Thor (movie) "Foolish Games" Loki/Darcy, part 11 "Mischief and Tasers"

Jul 28, 2011 12:17

Fandom: Thor (movie-verse)
Title: Foolish Games
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Darcy, Jane, Loki, Loki/Darcy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4 @ 300 words each, 1,200 total.
Genre: Drama/Suspense
Notes: Takes place at the end of the movie. Written for prompt "Foolish" for fanfic_bakeoff with 4 self-contained interlocking stories. Part 11 of my Mischief and Tasers Loki/Darcy serialization. The previous part is here.

Other URLS: AO3 | FFnet

Summary: Loki sets some plans in motion but soon returns to Darcy.

Mischief and Tasers

Part Eleven: Foolish Games

For the time being, Loki put Darcy out of his mind. He really hadn’t expected her to attack him like that so quickly, or for her weapon to even work on him.

I’m wearing my magic a bit thin on Midgard, he thought, still trying to get used to the differences between Asgard and Midgard. He was overconfident, though he still wouldn’t admit to being foolish. He had some fun at Darcy’s expense, and at least the charade of pretending to be someone else to win her was over.

He didn’t need to win Darcy anymore. Loki was sure she knew her place, so he left her with confidence that his spell remained strong, and the girl wouldn’t be able to tell anyone of his presence.

Loki returned to spying and manipulating Erik Selvig quickly. For a mortal, Loki found him rather impotent and cautious, and if it weren’t for his influence, Erik might have never had the willingness to study the Cosmic Cube. Following him through S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, Loki found himself in the middle of a conversation between Nick Fury and Selvig, and unlike others, this conversation was slightly more interesting.

“It’s dangerous,” said Erik Selvig. “I know that for a fact. Some of the physical makeup of the Cube is still a mystery to me, but from what I’ve seen, it’s not of this world, and it’s too risky in the wrong hands.”

“We gathered that initially,” Fury said, almost irritated by Selvig’s lack of progress. “Just keep analyzing it, and we’ll worry about keeping it out of the wrong hands.”

Loki was intrigued, and his sent his curiosity through Selvig. “Oh?”

Fury stared at him with a steely smile. “Nothing to concern yourself over.”

Erik seemed defeated on the matter, but Loki wouldn’t give up just yet.


Loki paced around Fury in the shadows where he couldn’t see him. Interesting, he thought. Fury was by no means a transparent human. Fury had secrets, schemes, and machinations, and Loki admitted that he admired him for it.

Still, his cryptic attitude left much to be desired. Selvig went on his way, back to studying the Cube. For the day, Loki would follow Nick Fury. He’d followed him before, but not as much. Perhaps he underestimated Fury’s role in all of this. Loki just thought he was another high ranking soldier, easily replaced by any other mortal soldier if he were to die.

Perhaps, it was foolish of him to think of Nick Fury as expendable. He certainly had the clearance and initiative to hold onto the Cosmic Cube, even if Erik was studying it.

As he tailed him, Fury’s elusive secret was even more interesting when he came in contact with Agent Coulson. Loki knew of this man well. He had imprisoned his brother for going after the hammer, and well, taking out a number of his men. He seemed to be Fury’s right-hand man.

“Any news from New Mexico?” Fury asked him.

Coulson’s lips pressed together tightly. “Dr. Foster is finally moving faster after we brought in the Stark equipment. Still no evidence on who tampered her research.”

“We may not be able to wait for this Thor guy,” Fury said, and Loki watched them as they sat opposite each other in a concealed S.H.I.E.L.D room.

“We’re activating the Avengers Initiative early?” Coulson asked, but he seemed mildly surprised, but Loki was more than entranced.

“Not formally,” Fury said, and Loki was still intrigued by this Avengers Initiative. He’d heard of it, but not in depth. Loki watched as Nick Fury smirked. “But we will start taking auditions.”


Clearly, S.H.I.E.L.D had counted on Thor to join their Avengers Initiative to protect this Cosmic Cube from all the evils of the universe who wanted to put their paws on it, namely evils like him. Loki was sure his brother would jump at the chance to prevent Loki from getting at the Cube, provided Thor could come back, and SH.I.E.L.D, as well as Jane Foster, were betting everything they had that he would.

Loki was sure they’d find away. Heimdall was indeed powerful, and the humans were certainly resourceful. Loki wouldn’t underestimate them, which was reason enough to crave their destruction along with his brother’s.

He wondered though, if his brother would enjoy the idea of working with other Midgardians, powerful or not, in order to protect this Cube, to circumvent inevitable evil that had S.H.I.E.L.D on their toes since before Thor’s arrival.

If they only knew true evil, Loki thought, and though he didn’t consider himself as such, he would definitely live up to his reputation in order to defeat his brother and his pathetic allies once in for all.

Then, Father, you will see you underestimated my worth, he silently promised. Yet, he didn’t want to admit this was his fighting force. Really, should it matter what All Father thought of him now?

As foolish as this Avengers Initiative sounded, Loki did not overlook them. He would research the candidates for this team, for the allies that his brother would someday make and fight with to protect the Cube.

The Cube will be mine anyway, Loki thought. I cannot have the hammer, so I will take something better. All in due time.

Loki, of course, was already formulating a plan. Strangely enough that plan still included Darcy Lewis, so wasting no more time, he quickly returned to her.


Since her last encounter with Loki, Darcy had become paranoid about everything. Jane, thankfully, didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary, and if she did, Darcy would tell her she hadn’t been sleeping well.

As Jane came closer to fixing her tampered research, Darcy was afraid that Loki would have her sabotage the work all over again. Sometimes this fear prevented her from sleeping. If she fell asleep, would Loki creep back and slip into her mind again? It was possible, and she had tried everything to give credence to his presence. Nothing worked: no notes with his name, no bookmarked texts of his legends, and outward screams of his name completely failed as well.

His spell definitely was powerful, and she felt foolish to believe otherwise.

As the KII meter became unsuccessful in tracking him, she utterly quit trying to tell Jane about Loki when all her methods would either fail or be totally erased from existence. Plus, she doubted if the KII meter would work on him again, now that he knew that it alerted his presence when he did a powerful spell.

Then, she started sleeping again. Darcy couldn’t stop it if she tried. She’d lost so much sleep worrying about Loki that her body ached for it, and it’d been days since she’d seen any sign of him.

Of course, Darcy seemed to give in too soon. Just when her guard was down, Jane found her - sleepwalking in the physics building and making her way toward her laptop.

“Darcy!” When she came too, she tried so desperately to explain herself, and “Loki” was right on the tip of her tongue.

But she couldn’t say it. She mumbled gibberish before falling into Jane’s unsteady arms. In the darkness, Darcy swore she could hear his sinister laughter.

Part Twelve

loki, loki/darcy, mischief and tasers, darcy, fanfic bakeoff, thor

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