Thor (movie-verse) "A Handy Accessory" part 9 of Mischief and Tasers, Loki/Darcy

Jul 11, 2011 20:29

Fandom: Thor (movie-verse)
Title: A Handy Accessory
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Darcy, Jane, Loki (disguised as S.H.I.E.L.D Agent Tom Hill), Loki/Darcy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2,003
Genre: Drama/Suspense
Notes: Takes place at the end of the movie. Written for prompt "mask" for the Summer Mini Challenge. Part 9 of my Mischief and Tasers Loki/Darcy serialization. The previous part is here.

Other URLS: AO3 | FFnet

Summary: Darcy's next date with Loki, still disguised as Agent Hill, goes terribly wrong.

Mischief and Tasers

Part Nine: A Handy Accessory

Was she really paying attention that much while Agent Hill taught her about the rest of the Stark equipment that day? Maybe, though, probably not as much as she should have. Darcy admitted she was swooning over Agent Hill, and he made it very hard for her to concentrate.

He was flirting with her all day, and well, she didn’t deny his advances. She was totally the instigator too. And his brand of flirting was - smooth, and not quite as obvious as other men that Darcy’s observed. He seemed to do it without seeming unprofessional too. None of the other S.H.I.E.L.D agents seem to notice or hear their giddy little conversations at all.

It was like they were isolated in their own world.

Leaning close, touching knee against knee, or the lingering side glances: they were the kinds of things that warmed her memories of the day and locked them in a standstill. Yet, in the back of her mind she still felt uneasy, like things were too good to be true.

Darcy hated that she had doubts, and her fascination with him seemed to overshadow her uneasiness for the most part; especially, when she was with him. Then, she could think or feel nothing else.

He was still a mystery. Agent Hill still offered her very little about himself or his history in general. Darcy could tell he was a private person, and that she often caught him in deep thought, as if his mind was working on overdrive.

When they packed up for the day, Agent Hill offered her a ride back to the physics building, only with the promise that two hours later they’d meet again for a real date, one where she could dress up and have dinner with him somewhere other than a diner. Even though this town didn’t have a lot of great places for dates, she knew of a bar and grill close by that had decent food and ambiance, and when Darcy suggested that, Tom was more than willing to comply.

With a satisfied smile, he kissed her before she exited the car, and Darcy could feel him watching her bounce all the way back into the building.


A real date. Had she had much of those anymore? Not really, and not with someone as delicious as her gorgeous S.H.I.E.L.D agent.

Yet, Darcy couldn’t shake the nagging feeling there was something she didn’t know about him. Sure, S.H.I.E.L.D officers were secretive. They were trained that way, among other things, and it was only natural that he’d be a bit more confidential about his personal life.

But that wasn’t the problem at all. No, Darcy felt like there was something about Agent Hill that she wasn’t sure about.

Still, she wouldn’t worry about it now, and she did have a backup plan. Ever since her date with that creeper from the Internet, the one that seemed perfectly normal and hot who ended being a psycho, she carried her taser everywhere. Agent Tom Hill could be a saint for all she knew, but she wasn’t betting on it. Plus, the taser was like an extension of herself. She felt almost incomplete without it. (Damn, S.H.I.E.L.D, for not letting her take it to the work site.) And... it fit nicely within her Guess handbag, perfect for occasions like these.

When she stuffed it in her bag, Darcy glanced at the KII meter. She wondered...There would be no need for this tonight, right? And as she stared at it, she felt cold from the possibility of some unseen force freaking her out and then ruining her date. She bit her lip, shaking her head. She’d kill that Loki bastard if he tried anything, so she vigorously snatched up the meter and stuffed it in her bag as well.

For the rest of her date, she broke out the black mini skirt. It was 2 for 3 in the man-snagging department, with some experience for a “come in for coffee” notoriety as well. Was it slutty to jump in bed with someone on the second date? Darcy wondered. Nah, not really, right?

Standing in front of the mirror in her cramped bedroom, Darcy smoothed her royal blue low-cut shirt (my girls are going to prove their use tonight, she mused) and her eyes swept down her legs over her shiny black shoes, inspecting them for any imperfections. Her make-up would have to suffice, and she didn’t think she looked too skanky, which was good.

“Whatever, I’m hot,” she told herself, and she laughed a little as Jane called her from downstairs. Poor Jane. She was still fixing that tampered data.

“Darcy! You look amazing. Are you going dancing tonight?” Jane asked.

“If Tom buys me tequila than yeah, we’ll call it dancing... for now,” Darcy said with a smirk, and Jane laughed lightly. She eyed her happily and Darcy caught a flicker of regret on the woman’s face. She almost knew what Jane was thinking; what she wouldn’t give to have a happy date with Thor someday, whenever he returned.

“Have fun,” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear. Darcy heard a honk outside, and she knew when she left that door, Jane would be back in front of her computer screen, fixing her research.


When she slid in his car, Darcy felt his eyes on her, looking her over appreciatively. He told her she looked beautiful, and Darcy instantly felt flushed and nervous. She shot him several sly glances, flirting with him the majority of the car ride over to the club. When they arrived, he did everything gentlemanly, like opening doors, and ordering her a drink, and pulling out her chair for her when they found a table.

Darcy looked around the club, filled with a haze of noise and moving bodies. They were merely background furniture, and as Tom returned to their table with their drinks, Darcy began to get a sense of déjà vu. She didn’t take a sip of her drink yet, but she did stare at it for a few minutes before Tom asked her what was wrong, and he assured her he did nothing to her drink.

The coil of uncertainty in her stomach returned, and cautiously, she sipped the drink and smiled nervously at him. He took her hand, and she never realized this before, but his touch was so cold. Bad circulation? Maybe.

A song ended, and she noticed an unusual quiet in between tracks, only filled with the droning chatter of people. Then, she heard something else. There was a strange beep in her purse. Her phone? Her brow furrowed.

“Darcy, what’s wrong?” he asked her, concerned.

“Um, I think my phone is beeping,” she said frowning. “I hope Jane is okay.”

She dug into her purse, only to find that her phone had no messages and was fully charged. So, the beeping didn’t come from there. She could feel Agent Hill’s eyes boring into her, and she hesitated to dig for whatever else was beeping.

She didn’t need to; Darcy knew. She put her phone back, and stealthily she took a peek inside her bag. Her blood felt cold when she saw the spike in the KII meter beyond the normal levels that would appear from the club.

She snapped back to Tom, who was still holding her other hand. “Uh, not my phone,” she said, smiling weakly. “Must be somebody else’s.”

Tom looked slightly reassured, but she met his deep green eyes, and she knew that he still suspected something was wrong. And was it her imagination or did his eyes seem darker? His smile and expression no longer seemed as kind. Suddenly, he looked very sinister to her, and Darcy couldn’t figure out why.

But her KII meter was going off, and it kept beeping in her purse.

“Are you sure? It certainly sounds like it’s coming from you,” he asked, his tone almost wicked and mocking. Darcy checked her phone again. Still nothing, but he didn’t know that since she didn’t take her phone out.

“Oh! Yep, it is mine,” she lied with a huge smile. “I have a text from Jane.” She looked at her phone, still keeping it concealed within her large handbag. “She’s had a small accident at the physics building.” Darcy put on her best frown. “She needs me. I really should go back,” she said with a pout. “You know, this is all for my college credit.”

“Of course,” he said, rising from his seat. Instead of waiting for him to take her chair out for her, Darcy shot up and headed for the door. Swiftly, Agent Hill followed, and suddenly the KII meter fell silent in her purse. But what the...? Darcy thought. Agent Hill still hovered behind her, so did that mean Loki was somewhere in the club?

If that was the case, why did she get these creepy vibes from Agent Hill all of the sudden?

Was Loki influencing him?

He headed back to her place, and she fidgeted nervously during the ride. She stared at her purse, fearful the KII meter was going to go off again, and then he’d discover it, and she’d have to explain.

Thankfully, it didn’t and when they arrived, Darcy turned to him and immediately apologized.

“I ruined our date,” she said, and he shook his head.

“Make no apologies. I will see you tomorrow. Give Dr. Foster my best,” he said, and Darcy felt wilted and cold inside, regretting how she behaved toward Agent Hill. If he was innocent and she was just paranoid, she knew that after that spectacle, she’d probably lose him.

So much for having a decent guy for once, she thought, as she slammed the door behind her. Jane had was already gone back to her trailer, and she was nowhere in the physics building. Darcy wondered just how much work her mentor had finished without her.

Sighing heavily, Darcy headed up to her room. When she arrived at the door, her purse screamed at her side, making her jump. She pulled it out and looked at the meter’s lights flashing with the accompanying sound. The door to her bedroom was ajar a crack, as if someone was already inside. Slowly, she opened the door as her other hand slid into her purse, finding her taser.

She froze, seeing someone’s back toward her as he stood over her bed. He turned around, and all her fears and suspicions finally made sense. It was Agent Tom Hill, only, at the same time, it wasn't. He grinned at her. She didn’t know how the hell he got in here, or why he was dressed like a World of Warcraft reject, but she wasn’t stupid. He wasn’t actually Tom Hill. He’d been wearing a mask as the S.H.I.E.L.D agent the whole time.

No, she knew who he really was. There really was no one else that he could be. Loki.

“Hello, Darcy,” he said to her, and the door slammed behind her.  Darcy jumped and instinct took over.

She blinked, and there was a snap followed by a loud buzz before whine of crackle. Lights flickered against the walls. He shook from the onslaught of electric volts, bewildered and aghast in front of her, the sleazy smile disappearing from his face before he tumbled to the floor.

For a long pause, Darcy stared at the unconscious figure, feeling the dread already sneaking into her bones. “Oh, shit...” she said, and when it dawned on her that she tasered another god, one potentially more dangerous and lethal than the last one, she felt almost faint.

But instead of falling over from shock, Darcy’s instinct kicked in again, and she could only dumbly listen to the self-preserving voice screaming inside her head.

Buck up, Darcy, she told herself sternly, and duck-tape the sneaky bastard to a chair.

Part Ten

loki, summer mini challenge, loki/darcy, mischief and tasers, darcy, thor

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