Мишку мучает вопрос:
Кто здесь враг таинственный?
А ответ ужасно прост -
И ответ единственный.
Я - в порядке. Тьфу-тьфу-тьфу.
Мишка пьёт проклятую,
Говорит, что за графу
Не пустили - пятую.
http://www.bards.ru/archives/part.php?id=15233 Значит все мы, кровь на рыле,
Топай к светлому концу!
Ты же будешь в Израиле
Жрать, подлец, свою мацу!
Мы стоим за дело мира,
Мы готовимся к войне!
Ты же хочешь, как Шапиро,
Прохлаждаться в стороне!
Вот зачем ты, вроде вора,
Что желает - вон из пут,
Званье русского майора
Променял на "пятый пункт"!
В обращении на визу в Саудовскую Аравию религия значится почетным восьмым пунктом.
Больше 100 лет назад наличие подобного пункта в анкете другой страны привело к большим потрясениям.
Российская империя распространяла ограничения гражданских прав, предусмотренные для людей иудейского вероисповедания, на иностранных граждан, приезжающих в страну с визитом, включая американцев. Еврейские организации указывали на то, что эта политика грубым образом нарушает условия российско-американского торгового договора 1832 года и предлагали использовать угрозу разрыва этого договора для давления на царское правительство.
В 1905, после заключения нобеленосного Портсмутского мирного договора президент Теодор Рузвельт через премьер-министра Сергея Витте передал письмо по этому поводу для Николая Второго. Из
воспоминаний Витте:
"Перед моим выездом Рузевельт дал мне письмо для передачи Государю. Письмо это он мне прочел. В письме этом говорилось о том, что Государь благодарил Рузевельта за то, что он помог окончить переговоры между Его уполномоченными и уполномоченными Японского Императора; что теперь он с своей стороны обращается к Государю с просьбой: в торговом договоре 1832 года имеется один пункт, который получил особое толкование со стороны России, а именно: по этому договору, -- как понимают его в Америке, -- все американцы могут свободно приезжать в Poccию; могут быть различные ограничения, но не исходящие от вероисповедного принципа; если бы ограничения эти исходили из других принципов, если бы ограничения эти делались для того, чтобы оградить Россию от явного материального или другого вреда, то тогда такое отношение со стороны Poccии к этому вопросу признавалось бы американцами совершенно естественным.
Но дело в том, что все американцы вообще могут приезжать в Россию, а только делается вероисповедное ограничение по отношению евреев. В письме говорилось, что американцы никогда не в состоянии усвоить и примириться с тою мыслью, что можно различать людей в отношении их благонадежности, или в отношении их порядочности по принадлежности к тому или другому вероисповеданию. А поэтому, чтобы установить дружеские отношения между Америкой и Россией, те отношения, которые начались, благодаря моему пребыванию в Америке, он очень просит Государя отменить это толкование, которое установилось практикою, в особенности последнего десятилетия.
Как только я возвратился, я передал это письмо Государю Императору, а Его Величество передал письмо президента Рузевельта министру внутренних дел. <...>
В конце концов, в течение почти шести лет вопрос этот не получил никакого благоприятного решения и дело это кончилось тем, что американцы денонсировали торговый договор на тех основаниях, что они не могут примириться с таким произволом и с несоответствующим духу времени толкованием той части торгового договора, которая говорит о праве въезда иностранцев в ту или другую страну."
Дело не сдвигалась с места, а репутация царского правительства в Америке продолжала падать.
13 декабря 1911 в Сенате США проходили слушания по так называемому "еврейскому вопросу". Выступал Луи Маршалл, блестящий адвокат и один из руководителей созданного в 1906 American Jewish Committee (AJC).
The Chairman (Senator Cullom). I invited Senator Culberson and any other persons he might see proper to bring before us to be heard this morning on what I may term for brevity the Jew question or the passport question. Senator Culberson is present, and the committee will hear him first, if he desires.
Senator Culberson. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the committee, there are several gentlemen from a distance here who would be glad, if agreeable to the committee, to make some brief observations upon Senate joint resolution No. 60 to abrogate the treaty of 1832 between the United States and Russia. I would be glad if the committee would hear them now. After they are through I may ask the courtesy of the committee for a few moments.
The Chairman. Senator, will you indicate whom you desire to be first heard?
Senator Culberson. Mr. Louis Marshall, of New York City, is present and will be glad to address the committee in connection with the measure before it.
The Chairman. The committee will be pleased to hear Mr. Marshall.
Mr. Marshall. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the committee, the matter which is to be discussed today has been denominated briefly by your honored chairman as the Jew question.
The Chairman. I thought that was the shortest way to put it.
Mr. Marshall. I would very much prefer to have it considered the American question, because it does not affect the Jews as such any more than it affects any other part of the entire American people.
The Chairman. It is a broader question, I admit, than one affecting simply the Jews.
Mr. Marshall. It is a very much broader question, but some people have had an idea that it merely refers to the Jews. It is true that the Jews are more directly affected by the question than the average of citizens, because they are one of the special classes whom Russia has attempted to deprive of some of their rights as American citizens. They are placed under certain civil disabilities which are not applied to other American citizens. It is for that reason very naturally that they are interested in this question and have taken the initiative in asking the Government of the United States to end at once the unfortunate condition now prevailing, one which must be solved speedily if we are to be considered a homogeneous people and if the integrity of American citizenship is to be maintained.
It is true that the Jews are active in this agitation, but it is Jews of every type. It includes those whose ancestors came to this country within a very few years after the Puritans landed at Plymouth Rock. Congressman Levy, one of the members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House, is descended from Jews who came to the United States in 1660. He would be unable to procure a passport issued to him by our Government to be visited by the Russian ambassador, and would therefore be precluded from entering Russia. It affects those of us whose ancestors came later than those of Congressman Levy, but who were born in this country. Dr. Adler, Dr. Friedenwald, and I belong to that class. It also affects our children whose ancestors for three generations were born in this country. It also affects the Jews who have come from Germany, France, England, Italy, Austria, and countries other than Russia. It further affects those who have come from Russia or who are descended from Jews who were born in Russia.
Although I am not a member of any of the fraternal organizations of the Jews, I have been authorized to speak here directly on behalf of fraternal organizations which have a membership of over 500,000 Jews. I am also authorized to speak here on behalf of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, which represents every important reform synagogue in the United States. I also represent the American Jewish Committee, which has representatives in every State of the Union, whose character may be gleaned from the names of its officers and delegates. <...>
As I have said, this controversy between the United States and Russia has been in progress for 40 years. There has not been a year when action of some kind has not been taken with regard to it. Mr. Evarts, Mr. Blaine, Mr. Gresham. Mr. Olnev, Mr. Hav, and Mr. Root, while Secretaries of State, have all protested against Russia's violation of the letter and the spirit of the treaty of 1832.
The Chairman. And Secretary Bayard among the rest.
Mr. Marshall. Secretary Bayard, of course, is among the leaders in this galaxy of great Americans. I have some very important dispatches issued by him which I shall present to the committee.
The Chairman. If you will allow me to interrupt you, where you know of any particular ground on which a man was excluded I wish you would state it.
Mr. Marshall. Purely and solely on the ground of their religious faith. When a Jew applies for a vise of his passport either before the Russian Embassy or before one of the consulates he is handed a blank which he is called upon to fill out. That blank contains various questions which he is to answer, and among others are the following:
- Name
- Where born
- Religion
- Business or tourist,
- Have you been a citizen or subject of any other country?
You will observe that one of the questions relates to his religion. Thus here on American soil an inquisition is undertaken by a foreign power into the religion of an American citizen, the recipient of a passport from the State Department, who has applied for a vise of such passport.
The Chairman. An American citizen.
Mr. Marshall. An American citizen. We as Americans would not dare to enter upon such an inquisition. If a law were passed which would require a citizen to state his religion as a condition of being allowed to register as a voter or to exercise any right of citizenship in this country, it would at once be declared unconstitutional. It would constitute the imposition of a religious test, which the Constitution will not permit. It would be in effect a violation of the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States. It would be contrary to the spirit of our institutions and to the traditions of our Government. Yet here on American soil a consul of a foreign State sees fit to make inquiry into the religion of a citizen of the United States, and grants to or withholds from him privileges which under the treaty of 1832 are assured to all citizens alike, provided the applicant for rights under that treaty informs the official of such foreign Government that he belongs to one religious faith rather than to another.
Президент Уильям Говард Тафт пытался спасти положение и помочь российскому правительству сохранить лицо. В своем обращении к нации 5 декабря 1911 он говорил:
"By direction of the State Department, our ambassador to Russia has recently been having a series of conferences with the minister of foreign affairs of Russia, with a view to securing a clearer understanding and construction of the treaty of 1832 between Russia and the United States and the modification of any existing Russian regulations which may be found to interfere in any way with the full recognition of the rights of American citizens under this treaty. I believe that the Government of Russia is addressing itself seriously to the need of changing the present practice under the treaty and that sufficient progress has been made to warrant the continuance of these conferences in the hope that there may soon be removed any justification of the complaints of treaty violation now prevalent in this country."
http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/presidents/william-howard-taft/state-of-the-union-1911.php Это не помогло. Через пару недель Конгресс утвердил резолюцию о разрыве договора 1832 года. В Палате представителей был единственный голос против, от конгрессмена из Нью-Йорка. Сенат проголосовал единогласно.
In November 1911, the AJC committee met again with Taft, and it marked the first time an American president had invited a Jewish delegation to dine with him at the White House. They were shocked and disappointed when the president announced he would decline to rescind the treaty. But in one of the earliest and most successful national lobbying campaigns by American Jews, the AJC led the way in bringing extraordinary pressure to bear on both Congress and the president.
The risks inherent in undertaking this campaign were monumental. The AJC and its supporters would need to take on the full power of the administration, which could be perceived as “Jewish agitation” inimical with the public interest. They would have to undertake an ambitious public and media campaign, with no assurance that the American public would be persuaded, and they knew that failure would result in significant adverse repercussions, not the least of which would be a reduction of “Jewish capital” with the American public.
Their effort proved enormously successful, however, as they effectively convinced the media and the public - and, significantly, New Jersey Governor Woodrow Wilson, who would defeat Taft for the presidency the following year - that the abrogation of the treaty was an American interest, not merely a Jewish one.
In short order, a bill of abrogation was passed by the House of Representatives in an astounding 301-1 vote (the lone dissenter was George R. Malby of New York); the Senate, after only forty minutes of debate, unanimously passed it on December 19, 1911; and Taft, saying he would give the Jews a Chanukah present, signed it into law the very next day.
Reflecting this Chanukah theme, one publication ran a political cartoon juxtaposing an image of Judah Maccabee, the great Jewish hero, with an image of Taft thrashing a Russian figure.
Банкир Джейкоб Шифф, другой лидер AJC, который вложил много сил в борьбу за равноправие российских евреев, ликовал по поводу разрыва договора: "We have just passed through an episode which, in my opinion, is of greater importance than anything that has happened since civil rights were granted Jews under the first Napoleon or since English Jews were admitted to Parliament... For the first time, Russia, that great Colossus, has received a slap in the face from a great nation, which act, I cannot help thinking, must in of the greatest consequence in the history of civilization."
https://www.jstor.org/stable/4465950?seq=1 Результата пришлось ждать шесть лет. Поводом для следующего ликования стала февральская революция и указ Временного правительства об
отмене черты оседлости и другой дискриминации по религиозному признаку. На встрече с американскими бизнесменами Борис Шацкий, уполномоченный представитель Временного правительства в США,
говорил: "through a glorious bloodless reconstruction all class and racial barriers, including discriminations again the Jews in Russia had disappeared forever at one blow. The Jewish question is now settled by Russian democracy, once and forever."
К этому времени Шифф перекинулся от республиканцев к демократам и и поддерживал Вудро Вильсона, но счел нужным отдать должное бывшим президентам Рузвельту и Тафту.
Ex-President Taft applauded vigorously last night when Jacob H. Schiff, at a dinner of the " American Jewish Friends of Free Russia," praised Theodore Roosevelt for his efforts, while President, to bring the Russian autocracy to a realization of the wrongs committed against Jewish subjects. There was another outburst of applause when Mr. Schiff, introduced by the toastmaster as a "Russian Revolutionist" asserted that, in his opinion, the abrogation of the treaty between the United States and Russia because of discrimination against American citizens of Jewish birth was the inspiration which, to a great extent, ultimately brought about the overthrow of the Romanoffs. <...>
“The revolution has come, the Czar's Government has been swept away over night, and the first act ofthe new Government. God bless It, was to call home Russian exiles and to emancipate the Russian Jews.
We do not know what may come hereafter but we do know - that never again will these rights be taken away. The Russian Jew has been liberated and will remain so forever."
Тафту предлагали кандидатуру Луи Маршалла на пост судьи Верховного суда, но он отказался. Первым евреем в Верховном суде довелось стать
Луи Брэндайсу, назначенному Вильсоном в 1916.
Вместе со многими другими Тафт горячо возражал против этого назначения. Мотивация была частично личная: благодаря Брэндайсу был в свое время вскрыт скандал с приватизацией (
Ballinger-Pinchot Affair), из-за которого Тафт поругался с Рузвельтом и в 1912 не смог переизбраться на второй срок.
In spite of promises to continue Teddy Roosevelt’s legacy of the conservation of public lands, Taft appointed former Seattle mayor, Richard Ballinger to be Secretary of Interior. Ballinger set about re-privatizing public lands. This raised the ire of progressives who set about publicly denouncing Taft, including in testimony before Congress by Roosevelts close friend and holdover from his administration, conservation pioneer Gifford Pinchot. Pinchot cannot show that Taft was breaking any law, but highlighted a potential abuse of power in using his office to solicit financial support from prominent mining and logging interests. In the magazines the headlines read “Are the Guggenheim’s in charge of the Department of Interior?”
Taft/Ballinger end up firing the leading progressives in their administration, including Gifford Pinchot. Pinchot secures Louis Brandeis as his attorney for a hearing in Congress about his firing. Brandeis is able to prove that the President backdated memos he claimed he had reviewed before firing Pinchot. At that time, the President being caught lying to the American people was such a scandal that Taft’s Republicans were trounced in the 1910 election and the treatment of Pinchot so angered Teddy Roosevelt that he decided to come out of retirement and run against Taft in 1912, splitting the Republican Party and guaranteeing the election of Woodrow Wilson.
В 1921, после обратного перехвата власти республиканцами, Тафт был назначен главным судьей Верховного суда и проработал там
вместе с Брэндайсом долгие годы.
Here’s what Brandeis had to say there about Taft:
“It’s astonishing he should have been such a horribly bad President, for he has considerable executive ability. The fact, probably, is that he cared about law all the time and nothing else. He has an excellent memory, makes quick decisions on questions of administration that arise and if a large output were the chief desideratum, he would be very good. He is a first-rate second-rate mind.”
https://brandeiswatch.wordpress.com/2007/12/05/brandeis-as-dissenter-in-journal-of-supreme-court-history/ Тафт умело выкручивал руки другим судьям, чтобы добиваться по большей части единогласных решений, что, по его справедливому мнению, повышало авторитет Верховного суда. До его назначения нашумели отдельные случаи, когда единство было расколото.
Одним из таких случаев стало дело 1919 года
Abrams v. United States, в котором Брэндайс присоединился к оппозиционному мнению либерального судьи Оливера Уэнделла Холмса, назначенного Рузвельтом. Речь шла о наказании анархистов, виной которых было разбрасывание листовок с агитацией против Вильсона, войны и интервенции в России.
Мнение Холмса и Брэндайса о том, что наказание за высказывание мнения, каким бы вредным это мнение не было, нарушает свободу слова, в конце концов (
через 50 лет) стало общепринятым.
"Persecution for the expression of opinions seems to me perfectly logical. If you have no doubt of your premises or your power, and want a certain result with all your heart, you naturally express your wishes in law, and sweep away all opposition. To allow opposition by speech seems to indicate that you think the speech impotent, as when a man says that he has squared the circle, or that you do not care wholeheartedly for the result, or that you doubt either your power or your premises.
But when men have realized that time has upset many fighting faiths, they may come to believe even more than they believe the very foundations of their own conduct that the ultimate good desired is better reached by free trade in ideas -- that the best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market, and that truth is the only ground upon which their wishes safely can be carried out.
That, at any rate, is the theory of our Constitution. It is an experiment, as all life is an experiment. Every year, if not every day, we have to wager our salvation upon some prophecy based upon imperfect knowledge. While that experiment is part of our system, I think that we should be eternally vigilant against attempts to check the expression of opinions that we loathe and believe to be fraught with death, unless they so imminently threaten immediate interference with the lawful and pressing purposes of the law that an immediate check is required to save the country."
Обвиняемые анархисты были молодыми еврейскими иммигрантами, недавно приехавшими из Российской империи. Они были признаны виновными судом присяжных и осуждены на большие сроки тюремного наказания - 20 лет для юношей и 15 лет для девушки (Молли Штеймер).
A highly symbolic confrontation occurred in a New York City courtroom on October 21, 1918. On the witness stand was Jacob Abrams, a thirty-two year old Russian immigrant, an alien, a Jew, a dedicated anarchist. On the bench sat Henry DeLamar Clayton, Jr., a sixty-one year old federal judge, a man who had represented Alabama in Congress for eighteen years, and who was an ardent Wilsonian progressive. Abrams, who came from Uman, a village near Odessa, had landed at Ellis Island in 1908. He worked as a bookbinder, and lived, in 1918, in a teeming, largely Jewish ghetto in East Harlem. Clayton's ancestors had emigrated to the colonies before the American Revolution. A fifth-generation American, he had lived, for most of his life, on his plantation near Eufala, a small town on the west bank of the Chattahoochee River. Now, Clayton was questioning the witness and Abrams was defending his anarchist beliefs. 'This Government was built on a revolution', Abrams said, '... When our forefathers of the American Revolution-' That was as far as he got. 'Your what?' Judge Clayton interrupted. 'My forefathers', Abrams replied. 'Do you mean to refer to the fathers of this nation as your forefathers?' Clayton asked. Abrams said that indeed he did, that 'we are all a big human family' and 'those that stand for the people, I call them father'. But the judge had made his point, and the jury had no doubt gotten it.
https://www.jstor.org/stable/743635?seq=1 В 1921 президент Уоррен Гардинг заменил им тюрьму на депортацию в Советскую Россию. Но любви с большевиками у анархистов не сложилось.
Believing that deportation was preferable to a life in prison, Attorney Weinberger worked hard to get them deported under the Immigration Act of 1918. In late 1921, President Warren Harding agreed to deport the four defendants to Soviet Russia.
They arrived in Soviet Russia a few months after the defeat of an anarchists-supported uprising against the ruling Bolshevik authorities.
In the following years, Steimer, Lipman, Lachowsky and Abrams continually felt the weight of state repression. Socialist Samuel Lipman died in Stalin’s purges. Lachowsky perished under the Nazis. Mollie Steimer was arrested by the Bolsheviks in 1922 and deported from Russia the following year. When Hitler assumed power, she fled Germany , only to be arrested in France and put into a concentration camp. But eventually she was freed, and finally settled in Mexico City where Jacob Abrams edited a Yiddish-language newspaper. There she spent the rest of her life, dying in 1980 at the age of 83.
Из выступления Молли Штеймер на суде в 1918:
"Anarchism is a new social order where no group shall be governed by another group of people. Individual freedom shall prevail in the full sense of the word. Private ownership shall be abolished. Every person shall have an equal opportunity to develop himself well, both mentally and physically. We shall not have to struggle for our daily existence as we do now. No one shall live on the product of others. Every person shall produce as much as he can, and enjoy as much as he needs - receive according to his need. Instead of striving to get money, we shall strive towards education, towards knowledge. While at present the people of the world are divided into various groups, calling themselves nations, while one nation defies another - in most cases considers the others as competitive - we, the workers of the world, shall stretch out our hands towards each other with brotherly love. To the fulfillment of this idea I shall devote all my energy, and, if necessary, render my life for it."
https://spartacus-educational.com/USAsteimer.htm Из письма Молли Штеймер, написанного в Берлине в 1923 после выдворения из СССР:
"I regard the Bolshevik government as the worst foe of Russia. Its system of espionage is perhaps worse than anywhere else in the world. Espionage overshadows all thought, all creative effort and action. Despite tales to the contrary told by foreign observers who have spent a few weeks or months on Russian soil under Bolshevik guides, and despite the statements of those who receive money from the Bolsheviks for their services, there is NO freedom of opinion in Russia. No one is permitted to express an opinion unless it be in favour of the ruling class. Should a worker dare say anything at a meeting of his factory or Union which is not favourable to the Communists, he is sure to land in prison or be booked by the agents of the G.P.U.(the new name for the Tcheka) as a counter-revolutionist. Thousands of workers, students, men and women of high intellectual attainments, as well as undeveloped but intelligent peasants, are languishing today in Soviet prisons. The world is told they are counter-revolutionists and bandits. Though they are the most idealistic and revolutionary flower of Russia, they are charged with all sorts of false charges before the world, while their persecutors, the “Communists” who exploit and terrorise the people, call themselves revolutionaries and the saviours of the oppressed. Behind revolutionary phraseology they hide deeds which no capitalist government on earth would be allowed to commit without a protest arising from the whole world."
https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/bk3k2h Пятая графа пришла на смену дореволюционного пункта о религии, а анархические мечты откладывались на неопределенное будущее.
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