A Voyage of Discovery!

Dec 15, 2010 18:14

Characters: Nausicaä, Larry, Ai, Yuuki, Lulu, Linfa [CLOSED]
Date: Afternoon/evening of the 15th.
Summary: Nausicaä gathers some trusty companions and hides into the wild.
Warnings: Possible altercations with the landscape?

Nausicaä perched herself on one of the crumbling stairways, rifle laid out on her lap as she checked it over one last time. The bolt and firing pin were in working order, her siren shells were secured to her chest, her knife was just as sharp as ever - everything was in order. All she needed now were her companions. She'd spoken with several through the Vine and she expected them to show up soon.

She slung the weapon across her back and stood, one foot perched on a piece of fallen masonry. This place was beautiful - but it wasn't home. She needed to explore, to find out, to see what made this place so strange. And hopefully find a way home.


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