Thor (movie-verse) "Coffee and Ice Cream" part 8 of Mischief and Tasers, Loki/Darcy

Jun 30, 2011 11:55

Fandom: Thor (movie-verse)
Title: Coffee and Ice Cream
Author: Paynesgrey
Characters/Pairings: Darcy, Jane, Loki (disguised as S.H.I.E.L.D Agent Tom Hill), Loki/Darcy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,618
Genre: Drama
Notes: Takes place at the end of the movie. Written for prompt "ice cream" for the Summer Mini Challenge. Part 8 of my Mischief and Tasers Loki/Darcy serialization. The previous part is here.

Other URLS: AO3 | FFnet

Summary: Loki, disguised as Agent Tom Hill, and Darcy go out for coffee.

Mischief and Tasers

Part Eight: Coffee and Ice Cream

Darcy had to admit she was nervous. She had always adopted a down-to-earth attitude about almost everything, even Gods falling from the sky into the desert - or other Gods attacking their small little New Mexico town with giant otherworldly robots. This time, a date with an actual good-looking guy who was moderately interested in her was more trying than any other life and death situation she’d ever faced.

Anxiously, she wiped her sweaty palms on her legs, smiling briefly as Agent Hill caught her stare and smiled back. She felt her heart skip a beat after that, and she felt like a total virgin moron for acting like this. Well, one part of that wasn’t exactly true - Darcy didn’t think of herself as a moron. Still, this was how she felt, like she was reliving high school all over again and she was making out with a boy for a first time.

Not that she’d complain if it came down to that.

“We’ve arrived,” Agent Hill said, bringing Darcy out of her thoughts. She blinked and looked ahead, seeing the familiar sign of the diner in the center of town. She’d eaten here so many times, and she’d seen S.H.I.E.L.D agents hanging around here as well. She knew the waitress, Shelly (with her wild black hair and a mole on her lip) by first name, and Shelly knew her too - always gossiping with her, telling her that Darcy needed to find a “fella” and how she missed that large hunky man Thor that came in a couple of times.

Well, once Shelly saw Darcy with Tom Hill, she supposed the story spoke for itself. Shelly might never let her hear the end of it.

Darcy silently followed a step behind Tom, and he opened the door inside for her, and Darcy had to swoon again at his chivalry. Where did he learn such etiquette and manners? Ah, right, he was from England, or so she guessed. He never really said one way or another.

Coming inside, Darcy paused as Agent Hill picked a booth, and Darcy couldn’t help recognize this as the same booth that she and Jane had always gravitated to whenever they came here, like it was their booth for being VIP customers. Darcy found the coincidence interesting.

Now this booth would give her an entirely different memory, and she hoped it stayed good.

Settling in the seat, a night-shift waitress handed them menus, and Darcy peered around the diner, barely littered with quiet customers that seemed more like extras in a movie than anything else. Shelly wasn’t there, and Darcy pouted a little, wanting the woman to see that she was capable of snagging a date - even though she had bemoaned many times how the S.H.I.E.L.D agents obviously took no interest in her.

“Right then, what’s good?” Tom asked, and Darcy looked up, still enjoying the sound of his voice whenever he spoke. He smiled at her. “I’m afraid I’ve never been here.”

“Um... well, the breakfast is really good - the omelets and crepes,” she said, trying not to stammer. She stared at her menu.

“I’ll get what you’re getting,” Agent Hill said, immediately putting down the menu. Darcy watched as he propped an elbow on the table, rested his chin on his palm and then stared at her.
She’d had experience with reading body language before in a class. At first, it was kind of a boring class, just an elective she could take for her major, but she always found the lectures interesting when the professor talked about the body languages of women and men on dates.

And right now, according to her “knowledge” on body language, Agent Hill’s attention was totally hers. He was hanging on her every word, treating her like she special and the only important person in the whole room. Either he was just really good at manipulating his own body language to charm her, or he really was interested in her, Darcy didn’t really know.

She grinned at him, throwing him a coy look. “I’m really not hungry; just coffee is fine.” Smart girl. You don’t want to get caught eating something that makes you look like a pig, or something that you could potentially spill all over you.

Darcy glanced at a folded advertisement to her left. And Ice cream. Ice cream was always good food for a date, and the imagery of eating it could do wonders. Knowing he was watching, Darcy made a “hrmmm” sound, and she grabbed the ice cream ad and could barely contain her grin. “Oh, and this apple turnover ice cream. It’s irresistible,” she said, meeting his engaging eyes. “You should try it.”

“I’m sure it is,” he intoned, still smiling at her. Darcy felt a tingle pulse through her body. Agent Hill has to stop being so hot, she thought, before my insides explode.

The waitress came and went, and Agent Hill was very interested in learning about Darcy’s past, why she became Jane’s intern, about her true field of study, and about her family. Darcy didn’t mind opening up; though, she did notice that Agent Hill was hardly in the mood to open up about himself. He was mysterious, and Darcy knew right away that was a red flag, but for some reason, she didn’t care. She liked this moment between them - feeling relieved to finally click with someone after being alone for so long.

It was almost too good to be true.

He watched her intently eating the ice cream, and sure, she was putting on a bit of a show, but he didn’t call her on it, and he didn’t stop her. Once in a while, they shared each other’s bites, and Darcy elicited such girlish laughs she didn’t know she had such silliness within her.

God, please don’t let this be love, don’t let it, Darcy told her. She didn’t want to get her hopes up. She didn’t want to be disappointed, and worst of all, she didn’t want to be betrayed.

Inevitably, it turned late, and they were one of two left in the diner. The wait staff glared at them as they began to clean up for closing, and Tom and Darcy got the hint, and made their way slowly outside, talking and laughing - mostly joking about the S.H.I.E.L.D agents, and Darcy tensed as he shut the car door on his side, smoothed down his black coat, and made his way to the driver’s seat. He glanced at her, and Darcy smiled silently, wishing the night would never end. She felt a ball of anxiety in her chest, knowing once he took her back to the physics lab, she had to decide whether or not he’d let her kiss him.

For a first date, she knew better to invite him inside. Oh, but I so want to, but he’s a gentleman and I, well, I don’t want to be the American hussy, she thought.

But hell yeah I’m going to kiss him, she promised herself as he drove off. But she only would unless he asked her for a second date. She wondered if she should really wait for that at all, and just seize the day and kiss him anyway.

He walked next to her side, and he let her take his arm as he walked her up to the front door. Jane was inside, and Darcy could see the glow of her computer across the room through the glass.

“Um...thanks for coffee,” Darcy said with an anxious smile. She averted her eyes, but she would not loosen her arm from his. Finally, he broke away, caressing the curve of her arm before pulling his hand away.

“We shall have to have coffee tomorrow night,” Tom said. “After the training of course,” he said.

“Of course,” Darcy said cheekily with a giggle.

“Good night, Darcy,” he said smoothly, squeezing her hand. She looked into his eyes. Breathe, Darcy, Breathe. She couldn’t say anything. All the formalities, the niceties, were caught her throat.

Impulsively, she whispered “screw it” and lunged after him, pulling his face down to hers in a desperate kiss. She felt his tall, lean body tense against her touch, mostly from shock, but soon he melted into her, kissing her back archly while she tasted every gorgeous bit of those smirking lips.

Damn, she just didn’t want to pull away. Not now, not ever. His tongue broke through her lips, tasting her, playing with her, and delving deep inside. Darcy wondered if she could have a heart attack from something like this, and if it were possible, knowing her luck it’d probably happen to her.

Shifting on her weakened balance, Darcy finally fell away, giggling slightly against his face. He straightened, and she caught his stare again, beaming with a sort of strange triumph.

“Um...I was going to say sorry, but...looks like I don’t need to,” she drawled, licking her lips. She turned on her heel, winking at him and walking a little smugly through the front door. She rested a hand on the frame and threw him a look over her shoulder. “Good night,” she purred slightly, and she sauntered happily inside after Agent Hill gave her a slight nod, and walked back to his car grinning himself.

When Darcy was inside, her thoughts were so consuming that she almost didn’t see Jane jump up from her office chair, looking haggard and kind of scary, and peering at Darcy with anticipation.


“Agent Tom Hill seems to like coffee and ice cream,” Darcy said, stalling as Jane seemed to bounce like a puppy in her spot. Darcy grinned with naughtiness. “And... he’s a damn fine kisser.”

Part Nine

loki, summer mini challenge, loki/darcy, mischief and tasers, darcy, thor

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