Warren Worthington III headcanons (pt1) [Updated]

Jul 25, 2021 03:50

and some less known/remembered canon facts about his wings, his body characteristics and other bits.
(specific for the comic books Warren, but can be applied to movie version, be my guest)

Posted also at Dreamwidth and Tumblr.

[Last update: 31 July 2024]

Part I | Part II: romantic life | Part III: more powers | Part IV: his women

About his wings
  • His wings need preening.
    He likes to lay on his side, or on his stomach, and have fingers run through the feathers to groom them. It's very soothing and akin to a very relaxing massage if done in the right way. Feathers obviously can't feel, but the skin under them is very sensitive.
    - Is a very personal act, he allows only the people he has a stronger bond with to do it.
    O5 yes, Ororo (with all due respect) not so much.
    - Unless he really needs to preen some spot and he's in a hurry, especially if during battle he received some damage to some important spot of feathers, and he cannot get to it by himself. Then he might ask some other fellow X-Men even if they aren't on best-friends terms. But in such a case if would be an emergency need with no "bonding" meaning.
    - Candy and Betsy are obviously the people he liked the best to groom his wings because the act allowed for much intimacy, akin to having one's (significant) partner brush one's hair but even better because sensations.
    Especially Betsy, because by then he just got his feathers back after years (Marvel timesliding scale WTF) of his metal wings.
  • Having big wings takes a tool on his back.
    The muscles on his back, but especially trapeziuses and rhomboids, get the brunt on the whole flying thing, and by the end of the day - especially if he has used his wings for intensive activities - he might need a massage to unknot the muscles.
  • His wings can ache.
    With time and training he strengthened both his muscles and his wings, but when he was still a young student he could overstrain himself.
    Don't ask the how, I'm not an ornithologist, but this is canon as per X-Men: First Class (2006).
  • He molts.
    Given the size of his feathers, it becomes quite messy when he does.
    Ask the O5 about when Warren molted for the first time since arriving at the school - his wings were still in "juvenile" status and his molt was massive. Bobby likely freaked out, thinking Warren was sick and about to die.
    Also, since molting requires huge amount of energies, Warren overeats when is about to or has started molting.
    - Although the longer feathers must make for an interesting quill stationary item. Xavier must have kept one and placed it on his desk, and people - when his mutant status was still a secret - always asked to which bird might belong that odd quill, because they couldn't think of a bird as big that could produce such a feather that is all white.
    That he molts is canon - although it must've been some one-line thrown around as a joke/jab by Bobby in either First Class or some other O5-retelling. Anyway, it's something that feels like belonging to Bobby's mouth.
    Bobby references(complains) to Warren molting in his hand-notes on the frontispiece of X-Men: First Class (2006) #2.
  • His wings are bigger than they look.
    Since he spends most of his time on the ground keeping his wings neatly folder or half folded, and when he has them spread to fly he's usually high in the sky, people don't have any idea how much big those wings actually are and are pretty much speechless if they get the chance to see the wings spread open up close.
    Reading data about his wingspan (officially 16ft., but I feel they should be bigger since the albatross reaches 12ft) is all fine, but see their majesty in flesh (feathers) is another story.
  • His wings can in fact kill.
    He can moderate the strength with which he might hit you with his wing, but a full blow at maximum impact force can cause serious injuries and, on vital spots like chest or head, even immediately kill an adult.
    The strength in his wings can also put someone through a wall.
    Canon, but seldom used in canon. Seen in Excalibur and also in X-Men #103, where he thinks that "The wings of a goose can break a man's arm. Mine can do a lot worse".
  • His wings generate a massive air displacement.
    He can control their power, he can glide with the elegance of a classic dancer, barely touching the ground with the tip of the shoe, or land with the heaviness of a Power House that cracks the ground, he can not ruffle one's hair if he wants, but he can knock a person down with the massive air displacement of his wingspan if he needs to.
    Canon as per Thunderbolts #27 (where it's said that a single beat almost bowls the Thunderbolts over) and Gambit Annual 2000 (where "the backwash of his wings" has Gambit loose grip and fall into the air).
    I don't know if you ever had a close encounter with a bird, especially one on the medium to bigger sizes range. I was grazed by both a flying/diving hawk and an owl during a show (it was part of the show that the hawk grazed the head of the spectators), and wow!
  • He can fly by making almost no sound.
    His feathers don't have the unique structure that characterizes the feathers of owls, so he's not completely silent when he flaps his wings, but he has learned how to calibrate the pace and strength of the flapping to be as almost completely silent.
    If he comes downwind, not even people with superhuman senses can hear him before he's landed on them.
    Canon as per X-Force (2008), when even Wolverine doesn't hear him and only notices Warren's arrival when Warren's almost literally on his head.
    The owl aforementioned from the show? Silent as a tomb, so to speak. If it wasn't for the air displacement, or the looming shadow, you didn't even tell an owl grazed your head.
  • He can also be untracked by smell.
    He knows how to fly and use air streams to avoid his smell be detected by the heightened-senses like the ones of Wolverine.
    Canon as per X-Force (2008), but also Uncanny X-Men (2016) #11 when Sabertooth in full hunting mode doesn’t notice Archangel hovering over his head for many minutes.
  • He can hover without beating his wings.
    By using the wind he can hover in place with virtually no movement from his wings besides small adjustments.
  • He can keep his head perfectly steady during hovering mode.
    Thanks to vestibulo-ocular reflex, which uses rotation detectors in inner ear, and the opto-kinetic reflex, which uses motion detectors in the retina eye, he can stabilize his head. This way he can maintain a motionless field and stay focused on whatever captured his attention.
    Like the Red Hawk in this video (original on Instagram).
  • He doused flames with his wings.
    Although he did so when raining, he likely could douse a small flame by the power of the air generated by the flapping of his wings alone.
    Canon as per Psylocke and Archangel: Crimson Dawn miniseries.
  • His feathers are waterproof.
    While he doesn’t like it to fly when it pours, he can if necessary: it’s just harder, takes up more resources and it’s more difficult because of the different structure of air.
    When he takes a bath or gets wet, he needs to shake with mild strength his wings to get rid of the excessive water in order to take flight, but he’s not completely impeded like a normal bird when their feathers are soaked.
    I don’t care that technically he would need to manually preen his feathers with oil that a gland should produce. Let’s pretend the oil is produced somewhere where the feather is attached to the skin and naturally spreads on the feather, like it happens for sebum and hair.
    In Iceman & Angel Bobby believes Warren cannot fly because his feathers are wet and birds can't fly when they have their feathers wet, but Warren points out that he's not a bird. And then takes flight.
  • His wings can break bones.
    The old tale "swans can break bones" might be a myth, but his wingspan and weight make Warren a little bit more dangerous than a swan; also, his bones (while still hollow) are bigger and therefore harder.
    Canon, or wouldn't be cited on Warren's page at Marvel Fandom.
    The fact his wings are less delicate than the ones of the average bird must be canon, although never specified: else, he would spend most of his X-Men times in bed with his wings immobilized to help them heal.
  • His wings reflect his emotions.
    His wings move, shift and twitch unconsciously, they are alive in the same way an arm or feet are, and they seldom are completely still. When he's angered his wings tend to twitch no-stop, when he feels threatened they unfold, in an unconscious way to make him look more dangerous - like many birds including the dreaded swans. When he's sad, lonely or hurting, the wings fold around him like a shield, when he's feeling good, happy or is having a good time, the wings are loose, not completely folded but not spread either.
    Someone who has had the time and closeness to get to know Warren well can understand how he’s feeling by “reading” his wings and posture like one could do with someone’s face, making it easier for them to read Warren - as Warren has learned to hide his emotions and control how his reactions play on his face.
  • He prefers to sleep in king-size beds not (only) because he's an entitled billionaire.
    Back when he was a teen student hiding his new mutation at the Academy he learned how to sleep with his wings tightly folded. When he became a student at Xavier's he wasn't afforded a bed bigger than his four peers, and he became used to not let the size of his wings interfere with his sleep, but king-size beds allow him to stretch a bit his wings. And, since he can afford to buy one or rent suites, he's never forced to sleep in small cots anymore.
    With time Xavier started to offer different bed sizes to each different mutants he collected, but at the times of the First Class all rooms were equally fitted.
  • He makes for an unique sharing-bed experience.
    He isn't annoying when sharing a bed, and stays on his side, but even when folded his wings tend to take up much space.
    His wings might be pleasing during winter, and sleeping back to back makes like sleeping against a breathing, living duvet; in summer, however, sharing a bed with him it's absolutely a nightmare.
    Also, because of his wings, it's uncomfortable for him to pull up blankets to his shoulders, meaning anyone sleeping against his back can't properly cover themselves up to the neck either.
  • His bedrooms are minimalist - and at the very least wingspan width proof.
    Having to replace decorative objects because he had a nightmare and he knocked down that designer glass lamp from the night stand with a wing or that antique vase in the living room when he stretched out a bit after returning from a long day making some billion eventually annoyed the hell out of Warren and figured that a minimalist approach to his house(s) fitted better his mutation. Or at least the night stand needed to be moved back by a good two meters.
    This might've become a reason for conflicts with Betsy when they started living together: Betsy loves luxury houses as much - and perhaps even more - as Warren (given her high-class English upbringing), and she didn't really appreciate that, when it came the time to renovate the damaged SoHo loft, Warren wanted to turn it into some kind of minimalist advertise from AD magazine.

  • Body characteristics

  • He's stronger than he looks.
    All his upper body is built for flying, meaning each muscle is developed to generate the strength necessary to get him airborne.
    Canon as per Excalibur (2005) #11/#12, but sadly never picked up again.
  • He's stronger than he looks, part 2.
    Since he's built to withstand the friction of high-speed flight, his tissues makes him more durable than an average human, and impact forces have less effect on him.
    Canon, or wouldn't be cited on Warren's page at Marvel Fandom.
  • He has superior stamina.
    Make of that what you wish. *winks*
    Canon, or wouldn't be cited on Warren's page at Marvel Fandom.
  • His sight is on par to the one of a eagle and his eyes can withstand the higher heights and high-speed winds that would damage human eyes.
    Canon (in X-Men #101 says his sight is better than any raptor). Sadly never reminded the reader enough. Most of the time is left unsaid, and other characters seems to have super sharp sight when they actually shouldn't because it's not one of their powers, so the reader might infer that Warren's sight is equal to Rogue's or any other flying brick.
  • His sight is enhanced for the darker environments.
    Canon. In X-Men #74 he says he sees everything in the dark.
  • He can breathe at high velocities or altitudes, and copes better with low temperatures both in air and on the ground.
    Canon, but never underlined enough. This is likely a characteristic to all mutant fliers, though, since no flier passes out for lack of oxygen when high up in the sky.
  • His body is developed to make him withstand the low temperatures of the higher altitudes, so he copes better in low temperature environments than the average human/superhuman.
    Canon, but never underlined enough. Same as above.
  • He can fly great distances on the power of his wings.
    He’s canon stated to be able to “fly at 150 miles per hour (240 kph) without the help of a tail wind for up to half an hour”, but what about the length he can fly?
    A female hawk wearing a tracker traveled from South Africa to Finland in just 42 days, for an average of 230km/day. Warren should be able to do so as well, if not more (given his bigger span and general size)
  • He's build for height, speed and elegance.
    Before sprouting his wings, he showed a natural skill in many sports, allowing him to excel at the many schools he boarded, making him their sports star in both high jumping and track meets, while his dancing abilities attracted girls.
    These skills of his turned out to be obsolete, in light of his flying abilities, but could still beat many of his peers in such competitions.
    Canon, related to his early life/pre-Xavier material.
  • He's a talented diver.
    His body is built for dives in air but he has a natural skill for water diving as well, since he possesses all the skill necessary to become a competitive diver: strength, flexibility, kinaesthetic judgment and air awareness. He's elegant and quick in twists and somersaults and instinctively enters the water at a perfect vertical angle, with little to no splash, wings tightly closed behind his back.
    His first time with high diving happened the first year at Xavier's, when he was dared by one of the boys to plunge-dive like a sea bird, but it then became a fun activity whenever the class had access to the private outdoor pool that Xavier had fitted with a platform for the students, so they can use diving as an exercise to learn to control the fall. Jean and Warren found themselves diving together, she from the platform and him from mid-air, and they eventually became an unofficial diving pair, turning a fun activity into powers training: Jean refined her tk by using it to control the twists and angle of plunging, helped by Warren who did the motions and had her imitate him.
    Only his big wings and his mutant status - that immediately disqualifies from agonistic sports - prevents him to even be considered a natural talent in this discipline.
    A scene that could imply Warren dives in the pool is seen in Marvel's Voices: Pride (2021).
  • He doesn't get fat.
    His body naturally has less fat than an average healthy human and doesn't store excess fat. He might stress-eat, but he doesn't loose his peak form.
    Some people have all the luck, really…
    Canon, but never underlined enough.
  • He really is beautiful.
    He almost literally has the face of an angel. He is the very epitome of handsomeness (at least for Western canons) and his body has perfect proportions like out of the masterful hands of the likes of Michelangelo.
    According to canon, everyone turns their head when meeting him or at least the first thing they notice is how handsome he is - even during fight.
    Emma Frost described him as a god - and Emma is not a woman who would say such things for any good-looking boy around.
    Canon, but never underlined enough, especially when everyone - minus Toad and Blob - are drawn to be handsome top-models out of a fashion magazine. He should be THE handsome in the group, not drawn like any other blonde white character and virtually not distinguishable from Steve Rogers or Alex Summers or a visor-less, hair-bleached Scott Summers.
    "(...) Warren looked like a god. An Xavier picks you? To lead." is what Emma says in Astonishing X-Men #14.
  • He has many scars.
    His body is patterned with the scars left by Apocalypse's tampering. He also has two scars, left from the wings amputation: the wings grew back, but the skin still bears the mark where the first, original pair protruded.
    When he was reborn on Krakoa, he lost all scars he might have acquired in his life.
  • He has a small tattoo, in the shape of Betsy's telepathy butterfly.
    Betsy's death was a shock to Warren, who struggled to overcome the loss. To remember a woman he deeply loved, and whom he thought he would never see again, he decided to have her distinctive mark, the telepathy pink butterfly, tattooed in both an homage and memento.
    - When Candy was killed, Warren was in a bad shape. Besides, his body had been twisted and he had troubles to recognize himself in that blue-skinned guy that looked at him through the mirror. So he never thought of tattooing Candy's name, or something symbolic that would remember of her.
    Although Betsy died few weeks/months before Warren regained his pink skin (and with that any trace of Apocalypse's touch had apparently be canceled), he already had grown out of Apocalypse's shadow during The Twelve. Feeling truly himself again, it somehow came natural to him to have Betsy's mark forever branded on his skin.
    - The body he was regrown in Krakoa doesn't inherit any non-genetic changes, which means he doesn't have this anymore. Which is ironical: he lost the tattoo when he and Betsy definitely parted ways.
    Position to choose, but I'd pick a spot usually hidden by clothes but where he can easily see the tattoo without the need of mirrors or contorsionism.

  • As an X-Man / superhero

  • His wings aren't an appendix, a plus, but a limb.
    This means that what in other artificially winged characters is a matter of training, to him comes natural. This includes also use thermals and soar like birds.
    What Sam Wilson is depicted doing, especially when he uses the wings as a shield or weapon, Warren does it - and likely better [Sam is a trained fighter who gets artificial mechanical wings as backpack, it will never be the same as having two pair of wings grow out of your shoulders]
    - Yes, most of what Sam does is better done with the techno-organic wings, but you get what I mean.

  • He's one of the best aerial fighters in the whole Marvel Universe (I'd dare say the best, but I'm not sure where the quote came specified "the best" or even if it is canon in some official Handbook at all).
  • He outmaneuvers most of the Marvel flyers with ease.
    When he still was a teen beat both Iron Man and Human Torch (then authors forgot this and dumbed him down to make him easy flying prey of virtually ANYONE).
    Canon. As Haweye points out in Thunderbolts #27, "He's so maneuverable on those wings of his, he's making Moonstone and Songbird look like they're in slow motion".
  • He's very, very fast.
    Usually people, seeing his wingspan, underestimate how much fast he can be.
    Canon, as per Thunderbolts #27 and Gambit Annual 2000, but sadly never underlined enough.
  • He as enhanced reflexes.
    While his mutant abilities grant him a faster than human average reflexes, his record is the result of the intensive training as X-Men student.
    His top reaction speed is 0.01 second, four times faster than the fastest recorded in a F1 race (0.04 seconds). His average is 0.1, twice of the reaction time for an F1 pilot recorded in an off-track challenge. This allows him to be super quick in changing direction or turning mid-flight and also grants him an almost supernatural ability to avoid any obstacle or treat in a literal blink even when flying at his top speed.
  • He's very agile.
    Usually people, seeing his wingspan, underestimate how agile he can be while flying.
    He's unrivaled in a crowded environments, as the city skies and even in small confinements as closed spaces like warehouses. He easily beats any maneuverable flying machine.
    Canon, as per Thunderbolts #27, Gambit Annual 2000 and Excalibur (2004), but sadly never underlined enough.
  • He's learned to use the environment to his own advantage.
    Once he outsmarted easily Moonstone by dodging at the very last moment, using her own speed against her.
    Canon, as per Thunderbolts #27, but sadly never underlined enough.
  • He trained in aerobatics.
    Implied by Hawkeye in Thunderbolts #27.
  • He thinks in 3D.
    Since his body is literally made to facilitate flying, his brain is wired to always think in three dimensions when he's in the air.
    While other flying characters had to slowly get used to move in the air and remember they have to take into considerations three dimensions instead of two, it came easier to him (and the thousands of hours training in the danger room during his time as student honed those skills)

  • He does everything a bird can, especially a bird of prey, but better.
    He has a natural sense of direction, he can dive to attack like a falcon, turn midair at top speed, fly between two close obstacles without even slowing down, and so on. (movie Warren canon does that as well)
    First one canon way back from Avengers #53, rest as per Excalibur (2005) #11/#12 (either explicitly stated or implied), but sadly never picked up again.
  • He comprehensively studied birds.
    When his wings sprouted he tried to make sense of it by consulting ornithology books. He's proficient in bird anatomy and behavior. He used birds as masters, learning about the different hunting and attack methods that birds, specifically bird of prey, employ.
    While maneuvers can come instinctive to him, much he has learned by watching bird videos and reading about birds.
  • He's often underestimated.
    Enemies who haven't had to do with him before believe all he can do is good look and fly. Either men and women had eventually learned that he can do much more - all the while still looking handsome like a god.

  • Other bits

  • He's one of the few X-Men who was a genuine superhero on his own before getting recruited by Xavier.
  • He turned down Avengers membership.
    He was offered at least two times.
    Stated by Steve Rogers in The Heroic Age: Heroes Handbook series, which is written as if they were journals from Steve Rogers.
    Natasha Romanoff asked Warren and Bobby to join a new Avengers team in Avengers Annual '99 but, as the request came after the Avengers' believed death against Onslaught, they both believed that their presence in an Avengers team would be of no good.
  • He's a member of the Hellfire Club.
    Membership is passed down through household, and he inherited his after the death of his father. He visited once with Candy, who was a member as well, but they didn't like the place and never returned.
    He used his membership to arrange invitations for the X-Men to a party that lead to Jean's corruption and to Dark Phoenix.
    When he was a boy, his father used to bring him to the New York branch, and it was here that he became friends to Shinobi Shaw, Sebastian Shaw's son. Sebastian always liked Warren's attitude, a "spark - a fire, the eye of the eagle" that didn't see in Warren Jr..
    The first reference to Warren's membership is in Uncanny X-Men #132, but further exploration was seen in X-Men #29, with Warren's first time at the club with his father shown in Logan: Shadow Society, and his first visit as a full member in Uncanny X-Force #17.
  • He lost both his parents because of his uncle.
    Burtram Worthington, his uncle, killed Warren's father and, time later, he attempted to get his hands on the Worthington fortune by courting and proposing to Warren's mother. His plans backfired when Warren with the O5 intervened, and Warren's mother, who Burt had been poisoning, died before the marriage could be celebrated.
    Both times, when the death happened, Warren was with Candy.
    Ironically, Burtram Worthington worked as a criminal under the name "Dazzler".
    The death of Warren Jr. happened in Ka-Zar (1970) #2. Kathryn's death happened off panel sometime before The Champions runs, and was developed only in 2000 in X-Men: The Hidden Years.
  • He's on best-friend terms with Dazzler.
    They dated for a brief while, then Alison "friend-zoned" him, but Warren remained at her side as friend. Life eventually separated them, but they still have affection for each other.
    Sadly, no author remembers that Warren was a recurring presence in Dazzler's solo title in the 80s. The only subtle references of their closeness is during Necrosha crossover, where she ask him what happened to his wings (he's sporting the metal wings).
  • He had a fling with Black Cat.
    During the Superhero poker night in which he was invited, Warren found himself sitting near Felicia Hardy, who started to heavily flirty with him, eventually even physically clinging to him. Their farewell is Felicia giving him her cell number to be "reached anytime of the day", and to Warren's "what about the night?" Felicia meows.
    Canon, as per Spectacular Spider-Man (2003) #21.
    Technically, at the time of this issue, Warren was still with Paige - though off panel (as he was out of the X-Men). Paige and Warren were still together months later, as per Excalibur (2004).
  • He and Betsy first met years before she joined the X-Men.
    Despite what people think, their first meeting didn’t happen when all mutants returned to the fold after Muir Island. They didn’t met each other the first time during Inferno either. The first time Warren and Betsy met was at the Hellfire club. Back then Betsy still worked for S.T.R.I.K.E and Warren had just inherited his parents’ fortune and publicly revealed his mutation.
    It was Betsy to ask him out with telepathy and they spent few minutes speaking through mind, until Brian returned and together the Braddocks left. They clearly were both physically drawn by each other.
    Canon, as per Uncanny X-Force #17.
  • He had two twin children, Uriel and Eimin, with Final Famine Horseman Ichisumi that got pregnant when Warren ascended as new Apocalypse.
    They went bringing literal destruction of planet Earth - only Havok's Avengers managed to revert their plan. No one involved (notably Wolverine, Havok and Rogue) thought to ever enlighten Warren of their existence or their fate (to their defense, Warren at the time was memory-less); they didn't tell any other X-Men either (Psylocke included).
    Marvel Database is adamant that, by the end of the arch in Uncanny Avengers #22, Daken and Grim Reaper are holding the corpses of the Twins. I never got the impression the Twins were dead, they could be just passed out. Why would Daken and Grim Reaper save their corpses? To do what? It would make sense that they are saving them from the wreckage of the Mutant Ark. I know, Eimin says "we'll die together". Their death would also explain why we never saw of them again - but they also were Rick Remender's original characters, so it could be that no other author was interested in picking them up and then they went were minor characters go when their authors move on.
    Anyway. I feel entitled to ignore what's not even clearly stated on canon and pretend they might be alive, if I need it for my own headcanons.
  • He doesn't remember his Ascension.
    By the time he got his memories and persona back, time had passed and the people who knew the secret had moved on. Neither Logan nor Betsy thought that Warren had the right to know the things he did while he descended into darkness, nor the genocide he committed when he ascended as the new Apocalypse.
    To this day, Warren still doesn't know about Tabula Rasa, nor that he'd been chosen by Apocalypse has his heir. Even the memories of his time in the second X-Force team are fuzzy at best: he knows he chose to keep X-Force running after Scott shot it down, he remembers Phantomex taunting him and flirting with Betsy, and he knows he killed and maimed at Betsy's side, but he isn't aware of the true extent of the horrors they committed.
    Canon? Anything X-Force related has stopped to be referenced after the Tabula Rasa arch in Uncanny and Uncanny X-Men Avengers faced the fallout of the Dark Angel saga. Warren never hinted at remembering his time as part of a hit squad, nor said or done anything that would imply he remembers he had been a mass-murderer.
  • He's been often a damsel in distress.
    Back in the early 80's he was the damsel in distress to make a mutant woman shine. In Dazzler's solo title he usually needed Dazzler's help to be saved. In Uncanny X-Men he was kidnapped and set for a forced marriage (and following non-con first wedding night sex), saved by a knightess (Storm) that had to duel with the villain (Callisto) to save him.
  • He's been close to be sexually abused.
    Callisto boldy admitted she was looking forward to their first night. He has to thank Storm who saved his feathered ass from non-consensual sex.
  • He's not as vapid as people who don't know him believe at first look.
    He might have played up his socialite image to better hide his Avenging Angel identity, but he isn't a himbo. At times he pretends nothing is working upstairs, especially when he’s in the middle of a though deal, because it helps him take his enemies by surprise.
  • He's a very private person.
    Even with his closest friend, he's not one to open up or speak his mind. Especially about things that are painful for him.
    It took him weeks/months to open up with Bobby about Betsy, and he just admitted that he dreamed about her during his death experience in Scotland.
    Canon, as per Uncanny X-Men #416/#417.
  • He hides pain by keeping himself busy.
    The more is suffering, the more he throws himself in either fighting or his business in the hope to forget the pain. It never works.
    Canon, as per Uncanny X-Men #415.
  • His Aerie was originally located in New Mexico.
    In the region of the Rocky Mountains (as per X-Factor #1); specifically, above the town of Elijah. Later, it was retconned as a ski cabin style mansion in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.
    An explanation could be that, after everything that happened with X-Factor, Warren couldn't return to the Aerie because of the memories of Candy - here they lived together when he retired from the X-Men, here they set the headquarters for the New Defenders with Candy as leader, she was the one to oversee the refurbishing after the place was destroyed in the Defender's last battle against Moondragon.
    Needing to start from scratch, he searched for another place. Either he already owned the place in Colorado or acquired it/renewed it to be his new refugee away from the cities. The new Aerie doesn't fully replace the old one: New Mexico climate allowed for an outdoor pool and a sunbathing terrace (which made the Aerie a summer place), while Colorado one is more suited for winter and skying (this Aerie is built in a sky cabin style). But Warren needed a newer place - this time to keep secret, location undisclosed so to enjoy full privacy.
    He has kept the New Mexico mansion: everything Candy left him is there, all Candy's belongings he owned, be them forgotten in any of his houses or acquired, have been collected there. He never returns there though - and he never brought Betsy there either: the New Mexico mansion belongs to his past, to Candy. As the Colorado mansion will be forever part of his life with Betsy.
    The New Mexico Aerie is referred as "summer home" in The Incredible Hulk Annual (1978).
  • He renounced a portion of his life force for Betsy.
    When Warren took the Crimson Dawn to save Betsy, he didn't know that an equal force would have to be given back in order to keep the balance. This lead to an unbalance that allowed Kuragari to raise into power and corrupt Betsy.
    When Betsy succumbed to the power of the Crimson Dawn, Warren gave up some of his life force to repay his debt to the Crimson Dawn, in order to stop Kuragari from claiming Betsy's soul as payment.
    Which means that, technically, he shortened his life span - to what extent, is unknown.
    Canon, as per Psylocke & Archangel: Crimson Dawn, but never referenced again outside of the miniseries.
  • He's not repulsed by the idea of dating a more powerful partner.
    It didn't happen often, as he dated most outside of the mutant corner, but he never allowed the powers of the mutant gifts to scare him away from a possible partner or deter him from a crush.
  • Birds flock after him.
    There has been some incident in which birds decided to follow him. Warren always feels guilty, because he doesn't lead them they way they want to go.
    Mentioned in X-Men: First Class.
  • He was invited to Captain Britain's wedding.
    Other than the mutants who have been part of the first Excalibur incarnation, Warren - as then fiance to Betsy - is the only X-Man who was invited to Brian Braddock's wedding.
    You should stop everything you're doing and read Excalibur #125 if you haven't already.
  • He's friend with Dane Whitman, the Black Knight.
    They go way back, according to Dane's daughter, Jackie. They don't have any "rich heroes handshake", by the way.
    When Jackie had reason to believe she could be a mutant and needed some help, she asked her dad's butler if he knew any mutants, and the butler suggested Warren's name.
    The fact the two "go way back" is canon as per Jackie's words in Legion of X #8.

  • Powers and abilities

  • He came into the possession of a soulsword, taken from an alternate Magik, although it was never explained if it had some powers once removed from Ilyana's hand; he wielded it like a sword, albeit more sturdier.
    It lasted few issues - and Warren's presence in Uncanny X-Men followed suit no longer after.
  • He cannot communicate with birds.
    Despite what people think, he can't speak nor understand birds. It gets tiring to repeat it, at some point.
    Implied in canon, but Warren thinks explicitly about him not being able to understand an eagle in Defenders #139.
  • Xavier taught him to shield his psy-null mind from mental intrusions.
    He wouldn’t resist a “brute force” blast from an Omega telepath such as Jean at her fullest, if she wanted to take him down or control of him, but he knows how to keep his own mind safe from suggestions, even from powerful telepaths such as Xavier himself.
    Canon, as the whole Red Triangle protocol seen during the 2023 Hellfire gala. But it comes natural to think Xavier taught all the psy-null mutants to protect their minds at the best they could. Scott, during Utopia, was shown having a way to hide thoughts in a black box that was inaccessible even to Emma Frost. Perhaps not to such a level, but all psy-null X-Men should have at least a minimum defense against telepathy.
  • In his Archangel form, he’s very telepathy-resistant.
    During their Uncanny X-Force tenure, Betsy is unable to control Archangel with her telepathy. In one instance, Archangel manages to kick her out of his mind and making Betsy forget the encounter - suggesting he either turned Betsy's powers against herself or had ways to get into Betsy's mind through the established connection to influence her memories.
    Only after Age of Apocalypse!Jean helped Betsy unleash her full potential, turning her into an Omega mutant, Betsy is able to hurt him with her telepathy used as an offense weapon - yet, even her Omega-level butterfly blast isn’t enough to keep him down for more than few seconds.
    Never included in his canon powerset and never referenced again.
  • In his Archangel/Death form, he can smell death.
    It's a bit unclear how it works, if he can sense the smell of someone who is dying (as in body decaying) or what.
  • In his ascended Archangel form, he was considered a cosmic force and a celestial.
    Quoting Age of Apocalypse!Jean: "You are not the only cosmic force to corral life and death, celestial"
  • In his ascended Archangel form he attracted the phoenix.
    The Phoenix belonging to Age of Apocalypse!Jean briefly betrayed Jean picking Archangel instead, because at the time he was working to bring death and rebirth, what the phoenix desired the most.
  • Despite Marvel Office forgetting, he should still have the power of the Black Vortex inside his body.
    I refuse to believe that by cutting the flame wings he lost what was a cosmic power.
  • If Marvel Office insists on making Warren - even after literally died and cloned back to life - have his Archangel/Death persona, then it would also make sense that inside of him there's still at least a small piece of the Death Seed.
  • The power of the Life Seed, the one that made memory-less!Warren come up with light swords and resurrection powers, might have run out, but there should still be some piece of Life Seed in him, albeit powerless.
  • One could argue that he was entitled to some Crimson Dawn powers.
    Betsy was cured with it, and consequently got powers + the mark, but how was she cured? By Warren giving up the part of Betsy's soul Betsy entrusted him when the fell in love. But, in the Crimson Dawn mini, it was revealed that the bargain was faulty, and it should've been his the soul given to the Crimson Dawn (and he gives up a part of his soul). Shouldn't this mean that he should get something out of the Crimson Dawn?
    Also - he was warned that, by doing so, he would give up to part of his lifespan (Betsy showed concern, he said he was fine and he'd do it again for her). Never picked up again. Plus Betsy' soulmate is clearly Rachel Summer, right? *irony*
  • There also was the light form he took during Apocalypse: The Twelve that came out of nowhere as part of... well, it's not really explained.
  • Imagine the amazing things authors could come up with if they remembered and decided to fit Warren with three cosmic/celestial powers.
  • Yes, I'm totally suggesting a huge power-up when he manages to unlock both Death and Life seeds power and also some Crimson Dawn and his Vortex abilities. More on this in part 3.
  • + headcanons, ++ fandom: x-men, char xmen: angel (warren worthington)

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