Young Avengers "Hawkeye Bonding" Kate, Clint | rated G

Oct 13, 2011 22:48

Fandom: Young Avengers
Title: Hawkeye Bonding
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters: Kate Bishop, Clint Barton
Rated: G
Word Count: 300
Genre: Friendship/Gen
Notes: Written for the "absent" theme for fanfic_bakeoff.

Summary: Clint and Kate bond over new arrows.

When he'd found her, Kate was polishing the dirt off her bow from the last battle.

“Here,” the other Hawkeye said, handing her a bundle of new arrows. Kate had to admit, they looked pretty cool. She saw some kind of capsules affixed on the ends before the tips, and she knew they must contain something nasty inside. She met Clint's eyes and he grinned at her excitedly. “The tear gas covers a wider radius.'s not as harmful as my original concoction.”

“Wow, thanks,” she said, arching an eyebrow. “I'm impressed. Usually the Avengers don't like us kids getting involved in danger. I think Cap's lip still curls when we join a fight.”

“Nah,” Clint said, waving his hand absently. He took a seat next to her on the couch and watched her inspect the arrows. “You know I'm not like the others.”

Kate smirked, rivaling his own. “Clearly,” she said, and her expression softened. “I want you to know I really appreciate this.”

“Hey, don't go all soft on me yet,” he said.

“Don't worry; since, my team considers me a leader, I guess I haven't time to be soft.” She leaned back against the couch and sighed. “Sometimes I don't know what I'm doing.”

She felt his hand on her shoulder. “At least they trust you that much. It must mean you're doing something right.”

Her face brightened. “Wow, and coming from you,” she teased.

“I know, rare, isn't it? Just don't tell Luke. I don't want him giving me crap that I've become fond of you kids,” he said.

“Us kids?” Kate asked wryly.

“Well, maybe you and the green guy,” he said lightly. “But mostly, just you, Kate.”

clint barton, young avengers, the avengers, genfic, kate bishop, fanfic bakeoff

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