Young Avengers, "Notice You" Tommy/Kate ficlet

Apr 04, 2011 22:11

Fandom: Young Avengers (Marvel comics)
Title: Notice You
Author: Paynesgrey
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Tommy[Speed], unrequited Tommy/Kate[Hawkeye], Kate/Eli[Patriot] implied
Word Count: 294
Disclaimer: I do not own the Young Avengers, Marvel etc. does.
Spoilers: reference to Young Avengers Presents
Notes: Written for the "clue" prompt at fanfic_bakeoff with the bonus ingredient "1st POV".

Summary: Tommy thinks about his feelings toward Kate.

The first time we met I could smell more than the wind on your hair.

At first, I almost didn’t. I’ve run so far, so fast and for so long that I’ve ignored a lot of smells. They don’t even touch me, not at the speed I live by.

But yours does, Kate. It’s different - special, like fresh flowers and French wine, and it holds my attention when nothing ever does.

I couldn’t tell you of course. (We had more important things to worry about at the time.) Plus, it’s cheesy to say that to a girl. I would never use such a pathetic line on you; you’re too good for that, Kate. Besides, I can win you on better terms.

I’ve tried, and you haven’t notice. Well, maybe you’re not that dense, but I have tried. A stray wind, a slight push of momentum your way that tumbled you into my arms - or even better, something that pushed you on top of me completely, your weight pressing me onto my back as I saw stars for a moment, and then you - looking down at me with that cocky grin.

If Eli has a clue he should know that he doesn’t deserve you. Well, maybe he does, but not more than I do. I promise you, Kate. I’ll try harder, much harder to win you.

When that time comes, I won’t resort to tricks. I won’t egg you on, or cause a scuffle between you and Eli just so I can steal another kiss. I can’t promise you I’ll slow down, but I’ll wait, and I’ll be ready.

Unless... you like when I do those sorts of things to you. If that’s the case, Kate Bishop, then let the games begin.

kate/tommy, young avengers, eli bradley, tommy, kate bishop, fanfic bakeoff, kate/eli

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