1 » Video

Sep 11, 2011 10:02

[Nanako may be the most technologically out-of-touch person she knows, but she's sure plantlife and technology do not go together, and neither do cats giving her mysterious letters. It's too surreal to be true; even after she's read the paper multiple times and pinched her arm in an attempt to wake up, she's convinced she must be dreaming. Even she ( Read more... )

kris loop, prussia, juri arisugawa, mami tomoe, nanako misonoo, *vine, sayaka miki, *video

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Comments 80

video; headedforhope September 11 2011, 20:28:05 UTC
[oh dear....she feels so bad for you :c]

Ah.....it's very nice to meet you, Misonoo-san, although I wish it was under better circumstances. My name is Mami Tomoe, and unfortunately, this isn't a mistake that can be easily fixed; I'm assuming you've read the scroll?

[a pause, but there's no way to put this delicately, only as kindly as possible-]

What it describes is now your new reality.


poupeechan September 11 2011, 20:52:11 UTC
It's very nice to meet you, Mami-san, but there must be a mistake... Cats don't give you letters, and plants can't act as telephones; that's silly! I need to get back soon, Miya-sama will be upset if I'm late for another meeting...


headedforhope September 11 2011, 21:04:24 UTC
[this is the story all about how your life got flipped-turned upside down...]

But haven't both of those things already happened? ...are continuing to happen right now, even?


poupeechan September 11 2011, 21:26:40 UTC
Y...yes, but this can't be a new world, or a kingdom, or anything like that. I'm sure I just got off at the wrong bus stop, and anyway, I have to get to class; I was even planning to bring extra lunch today, because I need to stay late. I can't stay here, my parents will worry otherwise.


VIdeo beerjugs September 11 2011, 21:20:00 UTC
You're one of the young ones.


poupeechan September 11 2011, 21:30:18 UTC
I―I may not look it, but I am in high school! Though I may get mistaken for a middle schooler every now and then, I'm a legitimate student.


beerjugs September 11 2011, 21:44:31 UTC
[She decides against freaking her out with the next question regarding her humanity, but this is too amusing] It's unfortunate that you're not at school at the moment. Have they told you where you are?


poupeechan September 11 2011, 22:15:47 UTC
I have this letter that explains I'm in a garden, but this isn't anywhere near campus that I know of. Do you know where this is?


[video] tookupthesword September 11 2011, 21:42:44 UTC
... Sorry. This may sound really weird for you, but this wasn't a planned trip for you. You kind of got... abducted. Magically. And I don't think you can leave anytime soon either.

[Even now, after everything she's been through, Sayaka still thinks that sounds ridiculous. It can only be worse for normal people.]


poupeechan September 11 2011, 22:29:32 UTC
Magic? Abduction? Don't be ridiculous, this isn't a time to joke! I've gotten lost, that's all.

I have to get back soon, I've been assigned clean-up duty today. Even if I can't find a way to get back immediately, I should find an exit soon enough.


tookupthesword September 11 2011, 22:46:20 UTC
Really, I'm not joking. If I could tell you where an exit was, I would, but... there's really nothing.


poupeechan September 11 2011, 23:14:12 UTC
...Do you have a telephone? A cellphone? I'm not sure I can dial anywhere using this vine.

We should be able to call the police, if you really are lost. Ah, where are your parents?


video; reluctantstop September 12 2011, 03:53:27 UTC
I know a spell but I don't really use it unless someone pays me.


poupeechan September 12 2011, 04:01:33 UTC
Well, I have some money... How much would it cost?


reluctantstop September 12 2011, 04:02:27 UTC
Thirty gold. That sounds about right.


poupeechan September 12 2011, 04:11:58 UTC
Um, would yen be compatible instead? It's all I have, I don't have any other kind of currency... And I need to hurry home; I'm running late as it is.


video; envelopment September 12 2011, 13:44:22 UTC
[ Really, she hates fussing with this vine ordeal, but apparently it's taken to bother her if she does not give it enough attention. Pulling at her leg, following her wherever she does. Why should she bother to care about it? ]

As everyone else has said before me, there is no way of a ride home. We are all stuck here until someone figures a way to get out.


poupeechan September 13 2011, 05:55:00 UTC
That can't be true! I―


What you are doing here, Miya-sama? I thought―the Sorority activites for today, you said you would be busy all afternoon―


envelopment September 13 2011, 14:35:12 UTC
[ Her eyes narrow a bit―not recognizing the name or the girl saying it. ]

I think you've mistaken me for someone else.


poupeechan September 13 2011, 23:18:39 UTC
You don't remember? It's me, Nanako―

[Then she takes a closer look. The curls in her hair, even the color of her eyes―the similarities are uncanny. But then, she to berate herself: she's not back home anymore. There is no more Sorority or Miya-sama. She's still reluctant to accept it, but slowly, the truth is sinking in, that there is truly no way of returning.

And now she's made this older girl uncomfortable because of her own homesickness...]

...I'm sorry, I've―made a mistake. It's just, you look like someone else I know. I still haven't really adjusted to being here...


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