Flock unto me...

Jan 29, 2015 12:25

ReverseBang #1 is GO! I worked with the fantastic museaway, who wrote the equally fantastic companion to my art, "The Flock". (The link is now working; GET THEE TO THE FIC!) Part case fic, part legend, a whole lotta brothers being brothers. Beautiful imagery, I highly recommend!

The original RBB prompt:

(click to enlarge.)

I don't paint landscapes or interiors/architecture often, and I need to start doing that more. Perspective kills me, so this is some small step towards that. And I adore American Gothic. Was very inspired by Grant Woods, all the Wyeths, True Detective, faded Polaroids.

Spot illustrations:

Pencil on paper, scanned and slapped on a texture, little bit of digital pencil highlighting.

And that's it! Ask me anything, if you have any questions about technique or whatevs. Concrit always welcomed. Enjoy, babies!

sam winchester, spn, reversebang, museaway, dean winchester

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