Inuyasha, "Absurd Distractions" chapter 16

Jul 12, 2011 12:36

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Absurd Distractions
Author: Paynesgrey
Chapter Title: 16: Overpowered
Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshoumaru
Genre: Humor/Friendship
Word Count: 250
Rated: PG
Universe: CU, post-series
Notes: This is a friendship fic. There will be implications toward the Inuyasha/Kagome ship; however, this serialization will focus on the growing friendship between Kagome and Sesshoumaru, whether Sesshoumaru likes it or not. It's supposed to be a little cracky and fun, and it'll revolve around prompts in various LJ communities. This prompt, "never again" was written for iyfic_contest.

Summary: Out of boredom, Kagome rudely begins to meddle in Sesshoumaru's personal life.

Absurd Distractions

Chapter Sixteen: Overpowered

Stars started to twinkle in the sky as Inuyasha tracked Kagome’s scent. He stopped, and his blood went cold when her smell stalled in the air. There was a faint trace of it in the road ahead, just as his brother’s, but they were both being overpowered by something else.

He snorted. “Youki combined with dark holy magic,” he said to himself, recognizing the evil energy as similar to Tsubaki’s work from long ago. Not the same because she was dead, but there was definitely a dark miko at work here, as well as other unfamiliar youkai.

He narrowed his eyes down the thin path. If his brother was teaming up with these youkai to kidnap Kagome, Inuyasha promised to cut off all four of his brother’s limbs with Tessaiga the next time he found the bastard, so that he’d never walk again.

Suddenly, Inuyasha sensed it. Something was coming for him at all sides. Could it be the same thing that captured Kagome? Was it one of his brother’s nefarious allies? He readied his sword. He grinned confidently, itching for a challenge like this since Naraku’s reign.

“Come out, you bastards!” Inuyasha hollered, and he heard echoing laughter within the ominous breeze. Inuyasha’s eyes swept the area, waiting for the moment they would show themselves. Then, he’d torture them all until they gave back his Kagome.

Unexpectedly, an impossible power hit him with a crippling force. Inuyasha struggled futilely against it, and his sword promptly fell at his feet.

kagome, sesshoumaru, absurd distractions, sess/kag, genfic, inu/kag, inuyasha

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