Fic Meme; Round II.

Nov 13, 2010 17:54

We hit 5K on the first meme, so it's time for Round II.

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[Fill] Surprise 4/? PG-13 pterawaters June 12 2011, 23:39:13 UTC
“It can’t be,” Kurt insisted. “I mean, I don’t actually remember doing that with you.”

“I don’t either,” Puck replied. “The whole post-Nationals alcohol haze made sure of that.”

“Are you sure you haven’t…”

“Kurt,” Puck argued, “do I look like the kind of guy that lets random dudes fuck him? I’m pretty sure you’re the only one.”

Kurt shook his head and laughed a little. “God, what a mess.” Puck nodded and they sat in silence for a few moments before Kurt asked, “Does she have a name?”

“Not yet. I haven’t had much time to think of one.”

Nodding, Kurt said, “No, I guess you haven’t. Um…” he paused for a moment, not quite meeting Puck’s eyes. “Um, are you keeping her? ‘Cause if you weren’t you could just let-”

“Fuck that,” Puck cried. “She’s fucking mine. I’m not giving her up.”

“What are you going to say,” Kurt asked, sitting down in a chair next to Puck’s bed, “when people ask you where she came from?”

“Dunno,” Puck replied. “Maybe just that I knocked up some chick and she left the kid with me? It’s much more believable than what actually happened.”

“Yeah,” Kurt chuckled a little humorlessly, “people won’t be able to get past the fact that you and I… Much less that you were pregnant without realizing it.”

Kurt looked a little sad, so Puck asked, “Did you…? I mean I know we all just found out and everything, but did you want to, like, meet her?”

Wide-eyed, Kurt stayed still with his mouth open a little before he nodded silently. “Unless… I don’t want to if you’re just going to take her away again.”

“Dude,” Puck replied, hating the way people always thought the worst of him. “I wouldn’t do that. Not after the way Quinn… Shit. I mean, there’s no fucking way I’d do that to you.”

Kurt was pretty sure he was dreaming. It was a complicated and involved dream, but weren’t they all when you were still in them? He sent Finn to the cafeteria for something green (knowing him, Finn would come back with a can of Mountain Dew) and then pushed Puck’s chair back toward the NICU. A nurse met them at the door and said, “Parents only.”

“It’s cool,” Puck insisted. “This is the other dad. His name is Kurt.” Kurt really hadn’t expected him to confess to that fact and he wondered how much he would really be allowed in the baby’s life if Puck didn’t want anyone to know he’d had a single drunken gay moment at a party.

“Oh,” she nodded, directing them to a sink. “Please wash your hands and then put these smocks and caps on. It will protect your baby from getting sick.”

They did as they were told and then Puck let the nurse wheel him back toward the incubator Kurt had seen him staring into before. Kurt hadn’t really seen the baby through the window and now that he had a better look, he was suddenly reminded of all the pictures his dad had taken of him as a newborn. “She’s beautiful,” Kurt said softly, “but very small.”

“Six weeks early,” Puck explained, pressing his nose and one fingertip against the plastic. “God, I hope I haven’t messed her up for life. I’m just glad that after the party in New York Schue reinstated the drinking ban. Haven’t had more than a couple beers since then.”

“Good,” Kurt replied, taking a chance and putting his hand on Puck’s shoulder. He wasn’t quite sure where to go from here, how to tell Puck that he and Blaine had technically been on a break since the first week of school, or how to ask whether seeing this baby made Puck want him as much as Kurt wanted Puck. He probably didn’t. They’re thing was a stupid screw up because Puck was straight and both he and Kurt were technically dating other people when it happened. When Puck raised his free hand and put it over Kurt’s on his shoulder, Kurt’s heart skipped a beat but he knew better than to get his hopes up.

Besides, he was dreaming. When he woke up, Kurt was going to feel stupid for obviously crushing on another one of his straight friends now that things with Blaine were unsettled.

“Can we hold her?”

The nurse shook her head at Kurt’s question. “Maybe in a few days. We want to make sure she’s stable before moving her. You understand.”

“Of course,” Kurt nodded, even as he felt his stomach sink. He was going to wake up before he got the chance to hold his daughter and get a really good look at her. It wasn’t fair.


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