Worried (First drabble)

Nov 03, 2004 20:00

Title: Long Past Midnight
Author: Susan
Rating: Uh... G?
Word count: 143
Pairings or characters involved: D
Notes: Very odd drabble, part of a set, not a challenge fic. Based on Ms richelieu's amazing Unwilling Sleep. I'm so sorry! Really! *goes to hide under a rock* I don't know why I wrote this so I apologise now. *pulls rock firmly over head*

Seven hours, three minutes, forty-two seconds.

He hadn’t turned the lights on as it got dark. He didn’t want Leon knowing he’d stayed up to wait for him with something close to panic. If he didn’t arrive soon the police department would have a rather harassed visitor.

Seven hours, five minutes, thirty-three seconds.

He knew, because he’d been counting the ticking of the kitchen clock - the only sound in the apartment - to block the voice that sounded like Grandfather whispering that Leon wasn’t coming back, that he was in the house - the bed - of some woman, that he was lying in a pool of his own blood somewhere, that everything they’d sacrificed had been in vain -

Seven hours, eight minutes, fifteen seconds.

It was taking all his centuries of practice to remain seated on the sofa, when he wanted to leap up and pace the room much as his detective did. But he remained seated, biting his lip, eyes fixed on the carpet he could barely see.
Seven hours, nine minutes, fifteen seconds.

Leon was as faithful as the sun. But... But...

Seven hours, ten minutes, twenty-two seconds.
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