Влиятельный конгрессмен из Виргинии Говард Смит сыграл важную роль в истории борьбы за гражданские права. Смит возглавлял комиссию по правилам (House Rules Committee), необходимый промежуточный пункт на пути принятия легендарного закона о гражданских правах. Будучи противником десегрегации и равных прав для негров, Смит заблокировал законопроект при Кеннеди в 1963. Став президентом после
убийства Кеннеди, Линдон Джонсон сумел умелыми тактическими приемами пробить законопроект через комиссию.
В разговоре с Мартин Лютером Кингом Джонсон описывал проблему, с которой он тогда боролся:
"Now [Howard “Judge”] Smith comes out and says my bill has had a lot of venom in it, I have a great hatred for the South, and I’m like a rattlesnake. I’m trying to punish you and all that kind of stuff. So he gets the congressmen from the 13 old Confederate states, and he puts 100 with 150 Republicans, and that gives him 250, and 250 is a good majority of 435. So we get some of them away from him. I’ll get a few from Texas away from him, and we’ll get a few from Tennessee away from him, the Confederate states. But he’ll still get 70, 80 of them, and unless we can pull some of the Republicans away, why, we’re in trouble, and we’re dangerous."
https://prde.upress.virginia.edu/conversations/4002519 Во время обсуждения в Палате представителей Смит предложил внести в законопроект поправку, состоящую из одного слова из трех букв: "sex". Последовали веселые шутки и бурное обсуждение среди немногочисленных женщин - членов Конгресса, которое позже получило название "Ladies Day in the House". Поправка была принята.
Было принято считать, что Смит внес эту поправку специально, чтобы отравить законопроект и помешать его принятию. Но позже историки внесли ясность, показав, что он действительно был сторонником равноправия для женщин и мог быть искренним. Закон был в итоге принят с закрепленной формулировкой, которая запрещала при обращении с работниками или приеме на работу "any discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin."
https://www.dol.gov/agencies/oasam/centers-offices/civil-rights-center/statutes/title-vii-civil-rights-act-of-1964 The bill was reported out of the Judiciary Committee in November 1963, but was then referred to the Rules Committee, whose chairman, the segregationist Virginia Democrat Howard W. Smith, indicated his intention to keep the bill bottled up indefinitely.
It was at this point that President Kennedy was assassinated. The new president Lyndon Johnson, who hoped that support for Kennedy's civil rights bill would help him gain support outside his native South in the upcoming 1964 presidential election, indicated his support for the bill. Johnson utilized his experience in parliamentary politics, and the bully pulpit he wielded as president, in support of the bill. <...>
The initial step was to get the bill out of Chairman Smith's Rules Committee. This was done through means of a petition, filed by Congressman Celler, to discharge the bill from the Rules Committee. If a majority of members signed the discharge petition, the bill would move directly to the House floor without consideration by the rules committee. This was contrary to traditional house procedure, and thus civil rights advocates initially had a difficult time acquiring the signatures necessary, as even many congressmen who supported the civil rights bill itself were cautious about violating House procedure with the discharge petition. By the time of the 1963 Christmas recess, fifty signatures were still wanting.
On the return from the Christmas recess, however, matters took a significant turn. The President's public advocacy of the Civil Rights bill had made a difference on opinion in congressmen's home districts, and soon it became apparent that the petition would acquire the necessary signatures. To prevent the humiliation of the success of the petition, Chairman Smith allowed the bill to pass through the Rules Committee.
In the House floor debate which followed, many southern representatives attempted to add amendments to the bill, usually either in an effort to weaken the bill or in the hopes of adding a "poison pill" that might lead to its defeat, either in the House or the Senate. Most such provisions were voted down.
The only notable amendment which was passed was one introduced by Congressman Smith, which outlawed discrimination on the basis of sex in employment. The debate on the amendment, which was introduced by Smith in jocular terms, and was followed by various similar speeches by other conservative southern congressmen, became known as "Ladies Day" in the House, and it has often been supposed Smith proposed the measure as simply yet another poison pill. However, more recent research has shown that Smith was a genuine ally of the feminist movement. The amendment passed with the support of many southerners and Republicans, over the opposition of members devoted to the interests of organized labor.
The bill was brought to a vote in the House on February 10, 1964, and passed by a vote of 290 to 130, and sent to the Senate.
https://psychology.wikia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964 Говард Смит также вошел в историю своим собственным законом (
Smith Act), направленным на борьбу с "пятой колонной". Закон был принят Конгрессом 22 июня 1940 - день капитуляции Франции перед гитлеровской Германией, когда усилились страхи о внедренных агентах влияния.
Всем иностранным гражданам, находящимся на территории США, было предписано встать на учет в правительстве (которого до этого не было) и сдать отпечатки пальцев. Были также внесены новые статьи в уголовный кодекс, предусматривающие тюремное наказание за попытки свержения законной власти вооруженным путем и за призывы к такому свержению.
Закон пригодился после войны, с наступлением
маккартизма. В результате судебных процессов, которые тянулись с 1949 по 1958, с помощью этого закона удалось отправить за решетку руководство коммунистической партии США. 144 человека предстали перед судом и получили в совокупности больше 100 приговоров, с тюремным заключением до шести лет.
На пять лет был посажен Юджин Деннис (партийная кличка), генеральный секретарь компартии США и по совместительству - агент НКВД (последнее ему не предъявлялось в обвинении, но было тайно вскрыто прослушками
проекта VENONA). Вместе со своими товарищами по партии, он подал на апелляцию и довел дело до Верховного суда. В решении по делу Dennis v. United States в 1951 суд постановил, что свобода слова, защищенная Первой поправкой к Конституции, не распространяется на призывы к насильственному свержению власти, которые входят в коммунистическую идеологию.
In a 6-to-2 decision, the Court upheld the convictions of the Communist Party leaders and found that the Smith Act did not "inherently" violate the First Amendment. In the plurality opinion, the Court held that there was a distinction between the mere teaching of communist philosophies and active advocacy of those ideas. Such advocacy created a "clear and present danger" that threatened the government.
https://www.oyez.org/cases/1940-1955/341us494 Американская компартия сохранилась после разгрома, но стала намного тише и уже никогда больше не имела прежнего влияния.
Click to view
Когда Юджин Деннис в 1929 бежал от преследований в СССР, с ним была партийная жена (Регина Карасик, дочь еврейских иммигрантов из России) и новорожденный сын. Деннис вернулся в США в 1935, жена - во время войны, а сына оставили в качестве заложника. Он вырос в интернате, позже взял имя Тимур Тимофеевич Тимофеев и долгое время работал директором ИМРД (Института международного рабочего движения) АН СССР. Первая монография Тимофеева в 1957 называлась "Негры США в борьбе за свободу". Хрущев взял Тимофеева с собой в поездку в Америку и представил его отцу.
ИМРД выполнял задачи идеологического отдела ЦК КПСС по связям с левыми силами за границей, но среди других подобных институтов отличался либерализмом. На должности заведующего отделом там работал выдающийся философ Мераб Мамардашвили. После развала СССР институт был переименован в Институт сравнительной политологии, а позже слился с Институтом социологии.
Что касается интерпретации Первой поправки, из-за которой был осужден Юджин Деннис, то позже она была сужена. В Brandenburg v. Ohio в 1969 рассматривалась дело главы Ку-клукс-клана, который публично призывал к расправе над евреями и другими "социальными группами". В этот раз Верховный суд рассудил, что призывы к насилию выходят за пределы свободы слова только в том случае, если эти призывы указывают на конкретные насильственные действия и в самом деле способны такие действия спровоцировать.
The Court's Per Curiam opinion held that the Ohio law violated Brandenburg's right to free speech. The Court used a two-pronged test to evaluate speech acts: (1) speech can be prohibited if it is "directed at inciting or producing imminent lawless action" and (2) it is "likely to incite or produce such action."
https://www.oyez.org/cases/1968/492 Призывать к уничтожению евреев или вооруженному восстанию можно, если такие призывы служат риторическим приемом, а не призывом к конкретному действию.
Но даже в такой узкой интерпретации применять законы Смита сложно. 10 лет ФБР арестовало членов "мичиганской милиции" (христианской секты Hutaree), которые планировали убить полицейского и расстрелять похоронную процессию, чтобы спровоцировать беспорядки и развязать долгожданную
гражданскую войну.
Six Michigan residents, along with two residents of Ohio and a resident of Indiana, were indicted by a federal grand jury in Detroit on charges of seditious conspiracy, attempted use of weapons of mass destruction, teaching the use of explosive materials, and possessing a firearm during a crime of violence, United States Attorney Barbara L. McQuade and FBI Special Agent in Charge Andrew Arena announced today.
https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/detroit/press-releases/2010/de032910.htm Но дело развалилось в суде.
U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts granted defense requests for acquittal on all charges against five of the defendants and the most serious charges against two others: alleged ringleader David Stone Sr. and his son Joshua Stone.
Acting after prosecutors rested their case, Roberts ruled the government didn't have enough evidence to back its claims. The defendants could have faced up to life in prison if convicted of the charges, which included conspiring to commit sedition and conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction.
http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2012-03-27/hutaree-militia-group-conspiracy-dismissal/53815972/1 Засудить правительство за нарушении их прав им, правда, тоже не дали.
Piatek and the others alleged a reckless disregard of their due process rights, including a violation of their first amendment right to the free exercise of religion, which they claimed was violated by the seizure of copies of the Holy Bible. They also said the government's seizure of certain firearms interfered with their second amendment right to keep and bear arms.
The court today didn't buy it and their lawsuit was thrown out.
For the last few years, Piatek's Facebook page has featured a large cake that states "victory over the FBI," a claim that seems in error after Tuesday's court decision. When the I-Team reached Piatek at his home in Whiting, he wasn't interested in discussing the case and abruptly hung up after hearing who was on the line.
https://abc7chicago.com/news/hutaree-militia-group-loses-final-battle-against-government/698732/ Wray: We can’t eradicate hate, and we can’t wish away evil. But we can continue to stand together on the side of the freedoms we all cherish.
#WeRemember pic.twitter.com/9vhslWdEPH- FBI Oklahoma City (@FBIOklahomaCity)
April 19, 2020 Перед совершением теракта в Оклахоме собрания "мичиганской милиции" посещал антиправительственный террорист Тимоти Маквей.
THE QUARTER-CENTURY ANNIVERSARY of the Oklahoma City bombing is a particularly poignant moment for Wray, who is nearly three turbulent years into the normally 10-year term of FBI director. The OKBOMB case has long existed as a backdrop to his government career; while he was just out of law school and in private practice when the incident happened in 1995, one of his first assignments upon arriving from being a federal prosecutor in Atlanta to the Justice Department’s headquarters under attorney general John Ashcroft in 2001 was to see through the execution of the main bomber, Timothy McVeigh.
McVeigh killed 168 people in the Oklahoma City bombing-including 19 children, many of whom were in the Murrah Federal Building’s government day care center-after the Ryder truck he packed with nearly 5,000 pounds of explosives and parked outside the nine-story building exploded at 9:02 am local time on April 19, 1995.
https://www.wired.com/story/oklahoma-city-bombing-christopher-wray/ Маквей был казнен 11 июня 2001 - за три месяца до другого теракта, потрясшего страну.
"It’s an example of America at its best. The way we come together in this country during the darkest of times, whether confronting a terrorist attack, or these days, an unprecedented virus. The idea that unity will always be stronger than hatred. And the hope that when times are tough, we’ll help each other and rise above whatever comes our way."
https://www.fbi.gov/video-repository/wray-okc-041620.mp4/view These aren't protesters. They're terrorists.
pic.twitter.com/kce6q3sywR- Chelsey Engel (@femmewithapen)
April 20, 2020 Ныне "мичиганская милиция" и другие похожие группы принимают участие в протестах против карантина.
The protest, which drew more than 3,000 people, attracted an even more extreme group, the Proud Boys, a violent gang that the Southern Poverty Law Center identifies as a “general hate group.” At the protest, Proud Boys members allegedly blocked the entrance to a Lansing hospital. “A doctor came out of the hospital to plead with them to let the ambulances through,” tweeted Chad Loder, founder of Masks for Docs, a volunteer group that collects protective equipment for medical professionals.
The city’s public transit system was temporarily disrupted by Operation Gridlock on Wednesday afternoon. “CATA is unable to accommodate life-sustaining and medically necessary trips to or from these areas,” it tweeted.
Several protesters flew Confederate flags, including one that included a superimposed image of an assault rifle. According to the Michigan Advance, the protest turned into a “Trump celebration with Confederate flags and guns.” Some protesters sported Nazi swastika tattoos.
The Michigan Militia, an extremist group with racist ties, also attended with their firearms. Members attended the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017, and Oklahoma city terrorist and white nationalist Timothy McVeigh attended Michigan Militia meetings in the 1990s.
https://www.exposedbycmd.org/2020/04/17/devos-funded-group-organizes-protest-against-michigan-governors-stay-home-order/ President Trump says the Justice Department lawyers and FBI agents from the Mueller investigation, many of whom still work for the US government, are "crooked ... dangerous ... very bad ... human scum." During his rant, he also praised convicted criminals Manafort, Flynn, Stone.
- Marshall Cohen (@MarshallCohen)
April 19, 2020 Трамп поощряет протестующих и одновременно продолжает нападки на ФБР.
Q You know, these - you referred to these protests earlier. You know, some of them are getting pretty intense and were actually getting some death threats to some governors who are reluctant to reopen.
THE PRESIDENT: You are, in the media?
Q No, the governors are getting death threats. You know, governors of Kentucky, Michigan, Virginia. They’re getting increased level of death threats. And are you concerned that your talk about liberation and the Second Amendment and all this stuff -
Q - are you inciting violence among a few people who are (inaudible)?
THE PRESIDENT: I’ve seen the people. I’ve seen interviews of the people. These are great people.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-vice-president-pence-members-coronavirus-task-force-press-briefing-28/ Неизвестно, про какие "interviews of the people" он в данном случае говорит. Твиты “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” и “LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” он запостил после того, как на Fox News откопали шерифа из мичиганской глубинки, представителя движения "
конституционных шерифов", которые не признают федеральных законов. Шериф Дар Лиф был избран их организацией "2016 Sheriff of the Year”.
Beginning at 11:19 a.m. ET, Fox’s America’s Newsroom ran a segment detailing a wave of protests against stay-at-home orders from governors of Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia. Fox aired a package featuring footage from a protest in Virginia and another in Minnesota, with Fox News correspondent Mike Tobin quoting the group “Liberate Minnesota” calling the stay-at-home order “an overreaction.” Co-anchor Ed Henry then interviewed a Michigan sheriff who is defying Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s order in that state.
Trump, who was apparently watching the segment, responded to it in real time by expressing support for the protests, sending multiple tweets saying, “LIBERATE MINNESOTA!,” “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!,” “LIBERATE VIRGINIA.”
https://www.mediamatters.org/coronavirus-covid-19/trump-tweets-praise-right-wing-protests-against-social-distancing-measures Но призывы к бунтам и гражданской войне пока что слишком невнятные, чтобы они не покрывались
свободой слова и попадали под действие закона Говарда Смита, принятого
80 лет назад.
"Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or <...>
Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof-
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction."