sca, sewing

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  • Happi Berfdai to Me!!!

    purpura Apr 18, 2012 17:42

    Today is my birthday. unlike a lot of people, I'm actually my age today (38, if you were wondering). It's been a day. Lots of good wishes (gotta love facebook for somethings) and an endless day at work ( Read more... )


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  • What a day was Yesterday!!!

    purpura Apr 15, 2012 10:39

    My Birthday is this upcoming Wednesday. Anywhere from a month to 3 days before Husband Mine is on the eternal quest for me to tell him what I want. Besides my amazon wish list, which is long and detailed ( Read more... )

    me:birthday, muppets

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  • About that 8am Burst of Energy

    purpura Mar 12, 2012 16:40

    I apparently crashed and crashed hard that night. I was falling asleep at the computer around 4:00 and took an hour and a half nap. Woke with the low blood sugar shakes and didn't make it down to dinner (yes I ate ( Read more... )

    toothless, insomnia

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  • What's with Daylight Savings Time This Year?

    purpura Mar 11, 2012 09:15

    Normally when it's Spring Forward I am a total slug and don't want to get out of bed, ever. Then the kid comes in and jumps on us and one has to get up anyway. This year the boy is still asleep and it's 9:05am. Normally he comes in for Sunday snuggles around 7am ( Read more... )

    daylight savings time, cleaning, toothless

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  • I've put it up everywhere else

    purpura Jan 24, 2012 09:29

    I shouldn't ignore livejournal, even if I have been horrible about posting this past year ( Read more... )


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  • Neil Gaiman always says it best

    purpura Dec 31, 2011 23:33

    I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes ( Read more... )

    holiday:new year's, gaiman

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  • Seems the day for this poem

    purpura Nov 11, 2011 18:14

    In Flanders Fields ( Read more... )


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  • That was exciting

    purpura Nov 05, 2011 19:49

    I spent the last few hours trolling facebook like a hawk waiting with baited breath to hear what was happening at Crown Tourney. The information came trickling in with the final 16 or the semi finals. Then the final four with one of the contestants names mis-typed. Was it Kondrad or Kenrick? For a brief time we didn't know ( Read more... )


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  • Ah, our little bonsai tree

    purpura Nov 04, 2011 20:25

    We were watching Young Justice, a favorite in the house. The episode basically revolved around an end of the world scenario happening in their heads in order to teach them fear ( Read more... )


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