30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles Day Three

Jun 03, 2012 10:33

Welcome to Day Three of 30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in June: 2012 Edition!

Here be the rules; don't forget to include a rating if the piece is rated higher than PG.

30 days of puckurt drabble

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30 Kisses/Cuddles: R rating for cussing jooseboxx June 3 2012, 16:39:54 UTC
Part 1/2

It's pouring.

Like, it couldn't get any heavier, even if it was raining cats and fucking dogs. Puck cannot figure out why the hell anyone would be out in this shit, but there it is, proof that Hummel is five fries sort of a damn happy meal.

It's the middle of summer, the rain is warm and constant and it's been bouncing off the ground for the last hour and a half. Puck's not sure but it's entirely possible that the little patch of grass in front of their apartment building might actually turn into a swamp at this rate. He's mostly worried that Sarah will want to take a 'hippopotamus bath' after that.

Why Hummel is standing out in the middle of Puck's street, he can't figure. Puck's been to the new Hummel-Hudson merger house twice; it's the opposite side of town, in more than one way. Hummel lives in the financial area, where the business owners, lawyers, doctors and accountants all live. Puck lives a stone throw away from Lima Heights, he's just shy of being in Lima Height Adjacent, which is just a little more 'up scale' ( ... )


30 Kisses/Cuddles: R rating for cussing jooseboxx June 3 2012, 16:40:36 UTC
Part 2/2

Sarah was at her friends down the street, ma was at work, so it wasn't like there would be questions as to just what Kurt was doing in the street anyway. The little male diva didn't say anything as Puck tugged him by the hand, into the bathroom for towels to get them dried and then along the hall into Puck's box room ( ... )


Re: 30 Kisses/Cuddles: R rating for cussing pterawaters June 3 2012, 18:26:18 UTC
I want to cuddle you until you can't breathe, I love this fic so much.


Re: 30 Kisses/Cuddles: R rating for cussing jooseboxx June 3 2012, 21:34:09 UTC
I will happily be cuddled to within an inch of my life, so long as I am released before that fateful moment. x)


Re: 30 Kisses/Cuddles: R rating for cussing thynameislove June 3 2012, 22:25:15 UTC
If it were possible i'd give this fic a hug and do a small anime cry like "kyaaaa". Too cute <3


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