Flock unto me...

Jan 29, 2015 12:25

ReverseBang #1 is GO! I worked with the fantastic museaway, who wrote the equally fantastic companion to my art, "The Flock". (The link is now working; GET THEE TO THE FIC!) Part case fic, part legend, a whole lotta brothers being brothers. Beautiful imagery, I highly recommend!

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sam winchester, spn, reversebang, museaway, dean winchester

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Comments 62

siennavie January 29 2015, 18:10:55 UTC
So pretty and atmospheric! And I find it hard to believe you don't paint landscapes often because that piece is just gorgeous. Love your sketching style as usual; that bird man is really cool and imaginative.


quickreaver January 29 2015, 18:30:09 UTC
I really don't! Especially anything with architecture in it. But the longer I avoid it, the worse it gets, so...

Thanks, lovely!


meesasometimes January 29 2015, 18:18:36 UTC
To say that I love this art is an understatement. I had your original prompt set as my screensaver since RBB prompts opened up. I think it's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I didn't even need the story (but I am curious) *running off to read*


quickreaver January 29 2015, 18:29:13 UTC
The fic isn't quite unlocked yet! SORRY! The author will open it ASAP; she's at work and I was a little long in cooking up the masterpost...best laid plays of mice and men!


cassiopeia7 January 29 2015, 18:20:12 UTC
Oh, MY. You should do more landscapes, woman. And I can definitely see some Andrew Wyeth influence in the landscape -- where'd that pesky Christina get to? :D

Beautiful work, just gorgeous. Brava!

Alien!bird-man is creepy . . . and is that ancient!Dean in the second piece?


quickreaver January 29 2015, 18:34:53 UTC
That IS ancient Dean! I'm so glad you could tell, heh! I had a lot of fun with the birdman; I don't do monsters often either. Now, if I could just vary my POVs...always something to work on!


chomaisky January 29 2015, 18:23:52 UTC
I LOOOOVE THESE!!! That prompt pic is just WOW! And I knew it was you when I saw it! Dean got cursed again? That monster looks pissed off by the Winchesters!


quickreaver January 29 2015, 18:33:14 UTC
The monster was VERY pissed off with the Winchesters, and it is glorious. I hope the author unlocks soon, because NO, Dean didn't get cursed...exactly... :D

The main prompt turned out a lot better than I'd hoped; how often does THAT happen?? Like, never! Thanks, Cho! I can't wait to see your's, baby...


chomaisky January 29 2015, 18:36:10 UTC
I haven't added any new one to the prompt pics because I haven't got my full stories... but we'll see!


quickreaver January 29 2015, 18:48:27 UTC
Aw, bummer! All my authors have been excellent in getting me the fics this year (unlike years prior, for whatever reason.) Now, if I can find time to read and work on them! I need an executive assistant. Or a clone.


meesasometimes January 29 2015, 18:27:51 UTC
why didn't I mention your font choice? I should have said how perfect it is. (yes, I just go around judging everyone on their font)


quickreaver January 29 2015, 18:31:39 UTC
I LOVE FONTS. I am a total font whore, no lie. It takes herculean reserves to not want to use the fanciest, least legible font I can get my hands on! www.dafont.com is my favorite site EVER. :D


cassiopeia7 January 29 2015, 19:05:33 UTC
*butts in politely*

Hee. I know what you mean re font-whoring. ;) I use www.fontspace.com myself, but am ALWAYS looking for new goodies. *steals link*


meesasometimes January 29 2015, 20:25:56 UTC
uh huh, I totally get it. I am both a font whore and a font snob. Like "Papyrus"???? seriously??? that has been played out "lucida handwriting"?? grow some balls, do you have no imagination, lol....don't even get me going on font. Our wedding invitations were 2 weeks late going out because I couldn't decide on the font. I'm currently in love with Santos Dumont.

I just recently discovered dafont.com....god help me.


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