the important part of this post is the drabble prompts.

May 21, 2009 17:17

School's over and the summer's here, though I'm still not entirely sure what I'm actually going to be doing over it. There are possibilities, mostly involving me waiting to hear back from various companies and summer acting intensives, but what any of that actually translates into, I'm not sure. Am also not sure how I'm going to be making money (if indeed I end up doing that at all), but we'll see.

I am resolving, however, to stop worrying about comments I haven't replied to, ficprompts I haven't filled, stories I have yet to write. Fandom is not my job, and treating it like one causes me undue amounts of stress, and I need to stop feeling guilty for not producing enough for something that's supposed to be fun. Hopefully I'll also be able to tackle some original material this summer; I love fanfic, and I'm certainly not going to stop writing it, but I miss telling stories about my own characters and my own worlds, a little. And I actually have viable ideas now, I think.

One thing I'm trying to do is reacquaint myself with drabbles. I've fallen out of the habit, and I think they're useful because I have a bad tendency to get hung up on fidgy little details and expand my stories far beyond what they need to be and lose sight of the big picture because I have to know absolutely everything ever about all the trees in the forest. Drabbles make me focus on one moment and get to the heart of what's important about that moment. Concision: it can be useful!

In light of that, I'm taking drabble prompts now. I am being very very strict about limiting myself to 100 words each. Here's how it works: pick a character from the list below, then pick a kink, and you'll get a drabble in response. Please don't repeat characters or kinks. I might add more characters to the list later, but right now, stick to these guys -- I think there are enough options to choose from. I might ask you to pick another kink if I really can't reconcile the kink with the character, but I'll do my best. The drabbles featuring characters with stars next to their names probably won't include actual sex, for various reasons. Probably. *cough*

I think that's enough setup. Here's the list:
1) America (Axis Powers Hetalia) - breathplay, for pyrrhiccomedy
2) Lithuania (Axis Powers Hetalia) - medicine, for hakucho_cygnus
3) Russia (Axis Powers Hetalia) - S&M with scarf and/or pipe, for pinstripesuit
4) China (Axis Powers Hetalia) - inkbrushing/calligraphy on skin, for moodybear
5) England (Axis Powers Hetalia) - pegging, for twistedsheets10
6) Hungary (Axis Powers Hetalia) - teasing and denial, for lady_venn
7) Kururugi Suzaku (Code Geass) - gag, for amanuensis1
8) Sumeragi Subaru (Tokyo Babylon/X) - sensationplay with silk or leather, for madelineusher
9) Delirium (The Sandman)* - wet dream, for anasyrma
10) Kara Thrace (Battlestar Galactica) - sex in water, for lindensphinx
11) Ciel Phantomhive (Kuroshitsuji)* - bathing, for white_aster
12) Jim Kirk (Star Trek, XIverse) - adrenaline, for best girlfriend~ also if anyone knows where I can grab good new!Trek icons, I will be highly appreciative.

Have at it! I think twelve should be enough. That's all she wrote, folks! Will probably end up doing a lot of these on the Megabus up to New York tomorrow. ♥

fandom: axis powers hetalia, fandom: the sandman, fandom: tokyo babylon/x, fic, length: 100, fandom: kuroshitsuji, meme me, process: part preparation and part panic, genre: m/f, fandom: code geass, fandom: star trek xi, genre: m/m, fandom: battlestar galactica

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