Still in bed early Monday morning, Caroline totally listened to
radio with her blanket yanked over her head. "Seriously?" Her complaint couldn't be heard by the squirrels she wished would drop dead for daring to report on her at all ever.
To recap, now Nathan knew she was a vampire and wanted to hunt her or help her hunt or something; tall hot and werewolf Jacob could freaking smell her; Bod was too sweet to be real but he totally appreciated that vampires could be good; and most of the school had heard some majorly kinky-sounding talk involving her name, vampires, and werewolves.
So not good.
Maybe she should just freaking compel them all and start over. It was a great plan if it wouldn't end in Ric ramming a long, sharpened stick in her chest. "This suuuuucks," she whined. "Maybe I'll just never get out of bed. Solves everything, right?"
[Door closed, post open if you like]