Massu's Mousou Kiss Situation (K-chan News 4/3)

Apr 03, 2013 11:27

Hi guys,
just want to share some quick translation of what happened last night. Some weeks ago, Massu promised on Kei-chan NEWS to give the listeners a  special gift (especially for student fans who just passed the school exams). Kei-chan then asked the listeners to choose between mousou kiss situation (fantasy kiss situation) dialogue and a line ( Read more... )


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Comments 83

yuminews April 3 2013, 05:14:50 UTC
OMG!!!! I'm almost crying because of Massu's cuteness!! I've already told you that I LOVE Massu's laugh and now....THIS!!! It's soooooo sweet! Thank you sooo much for sharing and translating it!!
I'm sooo happy right now. This boy is really one of the cutest human of the world!!
(including the other Tego, Kei-chan and Shige, of course!!) <33
It sounds like they both have a cold. o.O I hope he's fine. (^___^)/~♥


pumpkinsh April 3 2013, 08:49:51 UTC
Ahahaha isn't he the cutest thing ♥ And you're welcome, I'm always happy to share this to other fangirl, they have to know that Massu tried his best last night lmao.
Oh, hopefully they're not having cold or anything, but K-chan atmosphere is always like this in my opinion (esp Koyamassu), they both tend to talk in calm mode, unlike the usual noisy tegomass no radio xD


yuminews April 3 2013, 09:28:21 UTC
Haha Yeah, think you're right^^


jhaipachawai April 3 2013, 05:35:44 UTC
Oh my god~!!

Massu's laugh is so cute.. i can imagine how cute he is while doing this on K-Chan..

thanks for translating~! :*

my heart is pounding.. KoyaMassu~! ♥♥♥ my OTP.. haha.. i really love them~!! ♥♥♥


pumpkinsh April 3 2013, 08:51:07 UTC
My pleasure, glad you enjoyed it ♥ I love how Kei-chan forced Massu to do every single line and ended giggling together xD Koyamassu is awesome!


kurisuchiin_ccb April 3 2013, 05:51:51 UTC
Thank you for translating!

Hahaha chankapanas really want massu to say that line.. He should've done it in utsucon without covering his shy face..


pumpkinsh April 3 2013, 08:51:55 UTC
My pleasure!
Ah, the day when Massu finally say that line properly, guess the fandom will be explode xD


purplefangirl April 3 2013, 06:04:14 UTC
I'm laughing so hard imagining Massu said this XD I think tegoshi's laugh is the cutest ever but i might change my opinion after listening to this....XD thanks for the translation! ^^


pumpkinsh April 3 2013, 08:55:33 UTC
You're welcome! Yup, Tegoshi's laughter is loud, Kei-chan's is infectious, and Massu tends to laugh shyly like fufufufu but sometimes he can be loud too xD It's cute indeed.


momokaymac April 3 2013, 06:41:58 UTC
SO CUUUTE <3 my cheeks are hurting now from smiling too much and trying not to laugh cause it's almost midnight here. I love this! Thanks for translating! :) <3


pumpkinsh April 3 2013, 08:56:37 UTC
Ahahaha, glad you enjoyed this before sleeping momochan. Oyasumi ♥


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