Massu's Mousou Kiss Situation (K-chan News 4/3)

Apr 03, 2013 11:27

Hi guys,
just want to share some quick translation of what happened last night. Some weeks ago, Massu promised on Kei-chan NEWS to give the listeners a  special gift (especially for student fans who just passed the school exams). Kei-chan then asked the listeners to choose between mousou kiss situation (fantasy kiss situation) dialogue and a line from Bambina (motto kanjisasete yaruyo, means 'I will make you feel it more'). Many fanmails came and they want Massu to do mousou kiss, but fans are smart enough to put the Bambina line inside those kiss situation dialogues xD As expected he failed a lot, but he's just too cute let's just forgive him xD

(I) Opening

Massu (M): "I understood. I'll make you realize, that my lips are better than that guy. Alright, you want it don't you?" (laughs)

(II) University

Kei-chan (K): The college entrance examination is over, and I got into the same university as my senpai and boyfriend, Takahisa-senpai.
M: I don't go to the college though (lol)
K: So I went to his house to let him know.. "Takahisa-senpai! I got in the same university as yours!"
M: "Ou, congratulations."
K: "Eh, that's all? You won't give me any present?"
M: "What do you want, for example?"
K: "Something like chu, or chu?" Hearing that, Takahisa-senpai put his face closer to mine...
M: "Fufufufufufufu.. Chuuuuu... Congrats, I'm happy that we'll be in the same university. That kiss just now is a reward for your hard work. And as for the exam success gift, I'll give you more than just a kiss, motto kanjisasete yaruyo fufufufufu chu!"

(III) Black undies

K: It's raining even though the forecast said that it will be sunny today. I don't bring any umbrella, so I waited in front of shoes locker, and that's when my boyfriend Takahisa came.
M: "So you don't bring any umbrella? Me too. Let's just run until my house."
K: He pulled me into his arm and the we got into Takahisa's house.
M: "Ah we're soaking wet, sorry!"
K: "It's okay, don't worry about that.." But when I look at his face, Takahisa is blushing. "What's wrong?"
M: "So you're wearing black underwear today ahahahaha. Fufufufufufu. Chuuu. Motto kanjisasete yaru kara, let's stay together for a while."

(IV) Actor

K: On a holiday. Both of us were watching movie at Takahisa's home. "That actor is sooo cooool!"
M: "Hmmmph.."
K: "Say, what's wrong with you?"
M: "Nothing."
K: "But why you're in such a bad mood? Did I do something wrong?"
M: "I'm here with you but you said that the actor is better than me."
K: "That's not true. You know that I chose you over him."
M: ".... Muaah (making kissing sounds). That's a punishment kiss for cheating. Eh? You're feeling it already? Okay then, motto kanjisasete yaru yoo hahahahahaha!"

Apparently the girl said that the actor would be Shige and it made Massu complained lmao. And In the end, a listener asked Kei-chan to say that Bambina line. He did it well, but it wasn't good enough for Massu and Massu tried to show him the perfect way to do it, but failed again twice xD

Audio credit:news_mass12221@twitter
Pic credit: Inala@lj


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