001; the lights and the bells.

Dec 13, 2010 02:02

Characters: Birdie & [ OPEN ]
Date: The night of December the 12th.
Summary: Birdie is enchanted by the million of lights, BUT THEN SHE HEARS THE BELLS AND FREAKS OUT...
Warnings: Huuuh. Trauma ahead? No idea.

Back from where she is from - not home, because home is a nest and the phoenix has none - magic is not something from stories alone, but part of life as well. Part of the little bird's life, something forever intimate with the phoenix's spirit. But from where she is from, there are lamps with fire to light the streets, not the pretty blinking lights that the trees and streets a illuminated with. These are different from the fires, hung from strings, blinking and so very pretty. So ever since they began, the little bird has been staring in awe, with a big smile on her face. She can sit under a snowy tree all day and watch the lights go on and off, watching them as if she's listening to their silent little melody.

The cold is also something she has never quite seen before. The land she is from has rain and the Winter winds, but not those white clouds that fall from the skies to cover the grounds as if white tapestry beneath her feet. Although beautiful, it's cold and she doesn't quite like it: she is a red bird, a bird of fire, the cold suits her ill. That is why she is wearing a little too much clothing for anyone that took a glimpse, possibly wrapped around more than five layers, but that's the only way she dares to go outside.

Unfortunately, there are more than lights to the white coat of Winter. As she started to listen more and more, she began to hear a very distinguishing sound: the chiming bells. Birdie doesn't like them, no, they are reminiscent of the summoning of the Call by the Yellow Eyed. So she makes a little whiny sound and puts her hands over her ears, shrugging and nearly disappearing under all of those clothes she's wearing, sitting on a bench under a tree, blinking lights making her appear and disappear in the darkness of the night.

the phoenix, *open

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