Ep. 75: toilet talks and radio jingles

Mar 28, 2013 20:49

Air date: 2013.03.28

At first Tegomass and Aracchi talked about spring.
Tegoshi: It's the middle of spring break now for students. After this, some of them will have their grade up, or change their school, some also turn into shakaijin. Spring is the season of change!
Tegoshi and Massu then chatted a bit on how they used to be excited and nervous when it's time for new semester/class, especially if they can be in the same class with the girl they like. Tegoshi said that when on 10th grade, he was in the same class with his mains and they were kind of awesome, while Massu said his classmates are mainly fast-runners and they always won the sports festivals.
Massu: That was because they had me there!
The boys also realized that their radio show has been airing for one and a half year now, and they seem to be happy about it (yay!)
*shakaijin is a Japanese word for person who works in a company, read more here.

[moko moko girlfriend]The first mail is from Maria-san from Kobe. She loves their song Komorebi Memories so much and wanted to get some advises on how to sing it properly.

Tegoshi: This song is difficult to sing! If you can sing it perfectly then our business will be dead!*
Massu: Fufufu..
Aracchi: The business will be dead? (laughs)
Massu: I really like this song though, being able to sing it, it feels like being an adult.
Tegoshi: That's true. It's absolutely impossible to sing it when we were just debuted with Miso Soup.
Aracchi then commented that the atmosphere of the song is wonderful. And since it's a ballad, Tegoshi advised Maria-san to sing it in a relax mode, and listen carefully to the harmonization by keep repeating the song and remember the words. While Massu told her to put some feeling while singing to the song, and Tegoshi also added that it's a cool breaking-up song.
*Tegoshi used the expression 'shoubai agattari', so he wanted to say that they'll loose their job x)

The radio played Komorebi Memories by Tegomass.


Ei-chan from Okayama sent a mail and shared an interesting story. Some times ago she chatted for 4 hours with a girl friend in a coffee shop. It's a common thing for girl to have a long conversation, but when she told her father about that, he told her: "I can't talk for hours like that!" Since Aracchi is a woman, Ei-chan believes that she'll understand. But how about Tegomass? What are some 'girl things' that they don't understand?

Tegoshi: I don't understand why they could chat for four hours.
Aracchi: Eh you don't? Haven't you talk for 4 hours in phone before?
Massu: That would make my ear becomes red! (laughs)
(Everybody laughs)
Tegoshi: Impossible, impossible, impossible!
Aracchi said that he used to have a long talk with friends on the phone especially on her younger days.

Apparently Tegoshi has something he doesn't understand x)
Tegoshi: I have one actually, especially in summer. We'll all go to the pool or to the beach, and every girls wears their swimsuit right? For me, man's swim trunks and pants are just the same, so I wonder why girls are shy when they are (seen) in their underwear? Isn't it the same with swimsuit? For me they are similar!
Aracchi: Swimsuits are waterproof, so we feel safe/protected, while underwear are not.. And also the materials are different..
Tegoshi: (still confused lol) I see.. But for me it's kinda weird..
Massu: But yes, girls are more shy than the boys, indeed.
Aracchi: So the boys are not shy at all?
Tegoshi: Totally.
Massu: But I have a male friend who is too shy and jump in to the beach with his t-shirt on..
(Everybody laughs)
Tegoshi: But why?
Massu: Fufufu.. Maybe because his belly is a little round..
Tegoshi: Do some work out then!

While Massu said he doesn't understand why girls need to have long nails.
Aracchi: The sculptured nails?
Massu: Aren't they bothersome?
Tegoshi and Aracchi: Aaaah..
Massu: I can understand about high heels since it makes the legs look longer, but what's with long nails? It's okay to have it for a short period of time, but after a long time.. it's even hard to press in the cellphone keypads right?
Tegoshi: That's true. But for me it's not a plus thing, and not a minus thing either..
Massu: Of course it's cute but they look extremely hard (to keep)..
Tegoshi: I have a friend with long nails and she asked me to teach her guitar, so I said (suddenly screams): "First of all, cut them all!'
Massu: Fufufu..
Tegoshi: Hahahaha I'm sorry the listeners must be surprised now..
(everybody laughs)

And of course they need to interrogate Aracchi too.
Tegoshi: Aracchi do you have anything you don't understand from man?
Aracchi: Man's.. Eh, please wait a minute. Ah I know, the toilet!
Tegoshi: Toilet?
Aracchi: The woman's toilet consists of many compartments right? But the men are standing (to each other). In that situation, I wonder would one be able to see others'? (note: Aracchi didn't mention the subject but I bet you'll get it anyway).
Tegoshi: Each others'?
Massu: Sometimes there are people who look at other's, right?
Tegoshi: Yes there are! I won't see others', I'll see the wall.
Massu: But basically people look at their front don't they?
Aracchi: I see, please be careful..
Massu: That's right..
Tegoshi: Well actually I don't really care, but I'll get embarrassed in sento (communal bath house) though. Ah, talking about sento, how do the girls wear their towel? Do they use it as front cover or roll it (to their body)?
Aracchi: It depends on people, there are people who only cover their lower part, or don't cover anything and get in into the bath, and also there are people who cover only their front part.
Tegoshi: Heee.. That's impossible I always wear a small towel.
Massu: I actually don't go to that place because it's like whaaaa (being seen)
Tegoshi: It's embarassing huh? I feel the same.
Aracchi: Eeh but how about with other NEWS members?
Tegoshi: We don't know!
Massu: We don't know! Fufufu..

Tegoshi then explained that he once went to onsen with other members but that was long ago, and  he couldn't remember anything except that Shige is the wildest of all (actually he said that it's just his imagination though) xD
Massu: He's like a type who don't bring his towel.
Tegoshi: And he'll take off his clothes in front of camera (laughs)
Aracchi: (laughs) Really?
Massu: This is my image only, but I can picture him brushing his teeth while washing his face.
(Everybody laughs)
Aracchi: That's unexpected.
Massu: He's wild, he's wild.

Aru-chan from Niigata asked them about their sleep outfits. Apparently she's wearing sweatshirt and sweatpants when sleeping.
Tegoshi said he wears sweatshirt and a moko-moko or fluffy pants he received as a birthday gift last year from an ikemen soccer player, Tanaka Junya. While Massu said that since it's getting warm now, he'll sleep with T-shirt and sweatpants.
Massu: How about you Aracchi?
Aracchi: I sleep with long skirt.
Massu: Eeeh?!
Tegoshi: How about the top?
Aracchi: I wear top, it's one piece!
Massu: So you only wear clothes for the lower half only.
Aracchi: That's not true! (laughs)
Tegoshi also said that he wants his girlfriend to wear fluffy clothes so he can make her his pillow.

The last mail is from Monkumin, asking them a question related with their single's title: "Sayonara ni Sayonara". If they had to break up or separate from someone, which one is better: being the one who says sayonara, or the one who being left?
Tegoshi briefly answered that he'll choose to be the one who being left, because he'll feel sorry for saying sayonara to the girl, and Massu agreed with that.
Massu: But there will be no 'sayonara' between us, so please listen to this song by Tegomass...
Tegoshi: (cutting Massu) No no no.. I was surprised! This is the end (of this corner)!

Apparently, Aracchi announced that in this ep, this corner is changed into "please listen to theme-song made by Aracchi corner".
Aracchi: Do you remember when you guys told me to make a jingle? (from this episode), you promised to sing it for me, so please listen to this.
Massu: Maji deeee?
Tegoshi: Aracchi you did it!
Tegomass seems to be very surprised lol. (I always thought that Massu was joking when he told Aracchi to make a jingle xD)

A song playing in the studio, Aracchi has recorded a sample song with her own voice in hip hop style, and it goes like this:
"Tegonyan, Massu, Aracchi's Tegomass no Radio! We'll be waiting for your mail, ze! The postcard number is: 530-830 MBS Rajio! Tegomass no Radio! The mail address is tegomass@mbs1179.com. Our name is Tegomass! There are 2 's' on Tegomass yo!
*note: the particle 'ze' is used on sentence to add some force, and usually used by male.

(everybody laughs)
Aracchi: That was it.. (laughs)
Tegoshi: Naruhodo, naruhodo.. That's wonderful!
Massu: That's wonderful!
Aracchi: What do you think?
Massu: I can only give a confused reaction.

Aracchi then explained that she sang it without tempo etc, and think that Tegomass would make it better, so she asked them to sing it one by one xD At first Massu was kinda refuse the idea and asked for a month to practice lol (and there was a tambourine sounds in the studio, not sure who played that though). But then Tegomass decided to take the challenge.
Tegoshi: I'll sing it freely, yo.
Aracchi: Yes, please.
Tegoshi: Okay, Massu go first!
Massu: (laughs) But why!? You sound like you want to go first just now! I need to think about this after listening to the sample!
(everybody laughs)
Here is Massu's version:

Massu: Tegonyan, Massu, Aracchi's Tegomass no Rajio! We'll be waiting for your mail, ze! The postcard number is (in a deep voice) 530-830 MBS Rajio! Tegomass no Radio! The mail address is tegomass@mbs1179.com. (laughs) There are 2 's' on Tegomass, yo!"

(everybody laughs)
Massu commented that it's difficult to sing it and when it's Tegoshi's turn, he asked the staff to make the tempo faster xD So here is Tegoshi's version:

Tegoshi: Yeaaah, Tegonyan, Massu, Aracchi's Tegomass no Radio! We're going to wait for your all all all mail, ze! The postcard number is  530-830 MBS Rajio! Tegomass no Radio, ooooouuh! The mail address is, Tegomass, yes our name is Tegomass! @mbs1179.com There are 2 's', there are 2 's', on Tegomass, don't make a mistake yo, uh oh!"

Aracchi: Ooohh, let's use this one!
Massu: (Jealous? lol) Aracchi, you're an evil really. I might won't come next week.
Aracchi: (laughs) please come!
Tegoshi: I'm so tired now! Been a long time.
LOOOOOL but lastly they thanked Aracchi for making the jingle ^^

The boys promoted the Sayonara ni Sayonara, and Massu promoted Strange Fruit and the DVD for Resident. He made a brief comment that everybody we'll be surprised to see his character. Tegoshi said he'll come to the stageplay in Tokyo Globe.
Massu: Come to Osaka too.
Tegoshi: I'll come there and bring you some takoyaki (laughs). I'll come to Tokyo Globe or Osaka then.
In the end, Aracchi commented that they seem to be very tired and apologized again xD

Gosh the jingle part cracks me up, Tegoshi really took it seriously loool. Nice job, Aracchi! And I was surprised when she asked about the man's bathroom thing ahaha, actually I'm curious too about that xD
Note: (1) hope you don't mind having a shorter-than-usual summary this week. Suddenly I'll be away for 4 days, so yeah. And anyway I've updated the Strange Fruit post, you can check it out if you're interested HERE. (2) If you have problem listening to the audio, please go to TNR fanpage HERE as Ines has uploaded the audio too there ^^
audio credit: news_mass12221@twitter

tegomass no radio

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