Avengers Fanfiction Masterlist

Aug 11, 2011 09:03

Avengers [Marvel Comics]

* Home - [Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver] Rated PG. Drabble. Post Avengers: Children's Crusade.
Summary: Pietro brings his sister home.


The Avengers [Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk] (movieverse)

* Job Interview - [Noah Bennet, Phil Coulson] Rated G. Ficlet. Pre-Avengers movie. Crossover with Heroes.
Summary: Noah Bennet gets called into a job interview from a certain secret organization.

* Tricky Favors - [Morgana, Loki] Rated PG. Ficlet. Thor x Merlin crossover.
Summary: Someone unexpected finds Morgana in the forest.

* One Good Deed - [Darcy x Loki, Max, Caroline] Rated PG-13. Three-part crossover. Post-Thor AU.
Summary: Loki searches for a missing Darcy Lewis, but instead finds Max Black, a poor waitress from Midgard.

* The Flip Side - [Darcy/Loki, Thor/Jane, Darcy/Clint, Clint/Loki] Multi-Chapter. COMPLETE. Movie!AU. Rated R.
Summary: In punishment for his crimes, Odin destroys Loki's body to imprison his soul. After a narrow escape, Loki comes to Midgard and plans his revenge by taking over the body of Jane's assistant, Darcy Lewis. The girl who loves tasers, however, does not make things easy for him.

* Mischief and Tasers - [Loki x Darcy, implied Thor x Jane] Rated PG-13. Serialization. Post-Movie. COMPLETE.
Summary: Loki starts to show a strange interest in Darcy Lewis.

* Start Spreading the News - [Loki x Darcy, Thor, Jane] Rated PG. Ficlet. Post-Movie.
Summary: Darcy and Loki have an announcement to make.

* Libations of Defeat - [Loki x Darcy] Rated R. Post Movie. One-shot.
Summary: After Loki's defeat, Thor sends Darcy to his brother with a peace offering.

* Her Terms - [Sif x Thor] Rated PG. Ficlet. Post Movie.
Summary: Sif could wait for him, but she wasn't that type of woman.

* Sif's Choice - [Sif x Fandral, Sif x Thor] Rated G. One-shot. Post Movie.
Summary: Fandral tries to cheer up a brooding Sif.

* Confidant - [Darcy x Jane] Rated PG. Ficlet. Post-Movie.
Summary: While Jane waits, Darcy comforts her.

* Relent - [Darcy x Loki] Avengers-movie. Rated PG. Perfect Drabble.
Summary: Bewitched, she cannot resist.

* Take the Reins - [Thor, Steve Rogers] Rated PG. One-shot. Post-Thor and Captain America movies.
Summary: Thor and Steve begin an easy friendship and discuss who will be leader of the Avengers. (Blend with the Avengers Movie)

* Midpoint - [Thor/Steve Rogers] Rated PG-13. Ficlet. Post-Thor and Captain America movies.
Summary: Steve finds comfort in Thor.

* Intrigue - [Loki, Black Widow] Rated PG. Ficlet. Post-Thor and upcoming Avengers movie.
Summary: Loki notices the Black Widow instantly.

* The Dark Whispers Back - [Tony Stark/Loki] Rated PG. Post-Movie. Vignette.
Summary: Tony is pulled into Loki's nightmare without his suit to protect him.


Young Avengers (comics)

* Notice You - [Kate Bishop x Tommy Shephard] Ficlet. Rated PG.
Summary: Tommy thinks about his feelings toward Kate.

* Premonition - [Billy Kaplan x Teddy Altman] Ficlet. Rated PG. Up to "Avengers: Children's Crusade".
Summary: Billy experiences a prophetic dream.

* Futile Warning - [Kate x Tommy, Kate x Eli] Ficlet. Rated PG.
Summary: Kate gives Tommy a warning, not that he's going to listen anyway.

* Open Arms [Kate x Tommy] Ficlet. Rated PG.
Summary: Tommy waits for her, ready to ease her pain.

* Ego Check [Kate, Tommy, ensemble] Ficlet. Rated PG.
Summary: Tommy gloats about his new costume, but Kate can't resist teasing him.

* Hawkeye Bonding [Kate Bishop, Clint Barton] Ficlet. Rated G. Young Avengers/Avengers comics.
Summary: Clint and Kate bond over new arrows.

* //break// - [Kate x Tommy, implied Kate x Eli, Billy x Teddy] Rated R. One-shot. Divergent from Avengers: Children's Crusade #8. Warning: Character death.
Summary: A loss shakes apart the team, and Kate tries to subdue the guilt as she turns to Tommy for comfort.

heroes, young avengers, the avengers, crossover, thor, merlin, fanfiction master list, captain america, 2 broke girls

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