Inuyasha, "Shiori Chronicles" chapter 18

Jul 14, 2011 08:51

Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Next Generation: Shiori Chronicles
Chapter Title: Preparations
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Shiori, Kohaku, (slight Kohaku/Shiori)
Rating: PG
(Chapter) Word Count: 300
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Warnings: None
Notes: Post-manga.Continuation to my "Shiori Chronicles". This is the 19th installment. Written for the "worry" theme at iy_unsung_heros.

Summary: A teenage Shiori wants to do something more with her life, and everything changes when she meets a traveling pack of pacifist bat youkai, as well as a handsome demon slayer.

Next Generation: Shiori Chronicles

Chapter Eighteen: Preparations

Shiori tries not to worry about Kai’s familiarity, nor does she want to spare another thought on how Kohaku really feels about her. A dull ache forms in her stomach when she does, as if she already knows and doesn’t want to admit it. It seems he only thinks of her as a friend and comrade, and Shiori hates feeling so selfish. That should be enough for her.

But, truthfully, it’s not.

She shakes her head, stares at Shinta, and she sees him shifting around and moaning in his sleep, but he sleeps normally as any young boy would. While Kohaku and Kai keep a look out, she practices with her scepter. The shield goes up several times, and sometimes the ruby gem pulses when her thoughts stray toward Kai and Kohaku.

The scepter is definitely tied to her emotions, which Shiori thinks she can use. She wonders, however, how the scepter will react to extreme fear. Since the dark miko is coming for them, she knows she’ll soon find out.

Shiori looks to the sky. Tomoe has been circling the camp as well, while Kohaku rounds the perimeter and Kai stays with her and Shinta, keeping close. Finally, Kohaku returns on Kirara, and Shiori rises when she sees his expression of dread mixed with anxiety. His muscles are tense, and his brows lock. Tomoe returns to his forearm squawking wildly.

“Get ready, everyone,” he commands. “Tomoe has spotted her in the distance, but she’s headed right for us, and she has an army.”

“What are we going to do?” Shiori asks, desperate for his sound leadership. “What about Shinta?”

Kohaku purses his lips. “Kai stays with him. Kirara will cover our backs. Shiori-chan,” he says, and he’s looking not at her, but at her scepter. “You’re next to me.”

kohaku/shiori, shiori, shiori chronicles, kohaku, inuyasha

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