And May All Your Christmases Be White

Dec 11, 2011 22:35

Title: And May All Your Christmases Be White
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 1500
Disclaimer: Not my boys. Kripke broke them long before I ever got to them.
Summary: The first Christmas after Sam left, both Dean and John are down with colds, but somehow it doesn't suck as much as Dean feared it would.

Fill for 'Archaic Medical Treatment' on my hc_bingo card. Four ( Read more... )

oneshot, john, dean, hurt/comfort, supernatural, hc_bingo, hurting dean is like crack to me, sort of almost fluff

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Comments 30

Thanks! gatekeeper1324 December 11 2011, 21:49:34 UTC
This is heart rending in places and lovely in others. Very well written! Thanks for sharing!




Re: Thanks! purple_carpets December 12 2011, 07:06:07 UTC
Thank you so much. It's the least angsty I can manage these days ^^


tifaching December 11 2011, 21:52:52 UTC
John has dimples. Don't know why that's my favorite bit of this, but it is.

I'm glad that it wasn't angsty and dark, because good!Daddy!John fic is not that easy to find. This story just feels true to me. Great job!


purple_carpets December 12 2011, 07:06:33 UTC

... )


irismay42 December 11 2011, 22:19:58 UTC
Aww that was lovely. Nice to see Smiley!John for a change!


purple_carpets December 12 2011, 07:07:24 UTC
Right? I was writing him all growly and mad and intimidating and suddenly poof he insisted on being nice for a change. :)


biketest December 11 2011, 22:36:37 UTC
I really should have learned by now not to read your fics while I'm watching football with my dad, because I will cry ( ... )


purple_carpets December 12 2011, 07:13:20 UTC
lol, I've basically given up on reading fanfic when my parents are in the room.

The baseball thing hits me hard every time. I get that John couldn't give them a normal childhood, but they deserved to be taken to a ballgame once in their lives. And Dean's reaction when he learns that John took Adam...damn, Jensen nearly breaks me.

Well, no-one's ever going to accuse John of being father of the year, but that doesn't mean he went around punching his kids while laughing like a madman (believe me, I've read that kind of fic). I had a line in there about John punching Dean the last time he called Sam, but ultimately cut it, because while I have no problem thinking of John as mildly abusive and loving his boys more than anything in the world, I know a lot of people can't reconcile the two and I'd rather not deal with the confusion and complaints right now ^^


lies_unfurl December 11 2011, 22:38:52 UTC
TRUE STORY: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation was on last night. And the one scene that I see is the one that I hate with a burning passion: where the adorable white kitty chews on the wires and goes "poof." And now I'm convinced that the movie is stalking me.

Um, anyway, I really like this. You write fatherly!John really well, regardless of whether or not it rots your teeth. I love the ending, and the idea of young!Sam being all, "We HAVE to wish them a merry Christmas/Hanukkah" made me smile more than it should have. You should write more things that don't make me want to cry :D


purple_carpets December 12 2011, 07:17:46 UTC
lol, I hate the entire movie, really. But it seemed like the appropriate 80's reference that Dean would like ^^

I'm so glad you like my John here. It's not that he's a good father, but his sweeter side come out more than in my other fics. Can't you just see kiddie!Sam trying to figure out what the other hunters' religions are and who he needs to wish what?

You should write more things that don't make me want to cry :D
You don't even wanna know about the two other Christmas fics I got lined up...seriously messed up.


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