Рон Пол

Feb 09, 2019 11:56

В конце августа 2011 внимание диктаторов всего мира было приковано к Ливии, где, после взятия повстанцами Триполи, наступал конец режиму Каддафи. Ким Чен Ир совершил срочную поездку в Россию. В Америке между тем набирала обороты президентская предвыборная гонка. Дональд Трамп советовал прислушаться к Рону Полу.

@RonPaul has some serious ideas which deserve serious consideration. Wrong for media to ignore him.
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 23, 2011

Пол выделялся из республиканских кандидатов тем, что решительно выступал против интервенции и поддержки смены режима в других странах. В чем-то его позиция была обоснована.

“The current situation in Libya may be a short term victory for Empire, but it is a loss for our American Republic. And, I fear it may be devastating to the Libyan people.
There is no doubt that Moammar Gadhafi is a bad guy, and that he has brought harm and misery to his country. However, our involvement in another country's civil war is costly and unconstitutional.”

Неудивительно, что главную информационную поддержку ему оказывали не в американских СМИ, а на канале Russia Today. Рон Пол стал несомненным кремлевским фаворитом.

Several websites feature a series of videos from RT, not limited to the Kokesh program, that are extremely favorable to Paul’s campaign. The channel features attractive female anchors who speak flawless English and claim to have America’s best interests at heart. Many observers agree the channel is far more effective than the heavy-handed Soviet propaganda of the Cold War years.

They read The Nation, Alex Jones, WorldNetDaily. It can seem like the entire Internet was created to convince the paranoid reader that he's right-you can't trust the bastards. RT goes one step further: You can trust the Russians more than you can trust those bastards. If no one else wants to create a TV channel for the despondent, here it is.

Неизвестно, повлияла ли эта поддержка, но дела у Пола пошли неплохо, и по опросу Gallup он вышел на третье место после Митта Ромни и Рика Перри.

A new Gallup poll shows Barack Obama losing by 2% to Mitt Romney in a hypothetical race held "today". Mr Obama is tied with Rick Perry. But the really interesting news is that the president wins by just 2% against Ron Paul, the guy most media gatekeepers assume too unelectable to be worth covering.

Но в своём рвении канал RT немного перестарался и получил предупреждение от FEC за нарушение закона о выборах. После этого кампания Рона Пола формально порвала с ним отношения.

Russia Today has cancelled its show “Adam vs. The Man,” hosted by Adam Kokesh, after an FEC complaint was filed charging that Kokesh’s on-air fundraising for Ron Paul broke rules against foreign campaign contributions.

К концу года отношения между Трампом и Полом испортились. В декабре 2011 Трамп вызвался быть модератором последнего предвыборного дебата на республиканских праймериз.

It’s officially a reality television Republican primary now.
Donald Trump is pairing up with Newsmax, the conservative magazine and news Web site, to moderate a presidential debate in Des Moines on Dec. 27.
“Our readers and the grass roots really love Trump,” said Christopher Ruddy, chief executive of Newsmax Media. “They may not agree with
him on everything, but they don’t see him as owned by the Washington establishment, the media establishment.”
Mr. Trump’s role in the debate, which will be broadcast on the cable network Ion Television, is sure to be one of the more memorable moments in a primary season that has already delivered its fair share of circus-like spectacle.

Рон Пол одним из первых отказался от сомнительной чести, за ним последовали и все другие кандидаты, за исключением Рика Санторума и Ньюта Гингрича. Обиженный Трамп хлопнул дверью и через Майкла Коэна объявил, что выходит из республиканской партии.

Businessman and reality TV personality Donald Trump has left the Republican Party, changing his voter registration to independent in his home state of New York, in a move that could facilitate a potential third-party presidential run in 2012, U.S. media reported on Friday.
The move was disclosed 10 days after the real estate mogul announced he would not moderate a planned debate among 2012 Republican presidential candidates in order to protect a possible White House run as an independent. All but two candidates declined to participate in Trump’s planned December 27 forum in Iowa.
“Mr. Trump has said for almost a year that if he is not satisfied with who the Republican candidate is, he may elect to run as an independent,” Trump spokesman Michael Cohen said, according to the Los Angeles Times. “This change in party affiliation certainly preserves his right to do so, after the finale of ‘The Apprentice’ in May.”

Через полтора месяца - на следующий день после молитвенного завтрака в Вашингтоне - Трамп торжественно поддержал Митта Ромни.

When it was Mr. Romney’s turn to speak, Mr. Trump assumed his place next to Mrs. Romney, and they stood together as an adoring couple joined in the service of Mr. Romney. While the Trump default face is one of pure satisfaction, the maven looked every bit the proud father when the candidate lauded “Donald Trump’s magnificent hotel.” As always, Mr. Romney reminded everyone that he had spent his life in the private sector - but added the caveat that he was “not quite as successful as this guy,” and Mr. Trump nodded the slow nod of a great man for whom respect had been paid.

А дело Пола Рона ныне продолжает его сын, сенатор из Кентукки.

At what point is the Ron Paul "Institute" just gonna start posting its screeds in Russian to cut out the middle man?https://t.co/uEI3QQR456
- John Schindler (@20committee) June 4, 2018

республиканцы, выборы, rt

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