1 » Video

Sep 11, 2011 10:02

[Nanako may be the most technologically out-of-touch person she knows, but she's sure plantlife and technology do not go together, and neither do cats giving her mysterious letters. It's too surreal to be true; even after she's read the paper multiple times and pinched her arm in an attempt to wake up, she's convinced she must be dreaming. Even she ( Read more... )

kris loop, prussia, juri arisugawa, mami tomoe, nanako misonoo, *vine, sayaka miki, *video

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video; envelopment September 12 2011, 13:44:22 UTC
[ Really, she hates fussing with this vine ordeal, but apparently it's taken to bother her if she does not give it enough attention. Pulling at her leg, following her wherever she does. Why should she bother to care about it? ]

As everyone else has said before me, there is no way of a ride home. We are all stuck here until someone figures a way to get out.


poupeechan September 13 2011, 05:55:00 UTC
That can't be true! I―


What you are doing here, Miya-sama? I thought―the Sorority activites for today, you said you would be busy all afternoon―


envelopment September 13 2011, 14:35:12 UTC
[ Her eyes narrow a bit―not recognizing the name or the girl saying it. ]

I think you've mistaken me for someone else.


poupeechan September 13 2011, 23:18:39 UTC
You don't remember? It's me, Nanako―

[Then she takes a closer look. The curls in her hair, even the color of her eyes―the similarities are uncanny. But then, she to berate herself: she's not back home anymore. There is no more Sorority or Miya-sama. She's still reluctant to accept it, but slowly, the truth is sinking in, that there is truly no way of returning.

And now she's made this older girl uncomfortable because of her own homesickness...]

...I'm sorry, I've―made a mistake. It's just, you look like someone else I know. I still haven't really adjusted to being here...


envelopment September 14 2011, 02:36:18 UTC
[ There are not many people who look like her, it's rare she's ever mistaken for someone else. She doesn't really dwell on it―after all, what are the chances she will run into her? Especially here. ]

I can tell... It's not exactly an easy place to adjust to. I arrived here not that long ago and I am still confused as how to some things work, but what everyone has said is true. There is apparently a powerful Queen who rules this place who brings only women here, magic dirt that can create nearly anything, and―as you already know―talking animals and plant life that is far too persistent for it's own good.


poupeechan September 14 2011, 02:51:15 UTC
Magic...dirt? But there is regular food though, isn't there? I've never used dirt in baking...

I doubt it would taste very good, anyway! [Although, with her being so worried, her attempt at lightening the atmosphere falls flat.]


envelopment September 23 2011, 17:20:53 UTC
I couldn't tell you how it's used, honestly. Apparently you can use it to make anything, but seeing as it's dirt, I would assume it doesn't hold together very well.


poupeechan September 25 2011, 16:33:41 UTC
I think it would crumble, wouldn't it? [But her voice lapses into silence, and with her best attempt to smile, makes an effort to change the topic to something she can handle.]

―um, your name is?


envelopment September 27 2011, 16:34:32 UTC
I'm not very sure myself. Apparently it's strong enough to keep houses together, but I haven't seen it used myself.

Arisugawa Juri. You are?


poupeechan September 28 2011, 02:08:34 UTC
Misonoo Nanako. It's nice to meet you, Arisugawa-san. [Silence falls yet again, unsure what to ask this older girl. She's so much like Miya-sama, possessing such silent, but intimidating grace.]

If you don't mind, how long have you been here?


envelopment September 28 2011, 20:24:46 UTC
Not that long myself, only a few weeks. I arrived here while walking home from school, but, like everyone else, I can't quite recall exactly how I was brought here.


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