Thor x 2 Broke Girls, "One Sweet Ringer" Loki, Max || rated G

Oct 12, 2011 15:57

Fandoms: Thor x 2 Broke Girls
Title: One Sweet Ringer
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Max, Loki, Loki/Darcy implied
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Prompt: Written for the "absent" prompt at fanfic_bakeoff
Disclaimer: I do not own Thor or 2 Broke Girls. I'm just here to play!
DA Link: One Sweet Ringer.

Notes: This is a prequel snippet of a crossover I'm working on with Thor and 2 Broke Girls, and it has art! Loki/Darcy is established here, and I'm planning on much more of this in a longer one-shot. Slightly AU from the end of Thor, perhaps even speculation from the Avengers trailer. I also didn't intend to make this fluffy but it sort of turned out that way. :D


Summary: While looking for Darcy, Loki finds Max... and her delicious cupcakes.

During a desperate search for Darcy Lewis - someone whom he owed a debt, he’d found her - a poor serving girl named Max in a filthy slum of Midgard.

Her resemblance to Darcy was uncanny, and though this mortal was more abrasive and sardonic, Loki felt the two were very similar in personality.

At first he thought SHIELD had been hiding her here because it was just the thing they would do after she had helped him.

“You’re not from around here, and you’re obviously rich,” Max told him, and Loki only stared at her, observing her mannerisms as he had to keep telling himself this was not Darcy. The other serving girl, an absent-minded wench that Loki instantly disliked, hovered in the background. Loki could see she was giving Max instructions on trying to sell him something.

Before she said anymore, Max dropped a confectionery treat down in front of him and smiled - or at least, she attempted to smile. She looked annoyed and a little nervous.

Having a soft spot for Darcy, Loki could not decline this woman’s treat, and as she babbled on, Loki looked at the “cupcake” in front of him and cursed his affinity for sweets. If Thor were here, he probably would have inhaled the whole thing by now.

“If you’re interested, we’re looking for investors to my side business,” she said, laughing a little and flipping her hair. She looked anxiously at him. “Good?”

It had been better than good; Asgard’s chefs could learn a few things from this girl, and while she wore Darcy’s face, Loki couldn’t say no to her. Somehow he had left with her phone number and three more cupcakes.

When Loki did find the real Darcy, he wondered if she’d like to have one of them.

one good deed, max black, the avengers, darcy, crossover, thor, fanart, loki, 2 broke girls, loki/darcy, caroline channing, fanfic bakeoff

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