30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles Day Four

Jun 04, 2012 08:26

Welcome to Day Four of 30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in June: 2012 Edition!

Here be the rules; don't forget to include a rating if the piece is rated higher than PG.

(I know I'm a little behind on adding people to the participants list; I should be able to get to that later today.)

30 days of puckurt drabble

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RPF - PG-13 - The story of Chundershirt - 1/2 pterawaters June 4 2012, 13:07:31 UTC
So, this is a diversion from my other storyline. It's rpf, but so far off the map it's in Atlantis. I was inspired by a conversation I had with sparkysparky who gets to meet Chris this week, the lucky duck. Enjoy!

Mark thinks maybe this is the weirdest turn his life has ever taken when he pulls on Chris' undershirt and it doesn't budge. Chuckling in confusion, he asks, "What, is this thing glued on?"

"Leave it," Chris says, distracting Mark by shoving a hand into his Batman boxers.

An hour later, Mark's sore and definitely feels like he's no longer in his early twenties, but damn, it was worth it. At least, until he feels the ribbing of Chris' undershirt pressing his skin into his ribs. "C'mon," he says sleepily, running one hand down the side seam to the bottom edge and slipping his fingertips along the soft skin of Chris' hip. "Take this off?"

"Can't," Chris replies, pulling Mark closer and inhaling the skin on the top of his head.

"There's no one else here, man," Mark insists. "You don't want me to see you?"

"No, I literally can't," Chris ( ... )


RPF - PG-13 - The story of Chundershirt - 2/2 pterawaters June 4 2012, 13:08:23 UTC

"He's an AI monitoring device hooked into my spinal cord. If I don't stay away from everything politics and military, he alerts the authorities," Chris explains, like it's the millionth time he's said this. Who has he been telling this story to besides Mark?

"They couldn't just bug your computer or something?" Mark's sure he's having the most elaborate and the strangest sex dream of his life.

"This is the only thing they're sure I can't get around," Chris shrugs. "It's like having a tattle-tale hooked into my brain."

"Is that even legal?" Mark asks, risking a poke to Chris' shirt, as if to make sure he's not crazy. Though, if anyone was crazy in this situation it was Chris.

"No, but it was either this or life in prison, so..."

"And it-"

"He," Chris interrupts simply.

"And he talks to you?"

"On occasion." Chris gives Mark an assessing look before asking, "Why aren't you freaking out?"

Mark does laugh at that before replying, "Because I'm naked and you're not and I totally believe you almost took over the world. Is it weird that I find ( ... )


wrongstation June 4 2012, 14:50:13 UTC
HAHA oh my god, talk about crackfic, that's awesome. I really like the way you write them, but that's not a surprise since I tend to like everything you write.


pterawaters June 4 2012, 15:22:37 UTC
Lol, thanks! I don't have a very good feel for Mark and Chris voices as opposed to Puck and Kurt, so I'm glad you thought they were in character. At least, as far as they can be in such a cracky fic!


Re: RPF - PG-13 - The story of Chundershirt - 2/2 sparkysparky June 5 2012, 02:21:09 UTC
Omg baby, this is fantastic!!!!!! I was already loling and then CHRIS WAS BORED AND TRIED TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD AND I DIED OMG.

This is totally legit, and definitely canon. 34 HOURS TO CHRIS!!!!!!


Re: RPF - PG-13 - The story of Chundershirt - 2/2 pterawaters June 5 2012, 02:26:03 UTC
You're welcome! And you know someone obsessed with history picked up lots of tips on how to conquer the world...

Have fun in NY!


Re: RPF - PG-13 - The story of Chundershirt - 2/2 geeky_ramblings June 5 2012, 11:31:08 UTC
*snorts* Only Mark would be okay with this! I debating on meeting Chris myself during his book tour.


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