"Hi, you've got Caroline--ugh, no, way too perky," she chastised, hitting a button on her phone in frustration and making a face at herself in the mirror propped at the bottom of her bed.
"Hi! It's Caroline. Sorry, but you've missed--no, no, all wrong, so wrong." More smacking buttons and frowning as Caroline tucked her hair behind her ear and took a deep breath to prepare for her next mini speech. "God, this is so stupid, it's not like anyone's going to hear it," she muttered. Or everyone would, it was kind of one way or the other.
Making the most perfect message possible was a lot harder than the pamphlet she'd pulled from under her door would want anyone to realize. Name and beep was far too little for the reigning Miss Mystic Falls to go with. Caroline was hyper-focused on the perceptions a bad message could create in the minds of potential new minions and BFFs. She needed a quality message with a happy voice and audible smile and just a hint of humor. The perfectionist in her couldn't allow even the slightest flub to make it on the final cut.
Perfect," she announced to herself when she was done and had okayed the preview. Sure it had taken half an hour, there was nothing wrong with that! Now she could wait for calls and inspect her eyebrow in the mirror. "...don't tell me the left is higher than the right."
[Open door, open post!]