Thor, "Sex is Not the Enemy" Darcy/Loki ficlet, rated PG-13

Aug 24, 2011 16:36

Fandom: Thor (movie-verse)
Title: Sex is Not the Enemy
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Loki, Darcy, Loki/Darcy
Word Count: 300
Spoilers/Warnings: post-Thor movie, no warnings
Notes: Some references to True Blood, but not much. Written for the "foolish" prompt at fanfic_bakeoff. Part 12b of my Mischief and Tasers Loki/Darcy serialization. The previous part is here.

Other URLS: AO3 | FFnet

Summary: Loki is horrified by Darcy's favorite TV show.

Mischief and Tasers

Part Twelve(B): Sex is Not the Enemy

“What in Odin’s name is this?” Loki sneered as his face contorted with disgust at the TV.

“It’s True Blood, my favorite show,” Darcy said grinning. She chomped on some chips while watching it, and once in a while, Loki’s hand would sneak a chip for himself. Darcy supposed he ate them because he was bored, but honestly, who could resist Doritos? Not even Loki, the God of Mischief, she thought.

“It’s giving me a headache,” Loki said, and his nose wrinkled as the TV showed yet another sex scene. “Ugh, and it’s horribly gratuitous.”

“Hey, that’s the best part!” Darcy exclaimed; her eyes glued to the TV. For a moment she was mesmerized. “Ah, I love Eric. Mmm, hot, Viking ass.”

“Ha! The Vikings!” Loki snorted.

“Well, they did worship you. You should feel somewhat revered, shouldn’t you?” Darcy asked.

“I’m not having this conversation with you while you watch…that!” Loki said, as a woman’s moans filtered throughout Darcy’s living room.

Darcy laughed. “If I would have known sex could defeat the almighty Loki, I would have put this on sooner, you know, when you were stalking and manipulating me,” Darcy teased him.

“Don’t be absurd,” Loki said smoothly. He leaned near her, and Darcy suddenly wondered when he’d become so close to her on the couch. He’d been gripping the other arm of the sofa when the show started, and now he was barely a breath away from her. She tensed as one of his fingers twirled a tendril of her hair. “As if such a foolish thing could defeat me.”

Bravely, Darcy turned to him and grinned. “Care to test that theory?” Loki froze, and when he disappeared into thin air, she snickered.

“What a total virgin,” she mocked, only wishing Loki stayed around to hear her.

Just a little snippet in between these parts. Part 13 should be up soon!

Part Thirteen

loki, loki/darcy, mischief and tasers, darcy, fanfic bakeoff, thor

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