Happi Berfdai to Me!!!

Apr 18, 2012 17:42

Today is my birthday. unlike a lot of people, I'm actually my age today (38, if you were wondering). It's been a day. Lots of good wishes (gotta love facebook for somethings) and an endless day at work.

I brought in bagels and cream cheese to celebrate. Work is sort of like elementary school. We celebrate birthdays, but you have to bring in your own snacks. One also gets one's name read out on the local radio station we are forced...er, that is, the local radio station that is played at work. I'm not the only birthday today and couldn't hear my name read out because everyone in the room was cheering Olivia. I'm mainly amused by this.

Got through the day and came home. Fondue is being made for my birthday dinner (with shrimp!!!) and nounsandverbs is off to Fishkill to fetch my Ice Cream Cake from Cold Stone Creamery. At the late date of last night I decided I wanted an ice cream cake. Normally I would have gone local, and gotten it from the local ice cream stand, but alas, all they had was a chocolate/vanilla combo.

I loathe chocolate ice cream, so that was out.

Back in the days of school age birthday parties I was always the kid that would find the choco-holic and trade my chocolate half for their vanilla. Trying, vainly, to keep as many of the cookie crumbles that separated the flavors on my plate. The cookie crumble was the best part, don't you know.

I digress, but basically, as an adult shaped person I don't have to have chocolate ice cream in my ice cream cake if I don't want it. So there. Nyah.

I'm looking forward to dinner. Along with the shrimp (kept way away from Miss-allergic-Celia) we will have sausages, roasted potatoes, french bread, asparagus and broccoli. It's pretty much the meal my husband hates the most in the world. But birthday dinners around these parts mean you're on your own if you don't like it!

Quiet day, but a good one. Happy 38. 2 more to go til 40, but the one I'm really looking forward too will be 43.


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