welcome to the shortest recorded hiatus in LJ history

Jun 11, 2011 23:15

The good news is! I HAVE EENTERNET. \OOOO/ This would normally make up for everything that is bad news, but ugh, bbs, today was just. Long. And. ...Long.

I don't know what is is about this conference that seems to draw out the entitled and high-maintenance older women, but I've been forced into prolonged conversation with two of them now, at two ( Read more... )

i'm sorry what is this fuckwittery?, alaska: we're cool, bitch bitch bitch, do i really need a real life tag?, sleep deprived r us

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Comments 14

linnet_melody June 12 2011, 08:08:33 UTC
...and I quote, "People who ask me that must never read newspapers."





Wow, lady. I don't care who you are or where you think you're going in life, but being rude to people who have their own problems and their own interests and care about what you do only to the extent of "how much can she fuck up my tip/job" does not warrant you acting like a bitch. Unless you thought you were making a joke. Yyyyeaaahhhno, see, that was still rude. 'Cause then you're talking down to the kid and insulting his intelligence and it makes you look petty and mean. Which you are.

That poor boy.

AND POOR KLU! Stick by your guns, girl, and plug those ear thingies in. Never yield the high ground! Aye, avast! :D

Also, I agree with the whole "my family is emezzin" 'cause your mom is making an adventure out of sleeping BEHIND A COUCH! How awesome is that?


queenklu June 12 2011, 16:29:33 UTC
Seriously, how dare he be polite enough to check that your name isn't spelled some bizarre way, he should have just assumed and hoped not to piss you off, obviously.

(Alright, and just because it's too weird, I'm going to tell you that her last name was Ransome. There is a woman who just desperately needs to get kidnapped, just so she'd realize that no one would pay to get her back.)

Totally imagining my bed as a pirate ship, now, THANK YOU! *SMOOSH*



shri_amato June 12 2011, 15:46:29 UTC
O_O *backs away slowly from Psycho Bitches*

Watch White Collar while reading White Collar porn. *nodnods* (I totally want a Adam Lambert/Matt Bomer fic. JS.)



queenklu June 12 2011, 16:32:56 UTC
The world would implode from beautiful if Matt Bomer and Adam Lambert were ever in the same room, hnnnnngh. Worth it.


shri_amato June 12 2011, 18:38:16 UTC
The world would melt from the sheet hotteness. Now, imagine if Adam Lambert, Matt Bomer and Jensen Ackles has pretty pretty gay babies together.



cat_teh_rose June 14 2011, 05:42:54 UTC
oh my.sorry for the post hijacking, but yes!!!!!!!!


tombolguid June 12 2011, 21:01:19 UTC
Yay, earplugs! Make sure to put them on while she's talking ^^

Btw, there's shinies on the box. Feel free to take what you want~


queenklu June 12 2011, 21:07:38 UTC
LOL What an excellent idea. *plots*



dodger_sister June 14 2011, 04:52:14 UTC
OMG - she asked you when you lost your virginity?! What?! I would have lied for the shock value and said, "No, not in Scotland, in Alaska, when I was 12. Thanks for bringing that up," and then gone to the bathroom and pretended to be crying. Yes, I would have.

Then again...I could just fall asleep watching White Collar and reading porn. Hmmm.

I hope you did just that. ;)


tombolguid June 14 2011, 05:02:50 UTC
LOL "Oh, sweetheart, I auctioned it off on eBay. Didn't you see it on the news? It was a big deal for some reason. Never understood why. I was gonna be 18 in two weeks."


dodger_sister June 15 2011, 01:52:38 UTC
Dude. Yes. That would have been the perfect answer!


queenklu June 14 2011, 05:56:31 UTC
I KNOW, RIGHT? Ughughughughugh I wish I had been that fast-thinking at the time, what I did was look elsewhere (so I didn't break her face) and say, "I ain't saying," which I'm sure she took as confirmation and not, "NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS." But Ohhhh, maybe she'll ask again and I can go pretend to cry. I love fake-crying. :(


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