to meet his.

“You have been a very bad girl, Darcy. How dare you attack me, a God, with your puny human weapon,” he said, glaring at the offensive tool in her hand. He quickly grabbed it from her, overpowering her strength as he crushed it easily, and threw it behind him. Darcy whined as he destroyed her weapon, something that obviously meant a lot to her. “Now,” he said continuing, “What shall I do about your punishment?”

“Well, you could kill me. End this,” she said, almost jokingly. Is this mortal really a fool? Does she invite death?

“Do you wish it?” he asked her, his tone lowering as he loosened his grip on her chin and began stroking her skin teasingly. She looked at him annoyed, yet still frightened of what he had planned for her next.

“Well, no, I’d really like to live a lot longer, at least until I finish this internship,” she said, and she was still joking with him, not taking this seriously at all. Well, her fear was taking him seriously, and he supposed the snide remarks were just a part of who she was. He admired her for that at least.

“You could put up a fight,” he said, his tone lowering as he looked at her. She met his eyes, and he almost felt like she was searching for something, feeling him out despite her terror and resolve.

“Seriously, why would I amuse you any more than I already have?” she countered, and Loki laughed.

“Oh, how clever. If I killed you quickly, you’d take that satisfaction away from me wouldn’t you?” Loki said, and he leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Now you’re getting it, Darcy.”

“What do you want? Just tell me, okay? You’ve been messing with me for like two weeks now and it’s getting old,” Darcy said in weak exasperation.

“What do I want? You’ve already given me what I want. Now I’m just here to make sure my spell stays strong and you don’t tell your precious Jane Foster of my presence,” he said, and the color in Darcy’s face seemed to drain.

“What do you mean I already gave you what you wanted?” Her fear had returned, and Loki relished the thick suspense in the air.

“Darcy, you should never take drugs that make you completely pliable to mind control. Just a word of advice,” he said, and Darcy gasped. “Yes, and if you haven’t figured it out, I used you to tamper with Foster’s files on how to reconstruct the Bifröst, or as you know it, the wormhole.”

“You…you asshole!” she hollered at him, and he did not expect her to smack him against his cheek.

Loki snapped his head toward her, the grip on her chin becoming painful. She cried out as he twisted her jaw in his grasp. “You really are trying my patience with your behavior.”

“Oh yeah? Don’t you think you might deserve it?” Darcy seethed, glaring at him intensely. She seemed newly invigorated by his information that he used her. “I’m going to tell them. Somehow, I’ll tell them you’re here and what you made me do.”

Loki’s grin stretched. “I do not think so,” he said. “That’s why I’m here, Darcy. When S.H.I.E.L.D ultimately realizes it was you, they’ll imprison you, and when they ask you all sorts of questions, you won’t be able to say anything. You won’t even be able to utter my name; that’s what the spell is, and the closer I am to you, the stronger the spell is.”

“Ugh,” she said, and he began to lessen his grip on her. When she finally showed no sign of resisting him any further, Loki let his hand fall and watched her as she rubbed the wounded chin.

“Can I just say one thing? You really suck at stalking by the way. Also, thanks for seducing me. I can’t believe you did that! I wish I could have the whole week with you washed from my brain!” He watched as she crossed her arms and glared at him, throwing her head back as if she finally regained her confidence, acting as though she was equal to him. It grated on his nerves slightly, but Loki couldn’t help but admire the fire in her spirit. Perhaps this is another reason her chose her to be his unwilling aide. It was more fun for him to manipulate strong-willed people.

“I suspected you would discover me sooner or later,” he said. “It does not matter anymore. I only needed to delay my brother’s return, and I did.” He grinned at her. “I offer you my thanks in your help, Darcy.”

“Oh shut up,” Darcy said, and she turned away from him with a frown. “I can’t believe you made me betray Jane like that, and I can’t even tell her.” She began to pace to the right, and Loki followed her, leaning over her shoulder.

“It’s perfect, don’t you think. Best friends who unknowingly destroy each other? Besides, I’d had enough of that woman’s mooning over my brother. Destroying her research is less than what she deserves,” he said, and Darcy turned to him, jabbing him in the chest with a finger.

“Don’t you touch her!” she said, and then, after pausing, she looked away as if she realized something. “Wait, Thor’s coming back?”

Loki’s smile disappeared at her elation. She grinned at him. “Well, that doesn’t matter then! Jane’s going to fix her research, and Thor will come back!” She met his eyes. “Who really cares if you’re here if Thor can come back?”

Loki was seething, and he moved forward, caging her against the door again. His tone dropped low, becoming sinister. “Yes, my brother will return, and you all can celebrate how your dear friend, your hero, has come back to you, but your celebration will not last long.” He watched in delight as Darcy’s happiness quickly waned.

“I will give him such a grandiose homecoming he will wish he never returned,” he said. “Until then, Jane’s research still remains unfinished, and who’s to say I won’t have you sabotage it again?”

He could feel Darcy tense as he caged her. She scowled at him, and he saw unshed tears in her eyes. “Don’t. Just…haven’t you done enough?”

He leaned close to her ear, and his lips were close, just like a light kiss. “No. It’s never enough, not for what my brother has done to me. What he has denied me. No, Darcy, it will never be enough.” He pulled away and sighed. “And I have to play the role which was given to me, the role that myths paint as my character.”

“The god that no one likes?” Darcy braved the retort, though it didn’t bother Loki much.

“Yes, I suppose that too,” he said, and he stepped forward and drew her face into his palms. “Fear not, Darcy. I won’t kill you. Perhaps I’ll even spare you in the end if you help me.”

Darcy’s jaw dropped, and he could sense both anger and shock rolling off her. She inhaled a shaky breath.

“Yeah, I’m going to have to say no to that,” she said, and he pulled away with an even smile.

“You’re not going to have a choice,” he said. “Well, now that you know I’m around…I must go. I have matters to attend, but I will return.” He brought a finger to his lips. “Shhh. Don’t tell anyone I was here,” he teased, which seemed only funny to him.

“No, you really don’t have to come back,” Darcy said condescendingly. “I promise I won’t miss you”

“Cheeky,” he said. “But unfortunately, you won’t be able to get rid of me.” He leaned close again and studied her bemused expression. “Like you, I’m ecstatic for my brother’s eventual return.”

He locked with her eyes as he tapped into his magic, ready for a jump back to his other doppelgangers with Erik Selvig and Nick Fury. Soon, as Darcy’s image faded from him, lost into the darkness, he snapped back into his duplicate bodies, and he tried to remember her expression, her face of varying emotions from anger to shock.

Loki was almost relieved. It had become tiresome hiding in the shadows from her. He admitted it had been fun in the beginning, and even wearing the face of another seemed to have its use, but now…that farce was over. Darcy truly knew who he was and why here was there - well, as much as he allowed her to know.

More importantly, she knew that he wasn’t leaving her any time soon, that he was a definite threat to Thor and even to his brother’s friends. And the best part was? The poor mortal girl couldn’t say or do anything about it.

It would just be their little secret.

Part Eleven

loki, loki/darcy, mischief and tasers, darcy, 100_fairytales, thor

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