And May All Your Christmases Be White

Dec 11, 2011 22:35

Title: And May All Your Christmases Be White
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 1500
Disclaimer: Not my boys. Kripke broke them long before I ever got to them.
Summary: The first Christmas after Sam left, both Dean and John are down with colds, but somehow it doesn't suck as much as Dean feared it would.

Fill for 'Archaic Medical Treatment' on my hc_bingo card. Four ( Read more... )

oneshot, john, dean, hurt/comfort, supernatural, hc_bingo, hurting dean is like crack to me, sort of almost fluff

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biketest December 11 2011, 22:36:37 UTC
I really should have learned by now not to read your fics while I'm watching football with my dad, because I will cry.
There is so much I love about this fic. It gives you a lot to be sad about but ultimately isn't actually sad.
Dean not being sure if his dad would want to go to a baseball game with him hit me hard. That's one of the things that consistently makes me sad about Dean's childhood, every kid should have gone to sports games with their dad (or mom). Those are some of my favorite memories.
Dean not buying the tickets because he didn't want to get "reamed out for spending their resources on pointless niceties", or "stammering and blushing all over the place, only to have Dad apologize over and over again for not thinking to get him anything in return" make me crave fics where either of those happens.
John giving a twelve year old whiskey because he's sick, hahaha he would. I like how in this fic John is just kind of a bad father, but also sympathetic character and not a borderline abusive asshole. (Though obviously I love stories where he's an abusive asshole too..)


purple_carpets December 12 2011, 07:13:20 UTC
lol, I've basically given up on reading fanfic when my parents are in the room.

The baseball thing hits me hard every time. I get that John couldn't give them a normal childhood, but they deserved to be taken to a ballgame once in their lives. And Dean's reaction when he learns that John took Adam...damn, Jensen nearly breaks me.

Well, no-one's ever going to accuse John of being father of the year, but that doesn't mean he went around punching his kids while laughing like a madman (believe me, I've read that kind of fic). I had a line in there about John punching Dean the last time he called Sam, but ultimately cut it, because while I have no problem thinking of John as mildly abusive and loving his boys more than anything in the world, I know a lot of people can't reconcile the two and I'd rather not deal with the confusion and complaints right now ^^


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