Fic Meme; Round II.

Nov 13, 2010 17:54

We hit 5K on the first meme, so it's time for Round II.

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ice_whisper April 17 2011, 04:12:35 UTC
Because apparently I've been watching entirely too much I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant...

All he knew was that there was pain, so much pain. The next thing he knew, he was waking up in a hospital and the doctors and nurses were telling him that they'd delivered a healthy baby girl via c-section.

He was sure they were nuts. He was a guy. Why were they telling him this crap?

But when they brought her in...he knew. Could feel it in his gut that she was his.


Puck honestly hadn't known he was pregnant. He'd never even known it was a possibility. He'd put the couple weeks of nausea own to food poisoning. The fatigue to his schedule. The ten pounds of extra weight to his slacking off in his workouts because of the fatigue.

What was he supposed to do now?


mrs_sakuma April 17 2011, 21:12:45 UTC
chrissy, wth? i didn't even know that was a show. this would be pretty much awesome to see.

but i'm NOT. DOING IT.



ice_whisper April 17 2011, 21:31:59 UTC
Yup! It's actually a show. Freakishly fascinating. For years, I thought it was just morons that hadn't figured it out, but there are, like, legit reasons for why they didn't know.


[Fill] Surprise 1/? pterawaters June 12 2011, 23:31:35 UTC
So I'm trying to fill, but LJ is being a douche... Here's the unpretty segments ( ... )


[Fill] Surprise 2/? pterawaters June 12 2011, 23:33:08 UTC
The doctor gave him a look as if to ask if Puck was done being in denial and then continued, “Like I was saying, if you hadn’t come in, both you and your baby girl probably would have died of sepsis. It happens very often in cases where a male didn’t know he was pregnant ( ... )


[Fill] Surprise 3/? PG-13 pterawaters June 12 2011, 23:37:21 UTC
Later that day, when Puck was sitting in his uncomfortable wheelchair next to his daughter’s incubator, insisting to the nurse he was fine and didn’t need to go back to bed, a pair of heads appeared through the window in the door. In unison, both Finn’s and Kurt’s mouths dropped and then Finn waved him over. Grateful for the week they’d spent in wheelchairs sophomore year, Puck wheeled his way easily out of the room, looking up at his glee-mates and asking, “What are you doing here ( ... )


[Fill] Surprise 4/? PG-13 pterawaters June 12 2011, 23:39:13 UTC
“It can’t be,” Kurt insisted. “I mean, I don’t actually remember doing that with you ( ... )


[Fill] Surprise 5/? PG-13 pterawaters June 12 2011, 23:40:47 UTC
“You can touch her, though,” the nurse added, “if you want. Be gentle and I’m sure she’ll appreciate the contact ( ... )


[Fill] Surprise 6/? PG-13 pterawaters June 12 2011, 23:42:30 UTC
“I don’t get it, Kurt,” Puck said, sloppy with alcohol and throwing his arm around the kid’s shoulders. “I mean, why wouldn’t you want to mack on someone like that?” He pointed to Brittany, who was dancing like a stripper on top of the table in front of him. “I mean, seriously, you don’t like boobs at all ( ... )


[Fill] Surprise 7/? PG-13 pterawaters June 12 2011, 23:43:51 UTC
Kurt was still waiting to wake up three weeks later when Eve got out of the hospital, swaddled in a pink blanket and buckled into her very-much-used seat in Ruth Puckerman’s car. Noah sat in the back, next to the baby, while Kurt took the passenger seat in front, turning to Puck’s mom and saying, “Thanks for letting me be here for this. You didn’t have to ( ... )


[Fill] Surprise 8/8 PG-13 pterawaters June 12 2011, 23:45:40 UTC
When Puck got back up to his room to see Kurt lying out on his bed, playing with the baby beside him, something in Puck shifted. He wasn’t quite sure what until he was next to the bed, watching Kurt smile up at him, and then leaning down to kiss the boy on the lips, their daughter reaching up from below and grabbing Puck’s shirt in a tight grip.

“What was that for?” Kurt breathed as Puck leaned back and set the bottle on his nightstand before taking Eve in his arms and laying her down in the crook of his elbow.

Puck shrugged and sat down against the headboard, picking up the bottle with his free hand and offering it to his daughter, who took it eagerly. “Thanks, I guess.”

“For what?”

“For being here,” Puck replied, watching as Eve’s eyes slid shut and she made contented little noises. “For knocking me up.”

Kurt laughed softly and sat up next to Puck, resting his chin on Puck’s shoulder and watching the baby eat. Puck didn’t even mind. In fact, he turned his head and kissed the boy again, because he could.


Re: [Fill] Surprise 8/8 PG-13 lezi June 13 2011, 03:24:25 UTC
Nghhh! It's always amazing whenever you fill. ♥


Re: [Fill] Surprise 8/8 PG-13 pterawaters June 13 2011, 21:32:01 UTC
Aw, thank you! :D


Re: [Fill] Surprise 8/8 PG-13 ice_whisper June 13 2011, 03:43:48 UTC
IT. WAS. SO. CUTE!!!!!!

*glomps* I LOVE!!!


Re: [Fill] Surprise 8/8 PG-13 pterawaters June 13 2011, 21:32:19 UTC
It seemed like you needed it, bb. Happy to oblige!


Re: [Fill] Surprise 8/8 PG-13 joyful June 13 2011, 05:28:41 UTC

So cute!


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