My late, loony Siamese queen, a tiny little pure-bred who looked snooty even when asleep, would occasionally let out the most enormously loud farts. And then either give you a look that said, "Whut? I didn't hear anything," or one that said, "OMG, how could you do that?"
She'd usually do this in bed at night, right as we were about half-asleep.
Miyuki's best trick when she was a kitten was to look up at you with those big adorable (then blue, now grey) eyes, as though pleading for a cuddle...and then, right when you leaned down to her and held your face close to hers, she'd let rip with a ginormous sneeze and spray your whole face. Cheeky little shit. :)
My last cat once sneezed about nine times in quick succession. He was sitting up on the settee, and each sneeze put him more and more off-balance until he fell over backwards. Cats really hate it when you lol.
Comments 4
She'd usually do this in bed at night, right as we were about half-asleep.
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