Thor, "Mischief and Tasers" part 12, "Power Shift" Darcy/Loki, rated M

Aug 09, 2011 20:37

Fandom: Thor (movie-verse)
Title: Power Shift
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Darcy, Jane, Loki, Loki/Darcy
Rating: M
Genre: Drama/Suspense
Notes: Takes place at the end of the movie. Written for “#76 - the forgotten word” prompt at 100_fairytales. Part 12 of my Mischief and Tasers Loki/Darcy serialization. The previous part is here.

Other URLS: AO3 | FFnet

Darcy swore up and down that she didn’t tamper with Jane’s evidence. It was true, to a point, but when she tried to tell Jane who the real culprit was, the words only appeared in her head, but they could not escape her lips.

It was like she suddenly forgot. She was left stuttering, muttering incoherently and on the verge of a panic attack. Her hands flew up to her head, clutching her hair as she crouched down in a ball, crying. Then, the piercing whine echoed within her head and tears leaked out her eyes with no sign of stopping. She felt Jane hold her, whispering her soothing words, but Darcy could not make them out. Until the thought was out of her head about Loki, she would suffer a headache under the horrible sound.

Gee, great spell, Loki. Thanks a lot, jerk-off, Darcy thought to herself, unhappy to have a lingering headache for the rest of the day. Jane ordered her to bed and assured her she could do her work without Darcy’s help that day. After her nap, Darcy crept downstairs from her room and found that Agent Coulson was there, talking to Jane about Darcy. She frowned, listening in to make sure they didn’t think she was untrustworthy.

“We found her fingerprints on your keyboard, but if you say she uses it for Facebook, we really can’t prove she did the tampering,” Coulson said.

“I know, and I trust Darcy completely, but she’s been acting so strange lately. She’s withdrawn and spaces out sometimes. I know she had something with one of your agents and it broke off suddenly, so I just figured she was sad from that,” Jane spoke. Darcy felt a weighty pause where neither one of them said anything.

“One of my agents? That’s odd. I gave them orders to not date civilians while they were out here. Do you know which one it was?”

Jane didn’t answer right away. “You know...I don’t remember his name. I’m sorry. I’m drawing a blank.”

“Hrmm,” Coulson said. “I’ll question them. I don’t suppose you could ask Darcy?”

“Darcy!” Jane yelled, and Darcy jumped at her voice and quickly sprinted down the stairs in attention to them both.

“Um, yeah...?” She looked nervously at Coulson as he studied her intently, probably trying to find anything strange in her behavior. Shoot, she thought. She was totally busted. They were going to stick her in a cell, or worse, waterboard her to get to the truth, and knowing Loki’s spell, they would never get it, and she’d probably die or drown before that happened.

“Agent Coulson wants to know which one of the S.H.I.E.L.D agents you dated. He just needs to know because it isn’t allowed, and it may give a clue on who tampered with my work,” Jane said.

Darcy furrowed her brow, and Coulson continued. “My agents have strict orders, and if there is one that went out of line, I’m guessing he wasn’t one of my agents.”

“An impostor?” Darcy asked. “Is that possible?”

“Not back at headquarters, but out here in the desert, well, security is more lax,” Coulson admitted. “I can’t keep track of all of Stark’s men either.”

“Well, um, I’m sorry but...” She turned desperately to Jane. “I can’t remember his name. I don’t know why, but when I think it’s on the tip of my tongue, it disappears.”

“Oh, really?” Coulson looked back and forth to Darcy and Jane. “This is disturbing. You both don’t remember him?”

“I wish I could, and I’m not lying,” Darcy clarified, but she was feeling another oncoming headache. “I think...I think his name was Tom, but I can’t remember more than that.”

“Well, that’s a start,” he said, his eyes lingering on Darcy for a moment. “Listen, we know how your finances are, Ms. Lewis, but from what I suspect is going on here...I think it would be best if we move you away from Dr. Foster’s sensitive equipment in this building. Now, Dr. Foster trusts you, but if outside forces are tampering with the material, or trying to, I think it would be in all our best interests to have nobody around this data. We’ll put up a stricter security perimeter with cameras and motion sensors. Now that you’re so close to fixing the wormhole to Thor’s world, I’d like to be a little more cautious.”

“Certainly,” Dr. Foster said. “What do we need to do, especially in the day time?”

“I’ll give you and only you the security clearance to enter the building. Ms. Lewis will have to accompany you. I’m sorry but I don’t want to give such a security level to a civilian.”

“No, it’s okay,” Darcy said agreeably. This was possibly the best method in warding off Loki. If S.H.I.E.L.D suspected any foul play, well, perhaps their high tech security could give him more of a challenge, and the less Darcy was involved the better. Loki couldn’t use her anymore if she wasn’t here, and the notion gave her tremendous relief. “So where am I staying?”

Coulson answered, “There’s a hotel in the center of town. We’ll set you up there until Dr. Foster doesn’t need you anymore for her research.”

Jane looked at Darcy. “I wish I could come with you, kiddo, but it’s for the best. I’ll keep the camper out here next to the physics building, and you’ll just have to come to work on time in the morning so I can let you in the building.”

“Sounds good,” Darcy said, and she flashed Coulson a weak smile. “I’ll start packing.”


Jane had taken a few hours off to help Darcy pack and load her things up on the truck to move downtown. Thankfully, most of Darcy’s possessions were still at her parents’ house, and the things she brought with her to her internship were only essentials: her clothes, her music, a few books and her makeup and toiletries. The back of the truck hadn’t even been filled up much, and when they reached her new hotel room, Darcy was thrilled as S.H.I.E.L.D supplied her with her own computer (a used one that Tony Stark was going to donate that Coulson managed to snatch up) and they paid for cable and premium channels through the hotel TV. It was almost like a vacation.

“Looks like S.H.I.E.L.D really takes care of their own,” Jane commented, putting down the last box as Darcy flipped on the TV. She channel surfed a little before she found the movie House Bunny, one of her personal favorites.

Darcy snorted. “Does S.H.I.E.L.D really consider me one of them?”

“Well, they do want to make sure we’re happy so we can finish this research,” Jane said, slumping on the bed next to her. Darcy turned to her.

“Hey, wanna grab some ice cream?” Darcy asked. “I need some carbs for when I start unpacking.”

Jane frowned. “You go ahead. I’m going to go back to work.” She sounded a little disappointed, but Darcy wondered if she could bring her a snack later. Jane might appreciate it, and it was the least Darcy could do after all this trouble she was causing.

“Jane, are you really that much closer to bringing Thor back?” Darcy asked, and Jane smiled, her eyes brightening with excitement.

“I really am, Darcy. Truthfully, the tampering didn’t set me off that much. Thanks to the Stark equipment, Thor could be back here in a few months at the earliest.” Jane paused. “But I am going to need your help.”

Darcy smiled. “Of course, you know I got your back.” Jane rose from Darcy’s bed and headed for the door.

“I’ll see you at work tomorrow 7 AM sharp,” she said, and Darcy gave her a quick salute as Jane left with a grin.

Darcy was immediately immersed in loneliness after Jane left. House Bunny played in the background, and she groaned at the idea of going through her boxes again. She imagined she could leave most of her stuff packed. She pulled out her iPod and some books, and she hung her clothes up in the closet. She lined the bathroom with her soaps and make-up, and started inspecting the nooks and corners of her hotel room. Fresh towels stocked her pantry, and the room was big enough with its own small kitchen. She found dishware and pans, and she even found money on the counter, no doubt from S.H.I.E.L.D, for groceries.

“Just like a vacation,” Darcy mused, and though she missed the physics building, she was relieved that she was no longer around as a potential danger to the research. She wondered if Coulson was finding any luck with the one name she managed to pluck out of her memory of Loki, even though it was a fake name.

Darcy ventured out after an hour of unpacking, and headed down to the small family grocery store just a few buildings down from the hotel. She picked up a variety of things, mostly junk food, and assured herself that pop-tarts and ice cream were totally justifiable things to buy with S.H.I.E.L.D’s money.

She flipped on some music while she nibbled on a cherry pop-tart, and she picked up a book, thankfully not Norse mythology but of sexy vampires, and she dressed down to her summer pajamas of shorts and a tank top, and began to get lost in another world.

Right when she got to the good part of the book, the sex part of course, Darcy heard a steady knocking at her door.

“I don’t need housekeeping!” she yelled, knowing that no one else other than Jane would bother her at this time. She had a pretty good sense that Jane was still nose-deep in her work.

The knocking continued, which forced Darcy to leap from her bed and march to the door, angry at being disturbed. She was so cozy in her covers reading her smutty book, so who dared to disturb her? She didn’t even care that she was barely dressed in only her thin pajamas. Her tank top hung low and disheveled, and she was sure whoever was on the other side of the door would not appreciate her revealing clothes, which would hopefully send them away.

She swung open the door, taser ready in her hands, and she glared up at the offending guest. Her anger disappeared and turned into awe when she saw who it was: Loki.

“You!” She yelled, and she hated that he was wearing the same clothes as the S.H.I.E.L.D agent he’d posed as, spurring happier false memories that she’d rather forget. “You know I should have known you’d come back.” She lifted her chin as he stared at her.

“They relocated you,” he said bluntly, looking inside her room.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Because of you.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Surely the spell didn’t break. You couldn’t have told them.”

“No, I couldn’t. I tried, but then I got a splitting headache. Thanks for that, by the way. No, S.H.I.E.L.D wanted both of us out of there. Jane’s research is being protected by S.H.I.E.L.D’s high tech security.”

“I am sure their security isn’t that impenetrable,” Loki said with a wave of his hand.

“Yeah,” she said with a heavy breath. “But at least you can’t use me anymore.”

“So you think,” he said.

“What do you want, anyway? Haven’t you done enough here? I would think you have bigger schemes to ...uh, well scheme,” she said, narrowing her eyes at him.

“I wanted to make sure that things go according to plan, and that you don’t spoil the fun by revealing my name,” Loki said. “Apparently, the spell is wearing off.” He stepped forward, and took her chin under his thumb. “You are a headstrong girl, fighting my spell like that. You managed to tell S.H.I.E.L.D one of my names. I found out they were talking about this “Tom” character that you were dating, and that he clearly wasn’t one of them - considering the real Agent Tom Hill is missing and never set foot in New Mexico.”

“So that’s the name I forgot. Well, ha! Serves you right,” she said, pulling her chin from his thumb.

“You wanted to know why I was here. I’m here because of you, and well, I need to watch this area for awhile,” he said with a grin. “You didn’t tell me the big news. You are holding out on me, Darcy, aren’t you?”

“Huh?” she asked confused.

He stepped so close to her Darcy could feel his breath. He whispered, “Of my brother’s eventual return. You know; I heard you two talking, you and Dr. Foster,” Loki said, and Darcy’s mouth dropped. “There is word within S.H.I.E.L.D. They too are extremely optimistic for Thor’s return.”

“So?” Darcy said. “Why do you look so happy? I thought you didn’t want him to come.”

“On the contrary. I only wanted to delay him.” He smirked at her.

Darcy sighed. “Fine, whatever. So, you’re back and you’re stalking me again. I’m so thrilled,” Darcy said sarcastically, and she lifted her taser and jabbed it into his chest. “Just remember that my taser does affect you, and I will use it, as many times as I can.”

Loki looked down at the taser, unimpressed. “I thought I destroyed that.”

“Got a new one, stronger, and it’s imported from Europe,” she said with a cheeky grin. “Want to test it?”

Loki arched an eyebrow, leaning close to her ear. “Don’t you dare, mortal.”

Darcy shrugged, unfazed by his closeness. “Suit yourself.” She moved away from the door, leaving it opened as Loki hovered over the stoop. She settled back into her bed to continue reading her book, and when she sat down, she looked at him as his gaze swept in the contents of her new room. His eyes finally met her stare, and she threw him a placid expression.

“Well, are you coming inside or standing in the doorway for the rest of the night?” she asked.

“You...are inviting me inside?” There was mirth in his tone, and Darcy rolled her eyes.

“Well, it’s easier than knowing you’re just going to be stalking me from the shadows anyway. So I figured, hey, it’s better for both of us if you just came inside. If you are squatting here, I do expect some kind of rent money. For all this trouble, I really could use at least ten new music albums I’ve been meaning to download,” she droned, and Loki actually looked bemused by her words. “What do you say, Twilight? In or out?”

“But...I could still kill you, mortal, and you invite me into your home? Are you seriously stupid?” he mocked her.

Darcy, unaffected, only sighed. “Look, you’re going to creep around me anyway, and well, I could use the company. Besides, watching a movie with another person is much more fun than by myself. There’s no one around to hear my witty commentary.”

Loki looked momentarily conflicted, as if he didn’t expect her to be so blasé about his presence. He stepped inside, and Darcy reclined on her bed, smirking at him. She patted the side next to her. “Go ahead, put your feet up. S.H.I.E.L.D’s paying for the room anyway.”

Loki was too unsure to join her on the bed, but he settled in one of the chairs in the room and looked back from the screen to Darcy.

“Why the devil did you call me Twilight?” Loki asked her, and Darcy’s grin increased.

“Oh, it’s from a book about this lame emo vampire who stalks a human. It’s a great book. I suggest you read it,” she said sweetly.

Loki’s brow furrowed, unsure about her tone. Darcy could see the curiosity brimming in his eyes, and she couldn’t help but love the idea of Loki reading that book. If he was going to be invading her life again, she might as well find her own way to get back at him for all the things he’d done.

Of course, she wasn’t a master manipulator like he was, and she certainly didn’t have his inventory of powers and spells, but she was still a human woman, stubborn and independent, and a model of her generation. She hardly thought Loki could handle her after awhile. If he were anything like the men she’d dated, he’d be gone in no time - unable to stand her like most of them.

You want to stalk me and make me betray my friends? Darcy thought, turning to Loki as the movie started, ironically the movie Twilight was on one of the premium channels.

Their eyes met, and he looked intrigued, yet uncomfortable. Darcy shifted in the bed, arching her back slightly and pushing out her chest. She grinned at him, wishing he could read her thoughts. Bring it on, Loki. Just. Bring. It. On.

Next part is HERE.

loki, loki/darcy, mischief and tasers, darcy, fanfic bakeoff, thor

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