1 » Video

Sep 11, 2011 10:02

[Nanako may be the most technologically out-of-touch person she knows, but she's sure plantlife and technology do not go together, and neither do cats giving her mysterious letters. It's too surreal to be true; even after she's read the paper multiple times and pinched her arm in an attempt to wake up, she's convinced she must be dreaming. Even she ( Read more... )

kris loop, prussia, juri arisugawa, mami tomoe, nanako misonoo, *vine, sayaka miki, *video

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video; headedforhope September 11 2011, 20:28:05 UTC
[oh dear....she feels so bad for you :c]

Ah.....it's very nice to meet you, Misonoo-san, although I wish it was under better circumstances. My name is Mami Tomoe, and unfortunately, this isn't a mistake that can be easily fixed; I'm assuming you've read the scroll?

[a pause, but there's no way to put this delicately, only as kindly as possible-]

What it describes is now your new reality.


poupeechan September 11 2011, 20:52:11 UTC
It's very nice to meet you, Mami-san, but there must be a mistake... Cats don't give you letters, and plants can't act as telephones; that's silly! I need to get back soon, Miya-sama will be upset if I'm late for another meeting...


headedforhope September 11 2011, 21:04:24 UTC
[this is the story all about how your life got flipped-turned upside down...]

But haven't both of those things already happened? ...are continuing to happen right now, even?


poupeechan September 11 2011, 21:26:40 UTC
Y...yes, but this can't be a new world, or a kingdom, or anything like that. I'm sure I just got off at the wrong bus stop, and anyway, I have to get to class; I was even planning to bring extra lunch today, because I need to stay late. I can't stay here, my parents will worry otherwise.


headedforhope September 18 2011, 17:58:43 UTC

You seem to be having trouble accepting the situation. I can understand that - it is pretty fantastical, but things will go better for you once you come to grips with it. All of this is very real, Misonoo-san, and for the time being there is no escaping from it.


poupeechan September 18 2011, 18:23:49 UTC
[She remains quiet for a moment. What she says can't be true, that's...just unthinkable. But this girl doesn't strike her as dishonest, and she's surely only saying these things with the best intentions in mind, even if she may be wrong. A magic garden? Moving plants? She isn't sure how to explain these things, but they certainly aren't real to her.

Perhaps she's been taking a too lighthearted approach to all of this. If she's to start treating this as a kind of temporary 'reality', then formalities first.]

Then...Tomoe-san? How long have you been here? Where are you supposed to live?


headedforhope September 18 2011, 18:51:05 UTC
[Ah, that's better. Her smile softens just a touch, although it's tinged with the faintest hint of sadness; poor girl, so new to this world that can be, at times, as cruel as it is pretty. Even with the scrolls provided by the cats, there's much to tell - to explain, to advise.]

I've been here for about seven months. I'm supposed to live [and the word is given a briefly weary and hopeless sort of emphasis, spoken of as a thing long lost] in the city of Midakihara, in Japan. But here, I stay at the Monsigny apartment complex. There are many places here where one can take up a residency; empty places free for the taking, boarding with others - and if nothing available is to your liking, you can create your own home. Is that something you might want to do, Misonoo-san?


poupeechan September 18 2011, 22:56:06 UTC
[Seven months? Her smile fades into a sympathetic frown at the weariness in her voice. She isn't sure if she would be able to take seven whole months away from home, and still manage to sound so composed. She takes a deep breath, tyring not to show much her words have shaken her.]

I think, maybe an apartment would be nice. I'm used to living in a large house, but I wouldn't want to stay there by myself.

...When you said, seven months, you weren't serious, were you? I can't stay here. I have school and the Sorority to attend, and my friends and family will be concerned.


headedforhope September 19 2011, 00:19:33 UTC
I can show you the place, if you'd like. Gabrielle Monsigny, the creator and landlady, would undoubtedly love to have you.

[The question makes her pause. She idly plays with one haircurl; pulls it out slightly, lets it sproing back into place. The smile doesn't waver.]

Yes, I was being serious. It might almost be seven months to the day, if I've been keeping proper track.....well, regardless, you might not have any cause to worry on that front. However, I wonder if you can accept my explanation for saying so....

[Mami regards Nanako steadily, if politely as ever. As if sizing her up...but not unkindly.]


poupeechan September 20 2011, 03:09:10 UTC
Yes... I'd like that very much. [However, her reply is softer than usual. It's not so much she can't believe it, so much as she doesn't want to believe it. She has to spend months without seeing her loved ones. Months without greeting her mother in the morning, months without talking with her friends about idle topics...months without St. Juste.]

Am I allowed to send letters? I have a penpal back home, who's like an older brother to me. I like to write to him every now and then.


headedforhope September 24 2011, 23:27:24 UTC
[Another pause, and Mami's calm smile noticeably falters. What Nanako is asking is not something Mami has ever considered, has ever had any reason to. Her parents are dead; she lived alone; friendship was only ever a brief and shining thing. To say nothing of how she herself is deceased. Mami has no one to write to - hasn't for a long time. She sucks in a small breath and recomposes herself.]

...you can write your letters, if it gives you comfort, but I'm afraid to say that they won't be sent. We really are cut off from our homes here - all of us.

[She says it softly, an apologetic edge to her voice.]


poupeechan September 25 2011, 16:01:00 UTC
[She notices the hesitation and the apology in her voice, and while disappointed, she can't bring herself to protest. None of this is Mami's fault anyway; she's just the bearer of unfortunate news.

Not only can't she see anyone from home, she can't call or mail them either. It truly does feel isolated, but she forces her loneliness down. She can cry once the feed in turned off, she doesn't want to trouble this girl any longer.]

I...see. U-um―thank you for informing me. I wouldn't want to try sending them, only to receive them back. At least I can still write; it will just be like a diary instead.


headedforhope September 25 2011, 20:38:29 UTC
You're welcome, Misonoo-san. And that's a good, productive idea...perhaps it's something I too should take up. [There's a pang of concern, the need to somehow soothe.] ....It really can be overwhelming, this situation. I'm afraid I've been here so long that I might have forgotten the true extent of that. Is there anything else I can do that might help?


poupeechan September 26 2011, 00:55:37 UTC
[She shakes her head, doing her best to sound thankful, instead of stewing in her own unhappiness.]

No, I'll―I'm alright. I don't think there's anything that you can do to help, but I appreciate the offer, Tomoe-san.

Although...there is someone I'm looking for. If you can tell me, if you ever see a woman with long, blonde hair, wearing a man's suit, I'd like that.


headedforhope September 26 2011, 01:36:14 UTC
Ah, please think nothing of it. I'm always glad to try. [An understanding smile, and Mami lets the matter drop...for now.] All right, I'll be sure to keep an eye out for this lady. May I ask for her name?


poupeechan September 26 2011, 02:00:32 UTC
Her real name is Rei Asaka, though she also goes by St. Juste of the Flowers, or just St. Juste. I don't think I'll ever meet her here, but I'd be happy if I could.


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